Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 96: Blood Witch Wraith

Corpse world!

The mosquitoes and Chang Ming were suddenly in shape, and their faces suddenly changed.

"What about people?" Mosquito eyes stared.

"Your Majesty, Mercy Bodhisattva is gone too?" Chang Ming sank in amusement.

Earlier, Kong Xuan and the unborn disappeared, and the two had already started drumming in their hearts, but unexpectedly, there were only two left.

The two looked at each other.

"The situation is not right, we immediately went to the center corpse, Your Majesty must be able to avoid danger, and meet Her Majesty there!" Chang Ming Shen said.

The mosquitoes' eyelids were picking. Obviously, there was some fear in the heart of the corpse pit, but at this time, the mosquitoes could only nod.

Just as the two wanted to accelerate.

"Buzzing buzzing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, the sound of flies came.

"Are they fly-flyers again?"

"No, look!" Chang Ming's face changed.

But I saw that in the distance, the billowing flies came roaring, and there were flies in all directions, and the billowing flies covered the sky, and everyone looked numb.

Of course, if it is just flies, after all, Chang Ming and mosquitoes can turn into dense bats and mosquitoes. The point is, behind this fly, there are nearly a million grudges.

"Roar!" "Oh!" "Ahh!" ...............

Billowing spirits, like a big party, were attracted by flies.

"Asshole, fly fly, you come out!" The Mosquito shouted suddenly.


With a wave of the detective's hand, the billowing mosquito flew up against the billowing flies.


Even though they blocked countless flies, many people rushed towards Changming and Mosquitoes. Countless resentments seem to have been provoked. At this moment, don't leave them alone.

"Mixed Yuanzhu!" Chang Ming immediately offered up a mixed Yuanzhu. Suddenly, a white light shrouded the Quartet, and a group of resentment spirits could not approach.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

A crowd of grieving spirits appeared.

"A bunch of troublesome things, fly-talkers, you come out for me!" Mosquito-talkers exasperated.

Because there are so many resentment attracted by fly enthusiasts this time, there are actually millions.

Although he was blocked outside by Zhuan Yuanzhu, they blocked their way. Make them unable to leave.

"Fly Taoist, you know, we have mixed Yuanzhu, these grieving spirits are not close to us, you are doing harm to others, how can you do this?" Mosquito Tao growled.

Suddenly, Changming and mosquitoes had a black gas around them. While they were wondering.


Suddenly, the light of the mixed Yuanzhu suddenly darkened, but it was this moment. The mosquito Taoist and Chang Ming suddenly stunned, as if they were about to enter a dream.

"Who said I was harming others? Hahaha! I asked Chun Shenshou to set up a corpse graveyard here." A sneer from a flyman was heard not far from the forest.


But in the black mist beside the two, suddenly two corpses emerged, and the corpses would soon penetrate into the two.

At this moment, the two had no resistance at all in the dream. The two were not able to resist with a strong logical consciousness like Gu Hai. As long as they were successful, they would be controlled by the brain. What's more important is that the mixed Yuanzhu bleaked, and nearly a million grudges rushed in. They should be torn apart.

The fly-traveler's calculation is perfect, and Chang Ming and the mosquito-traveler are about to ridicule.

But at this moment, Chang Ming and the mosquitoes were sober at the same time, the probe pricked their fingers and stabbed at the two corpses.

"Stab!" "Stab!"

The two corpses were punctured in an instant.

"Squeak!" The two corpses screamed in pain.

At the same time, one jade box with restraint was taken out.


Two heavily wounded corpses were stored in the jade box.

"What? How did you wake up?" Exclaimed the grave fly-away man not far away.


Chang Ming once again sacrifice the mixed Yuanzhu, and the light flashed out, and in a moment, some rushing resentment spirits quickly escaped during the scream.

"Chun Shenshou helped you to arrange the corpse Tsuzuka? You think there is only Chunshen Shouzhen? Your Majesty has already experienced it once, how could you be unprepared? In case of an accident, Your Majesty asked for it early and unborn Some shoufu are given to us, just to prevent the corpse grave! "The mosquitoes looked coldly into the forest in the distance.

"Impossible, jerk, jerk!" In the distance, there was a frustrated voice from the fly ignorant.

The fly dao people have calculated everything, the dead lamp Buddha dealt with the ancient sea and the philanthropic bodhisattva, the sword **** Liu Dao dealt with Kong Xuan, and Chun Shenshou dealed with the unborn person. In this way, the threefold past intended, and he could deal with the mosquitoes and ordinary people alone. Clear. Coupled with his own calculations, Hun Yuanzhu arrived.

But who would have thought they were prepared?


At this time, a group of resentment pounced on the forest where the fly-path people were.

"Get away!"


Fly Taoist suddenly punched a group of grudges. Obviously, it is also angry, but flying a group of resentment will only attract more resentment.

"You're restraining yourself as a cocoon, huh!" The Mosquito chuckled coldly.

"Where is Your Majesty?" Chang Ming cried.

However, in the distant forest, the flies were depressed and ignored the two.


After a series of heavy blows, the Wraiths were partially destroyed, but the Wraiths would be reborn, immortal at all, and in a blink of an eye, the fly priests themselves were in a difficult situation.

"Fly Taoist, how many years have you been fighting with me? It's an old acquaintance. Now, I will give you a chance and follow me into the Dahan Dynasty, and we will save you!" Mosquito Taoist drunk.


