Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 95: Ancient Peacock Heritage

Kong Xuan's resentment resonated with the fowl king's resentment. A sad, hopeless resonance.


The power of corroding Kong Xuan is getting smaller and smaller. To be precise, with this resentment resonating, the surrounding corrosive force is slowly recognizing Kong Xuan and slowly integrating it into Kong Xuan.

The power of corrosion disappeared, and a flood of light poured into the body of Kong Xuan, as if repairing Kong Xuan's body.


In front of Kong Xuan, a huge scarlet peacock ghost appeared slowly.

"Ancient Peacock God?" Kong Xuan stunned.


The ancient peacock **** instantly drilled into the heart of Kong Xuanmei.

Kong Xuanmei's heart also had a cyan peacock god, but only one tenth the size of the ancient **** peacock god.

"You awakened me, you are also a peacock god? But, too weak!" The **** peacock sank.


Kong Xuan's consciousness entered his own peacock god.

"Ancient seniors, are you awake? Can you communicate?" Kong Xuan said in surprise.

"Is you swallowed by the bird king's grudge spirit? For many years, he has completely lost his mind. Alas, I wouldn't be able to wake up if you resonated with his grudges. Peacock family, what's the matter now?" Scarlet The peacock anxiously.

"I am the only one who insists, the others, the Shangtian Palace and the Zhongtian Palace are not, and the Xiatian Palace are few. If I were not to support them, the Peacock clan would be almost extinct, and to the outside world, they would not be called a clan!" Kong Xuan sadly said.

"Just hold it up, you go to heaven?" The Scarlet Peacock was surprised.

"Yes, senior, this time when I came to the corpse to do business, I met a strong man and was almost beheaded. If it was not swallowed by the bird king, I ...!" Kong Xuan bitterly said.

"What are you doing?" The Scarlet Peacock asked.

"The Heavenly Palace is the ninth most important, but it is still not the opponent of the bird king's grudge spirit. He has played against him not long ago. He is very brilliant!" Kong Xuan bitterly said.

"The Heavenly Palace is the ninth most important? You can't fight the bird king's grudge? Absurd, his strength cannot be your opponent's, why are you so weak?" Scarlet Peacock said in astonishment.

"Ah I……!"

"Six colors of light, you don't even know it? By the seventh weight of the Heavenly Palace, all peacocks must be able to do it. You are ninth weight, not yet?" Scarlet Peacock said blankly.

"I, no, the six-colored **** light, the super **** peacock, it is difficult to be born ...!" Kong Xuan depressed to explain.

"Let me see your memory, don't resist!" The Scarlet Peacock sank.

Then, the **** peacock's head touched the head of Kongxuan's peacock god.


Suddenly, a halo emerged from the touch of the heads of the two.

"Human race? That cowardly human race has become the protagonist of the world? Hahaha, it turned out to be this way. I knew that I had let the bird king swallow the whole human race!" The Scarlet Peacock exasperated.

"The destruction of the Peacock clan has nothing to do with the human race!" Kong Xuan smiled bitterly.

"Huh, what do you know, the human race has very weak talents, where can they compare to my Peacock family, but the bird kings are ridiculed, the Peacock family heritage is also broken, and the sky is dead? Oh, this world is really a mess Now. "The Scarlet Peacock sank.

"I always wanted to revive the peacock family, but ..." Kong Xuan smiled bitterly.

"Have you gone back 800,000 years ago? Super God Peacock? Oh, there are only six colors of God. In our times, there were 20 Super God Peacocks. It is ridiculous that my family of Peacocks has fallen to that. The situation, in your memory, 800,000 years ago, there was the birth of the super **** peacock. That is the sixth color of the peacock supreme. They used the faith of the peacock to brute force. At that time, the peacock family was still prosperous. Now Actually, huh ...! "The Scarlet Peacock said bitterly.

"I've worked hard, but ..." Kong Xuan bitterly said.

"I don't blame you. With ordinary practice, you can impact the ninth weight of the Heavenly Palace, which is very rare. Unfortunately, the Peacock family broke the lineage. You do n’t know how to use your own power. Huh, you all go to the ninth palace. It ’s serious. No matter in the early, middle, or late stages, the world can stop you. Unless the Heavenly Palace is complete, no one will do it! ”Scarlet Peacock sank.

"Ah?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"Fortunately, the blood of the peacock family is not broken, okay, okay, okay, okay!" The Scarlet Peacock said with excitement.

"But in this world, there are too few peacocks. If I don't support them, the genocide will only be night and night!" Kong Xuan sighed.

"That ’s because the Peacock family has no inheritance, it ’s okay. You have no inheritance. You swallowed me with your god, inherited by me, let you know that the Peacock family is powerful. He only has the eighth-highest practice in the Heavenly Palace. What about the fierce sword? Huh, if you have passed on the inheritance, would he be your opponent, fast! "The Scarlet Peacock sank.

"But if I swallow you, what will the bird king do?" Kong Xuan frowned.

"If you swallow me, he can rest in peace. As long as the peacock family resurrects, everything is worth it!" The Scarlet Peacock solemnly said.