There are more and more resentful spirits around the fly Taoist, but the strength of the fly Taoist is also extraordinary. They fight the fly away again and again, but the action becomes difficult for a while.

"Hum, enter the Dahan Emperor? Mosquito man, you degenerate yourself, don't pull me together! And, how many years have you been fighting with me, do you think that I and you are the same way?" The fly Taoist suddenly refused angrily.

"I don't know how to deal with it. If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have imprisoned you and killed you directly!" The mosquito said coldly.

"Well, in addition to mixing Yuanzhu, what you want is the heart of my flies, as if I want your heart of mosquitoes! If only I would be willing to get my strength, otherwise, you would have been Get started! "Fly Taoist sneered smirking around.

"Yes, I used to have this idea before, but now, I do n’t need it anymore, my vision is different, and what I see is different. You and I can join hands. It ’s not necessary to be one. Is n’t the power of joining hands the same? As long as you are willing to join Dahan Emperor, I and your Majesty will make it clear that you are important. You and I share the post of leader of the Dahan Emperor's army! "Mosquito advised.

"Well, it's up to you!" The fly whispered coldly.

"Well, what's wrong with me, it's better than you being bad and bad, no, you're hurting yourself!" The mosquito said coldly.

"Hurt others and hurt yourself? Huh, I just made a mistake! You wait, wait for the sword **** Liudao they solved the others, you don't even want to run!" The fly Taoist murmured coldly.

As mosquitoes retort.


Suddenly, countless blood rays appeared from all corners of the world. Once the blood rays appeared, it seemed to cover the whole world, and there was blood everywhere. Above the earth, blood was also shed.

Blood, billowing blood seemed to come out of thin air.

There was blood rain in the sky, blood springs on the ground, blood winds blowing around, endless large blood, rolling in, just for a moment, everyone seemed to be in a sea of ​​blood.

Countless grieving spirits, as if feeling the arrival of natural enemies, one by one showing the color of terror, and even the people who deal with the fly are no longer in a mood.

Oh, with a whistle, they fled and flew away.

Millions of grudges don't care about Changming, Mosquito and Fly.

Flee, flee, flee, now there is only one thought, leave here immediately, this sea of ​​blood has become a stormy sea. In the rush, the three seemed like a lonely boat on the sea, and seemed to flip over at any time.

The eyelids of the mosquitoes bounced wildly.

"What's going on?" Chang Ming said blankly.

Fly Taoists also showed horror.

"Isn't that bad for you? You, you, you have brought in blood witches and wraiths in order to deal with us? You know, how much circle we have spared to avoid it, you, you actually led it Come and deal with us? If we had an accident, you wouldn't be better! "Cried the mosquitoist almost hysterically.

"I, I don't know, I didn't cite it, it came by itself!" The fly screamed.

"What do you do now? How do you leave, your Majesty?" The Mosquito said angrily.

"Dead Buddha, let me go out, Dead Buddha!" ​​In the horrified fright of the Taoist.


There was a sound of waves splattering around the sea of ​​blood. The sound couldn't be heard at all, and the fly Taoists called for help, it was useless.

"You, you are not the ninth in the Heavenly Palace, and in one step, the Heavenly Palace is fully completed, so what are you afraid of the blood witch resentment?" Chang Ming frowned.

However, the mosquitoes and the fly people did not explain at all. The mosquito people pulled Chang Ming and suddenly shot in one direction. The fly people also shot in the other direction instantly.

"I am so dead!" A sad voice came from the sea of ​​blood.

The mosquitoes and Chang Ming fled and suddenly took a meal, but saw an old man in a blood-colored robe walking in the distance. The old man was in a cane, and his whole body was blood. slightest.

It seemed like the old-fashioned dragon bell came along little by little, but the speed was strangely fast, as if it were going to be in front of the two.

Numerous resentful spirits saw the old man in blood, and immediately turned around and ran.

"Come on!" The mosquito Taoist pulled Chang Ming and turned his head instantly, and fled in the other direction.

But as soon as he flew away, he retreated back, but in that direction, a **** old man suddenly appeared. It's exactly the same as the one just now.

The two turned their heads and changed directions, but there was also one in that direction. For a time, it seemed that there were sixty blood-stained old men in all directions. No matter which direction they ran, they were forced back.

The same was true of the fly enthusiasts, and the three men were pushed together in an instant.

"Blood Witch Wraith, it really is it!" Cried the fly horror.

"This is the clone of the Blood Witch Wraith? It seems that Xiu Wei is not as tall as you, why should you be afraid ...!" Changming wondered.

But it's just half said. But looking at sixty blood witch grieving spirits suddenly looked up.

"I am so wronged to die!" Once again made a sound.


There was a sound of inhalation in the mouth of the blood cloak.

"Oh!" "Ahh!" "Hum!" .........

But I saw that the millions of resentful spirits who had fled to the Quartet were suddenly sucked back by a huge suction, all struggling hard, but couldn't.

Just a single effort, all sucked into the mouth of the Blood Witch Wraith.

Can't escape, like a whale sucking water, sucking sucking sucking ~~~~~~~!

Just five breaths in time.


As soon as the sound stopped, millions of Wraiths were all sucked into the mouths of sixty Blood Witches.

Sixty blood witch resentment figures flickered and merged into one.

One bite, swallowed millions of grieving spirits that bothered everyone!

The three took a breath at the same time.


The blood witch resentment was suddenly facing the three, as if inside the blood robe, a pair of eyes were staring at them.

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