"I ...? Yes!" Kong Xuanying said.

Opening his mouth, he swallowed towards the Scarlet Peacock.

"Remember, be careful!" The Scarlet Peacock added at last.


Suddenly, the Scarlet Peacock got into the mouth of the Peacock God in Kong Xuan.

At the same time, the stomach of the bird king's grudge spirit burst out of **** peacocks one after another, and one after another poured into the mouth of Kong Xuan's peacock god.

For the sake of the tribe, the ancient peacock **** did not complain in the slightest.

"Kong Xuan remembered the predecessors' righteousness, and Kong Xuan promised that for the peacock family, Kong Xuan would like to die with each other!" Kong Xuan solemnly shouted.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

In the body of the bird king's grudge spirit, with the righteousness of the ancient peacock god, a force quickly poured into Kong Xuan's body, repairing Kong Xuan's body and healing Kong Xuan's wounds.

Kong Xuan suddenly sat cross-legged, because with the sacrifice of the ancient peacock god, in my mind, suddenly a myriad of peacock clans suddenly appeared.

"So many inheritances?" Kong Xuan was surprised.


Suddenly, a five-color divine light emerged from Kong Xuan's palms, and Kong Xuan merged the two five-color divine light. The two rays instantly merged into one, and a sixth-color light gradually emerged.


The six-colored divine light appeared in the palm of Kong Xuan. As soon as the six-colored divine light came out, it immediately gave off a ray of thorns that shone everything, with a bright light, with a strange breath.

If the six-colored divine light from the bird king's Wraith is deadly, the six-colored divine light from Kong Xuan is full of vitality, and this thorn is as bright as the six-colored divine light from the bird's Wraith countless.


"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The six swords of the sword **** flew away the bird king Wraith.

"Huh, you are getting weaker and weaker. Just now, you can still block me. Now, it's the same as Kong Xuan, Peacock family, but this is the case! Deserve to destroy the family!" The sword **** six sneered.

The last sentence seemed to stir up the furious point of the bird king. For a moment, the bird king became manic.



The king of birds flung the increasingly dark six-colored light, and flung in desperation.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Half an hour later, under the impact of a series of swords, the King of Birds was very scarred.

"It's getting weaker, huh, but that's it. See me breaking my belly and digging my stomach to find Kong Xuan!" Sword God in the six eyes was cold, and the sword in his hand was chopped.


The speed is too fast, and now the weak Wraith can't resist at all, and in an instant, it was cut in half by the sword god's six swords.

"Huh!" The sword **** Liudao sneered with contempt. He turned around and looked.


With a loud noise, the ruthless Avian King Wraith exploded and opened.

At the moment of the explosion, the bird king issued a cheerful peacock beeping: "Ming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"The corpse grave world, one of the strongest grudges? But so, ha ha ha ha ha!" The sword **** laughed with disdain.

At half-laughing, Sword God's six faces froze: "No, the last time I was beheaded was not the more resentful, the resentment is gone? Impossible, why is there a feeling of relief? Why Will it be liberated? "

"Because, the King of Birds knows that I will take revenge for him!" Suddenly a cold voice came from the explosion center.

"Huh? Kong Xuan?" Sword God's six faces sank.


The aftermath of the explosion dissipated, and the emptiness slowly recovered.

The Bird King's Wraith had exploded into pieces, and the smoke disappeared, but in the void, there was suddenly an additional Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan was still that Kong Xuan, the scars on his body disappeared, but his clothes were still tattered, but at this moment, Kong Xuan seemed to be restrained by all the breath in his body. Standing there, if you don't need to look at it, you won't feel a breath at all, it seems to be one with the world.

"Kong Xuan, haven't you died yet?" Sword God looked cold in Liu Dao's eyes.

At this moment, Kong Xuan no longer feared the sword **** Liudao, and even turned his back on him.

Kong Xuanling was empty and respected the void after the explosion.

"Bird King, your last wish, Kong Xuan will help you complete, that is also my lifelong wish!" Kong Xuan worshiped.

"Thank you for predecessors, and pass on the mystery of the Peacock talent. I was so stupid before. Such a good talent would not be used. Now, although I have just realized 10%, I am enough, enough!"

"Hum, pretend to be a ghost!" The sword **** Liudao smiled coldly.


A sword, chopped off from the back of Kong Xuan.

Previously, the sword could not be blocked by four hundred five-colored gods. At this moment, it was even cut off from the back of Kong Xuan, and Kong Xuan was about to be cut under the sword.

"Sword of the six gods, do you know the mystery of the six-colored gods of light!" Kong Xuan said faintly against the sword.


The peacock's body seemed to have faded into a six-colored light.


The sword front slashed, the void tore countlessly, and immediately smashed a distant land.

However, Jian Xuan passed through the body, Kong Xuan still stood there, as if he had not touched the slightest, as if standing in another void.

"What?" Sword God's six face changed.

How could the holy sword fail to cut Kong Xuan?

But I saw that the hole Xuanxu slowly consolidated in the distance, and slowly turned his head.

Kong Xuan's eyes were cold and cold: "Six swordsmen? Now it's my turn!"

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