Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 97: Mosquito and concentric

In the sea of ​​blood, the blood witch resentfully stared at the mosquitoes, the flyes, and Changming!

Although the inside of the blood robe could not be seen, all three of them felt the kind of being stared at by the poisonous snake, shivering.

"We're being followed by him!" The mosquito's face changed.

"The corpse mound world, all the flesh and blood that the Witch Wraith stared at, except for the corpse worm and demon, everyone was eaten by him!" The fly Taoist face changed.

"But, you are the ninth in the heavenly palace, why do you want to ...!" Chang Ming anxiously.

As the blood witch resentment stared, Chang Ming's body became very disturbed. But I still don't understand. This blood witch resentment is just a resentment. How could it be so powerful?

"What do you know, the blood witch resents the spirit, and gathers the greatness of Shinto. Ours is just brute force and supernatural power. He is the real Shinto power. No one can help him except the Lord of the Peak!" The fly-path man anxiously said.

"But he is already interested in us and is about to open his mouth, ah, no good, get out of here!" The mosquito Taoist exclaimed.

Because the blood witch resentment suddenly opened his mouth wide, and his face seemed to be in the hat, but the mouth suddenly enlarged dozens of times. There were only two rows of huge serrated blood teeth in the hat. Opening a mouthful, there was a sudden suction, which swallowed everyone down.

"Shoot!" The fly fly drank anxiously.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Each of them struck with one hand. For a time, the blood sea below set off a huge blood wave, but the two palms seemed to pass through the body of the blood witch grieving spirit without touching the blood witch grieving spirit at all.

"Be careful!"

The three of them avoided each other almost at the same time.

The huge mouth bite dangerously where the three were.


Suddenly, the void was bitten and torn, and the clothes of the three were torn apart by the teeth. The mosquitoes and the flyes were torn apart with a small piece of flesh.

Only Changming, who should have mixed beads, is free from injury.

"Shinto area? His blood sea area, we can't touch it at all, can only let him attack?" Mosquito man's face turned wild.

"call out!"

Fly Taoists, regardless of the two, fluttered towards the distance and disappeared into the distance instantly.


Soon, there was a scream in the distance, but it was the fly Taoist who had just fled away, and fled back in a blink of an eye.

But in the distance, a blood witch avatar appeared again, and he tore off a piece of flesh from the fly's chest.

"I am so dead!" The two blood witches rushed towards the fly mosquito and mosquito mosquito again.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two shot at the same time, their palms were superior, and even the void was torn out of black holes. However, the blood witch's body could not be touched at all. The black hole was instantly filled by the sea of ​​blood, but they were torn again by the next flesh.

"Escape! Let's run away, separate!" Cried the fly.


The flyfly suddenly turned into millions of flies and fled away.

"I am so dead!" The blood witch wailed.

"Hoo, ho, ho, ho, **** ... ……………………!"

Above the sea of ​​blood, millions of blood witches appeared suddenly, one by one, overwhelmingly appearing, and each one dealt with a fly, as if to swallow the fly Taoist.

"Do not!"

Fly Taoists quickly changed back to one in horror, and millions of blood witches instantly became two bodies.

"We can't touch him. He can touch us. How can this be fought?" The fly-traveler fled hurriedly.

Two blood witches, one rushed towards the fly-path man, and one rushed towards the mosquito-path man, and they could only escape in fright.

"Shinto realm?" Chang Ming's eyelids jumped wildly.

Previously, the mosquitoes and the fly-spoken people did not understand what was going on, but now they can understand it. No wonder they are afraid of blood witches. This is a one-sided slaughter. In the Shinto area, even opponents ca n’t even touch it. , What else?

For a while, the mosquitoes and fly stalkers only had to be hunted down, and they could only escape by relying on cultivation, but the blood witch was too powerful in the end, it was his field and he couldn't run anywhere.

Soon, fly and mosquitoes were hurt.

"Why is Changming not attacked?" The fly-flyer exasperated.

Sure enough, Chang Ming was forced to come back by the blood witch except that he had just escaped. As long as he did not escape, the blood witch would not attack him. Otherwise, with Chang Ming's strength, he would have been killed by the blood witch.

"Mixed Yuanzhu, I understand. Although the blood witch is not afraid of Mengyuanzhu, after all, he hates it, so he did not attack Changming!" The mosquito Taoist immediately cried.

"Miscellaneous Yuanzhu?" The fly-flyer's eyes lit up, as if to flutter.

"I am so wronged!"


Suddenly, a blood witch suddenly hit his back with a cane.

"Ah!" The fly screamed in pain. A beating.


Blood Witch momentarily clasped the flyman's arms from behind. Caught the flyman.

"No, no!" Exclaimed the fly.

He had been avoiding before, and although he was scarred, he was not caught after all, because once he was caught, he was not far from death.

"Flying flies!" Exclaimed the Taoist man with a wild expression.


However, they saw that the fly's body suddenly split up, as if it had turned into a million flies, and they had to run away.

"I am so dead!" The blood witch wailed with a gleam of blood, suddenly locked all the flies, and the fly Taoists instantly changed back to the original, and did not escape.

"What? Sealed my magic power?" The fly Taoist desperately kicked.

However, the blood witch's whole body was nothing, except for grabbing the fly's hand, which he could not touch.

The fly avenger was caught and couldn't escape, and his face was horrified, because the blood witch opened the jagged mouth again and bite at the fly daoist.

The fly priests understand that this time they are about to be bitten, and they must have been bitten in half and must have been eaten.

"Help me, help me, quick, quick, quick help!" The fly-flyer almost shouted with a cry.

Although there have been countless killings in the past, when it is their turn, the fly-knowing talents know the fear of being killed, and those who are killed by the blood witch spirit can never live.

On the other side, the mosquito's face changed, and he rushed over.


Suddenly, the mosquitoes arrived in front of the flies and tried to save them.

When seeing the mosquitoes coming, a fly trembled suddenly in his heart, and a great gratitude filled his heart. Although they had fought with the mosquitoes for many years, neither of them actually wanted to see the other die. The mosquitoes did come to save themselves.

"I am so wronged!"


It was another blood witch avatar, hitting the mosquitoes.


A spit of blood spewed out and the mosquitoes were beaten out.

Did n’t save it, it ’s too late to save the fly?

"No!" Shouted desperately.


With a loud noise, the blood witch who was about to kill the fly priest was instantly struck by a strong body.

Under this maggot, the fly-flyer scrambled to tear the flesh on his arm and burst out of the blood witch's clutch.

He looked around in shock, but saw that when it was just a moment ago, it was Chang Ming, who drew the Yuanyuan beads on the blood witch's head. Make the blood witch a slap.

"I am so wronged to die!" The blood witch froze, and turned his palms.


Chang Ming, like a cannonball, fired into the distance, a blood spewed out, and his face was pale.

"Chang Ming, why do you save me!" The fly dao exclaimed.

"Kee, although I know you're using me, you are my master who saved my life after all!" Chang Ming vomited blood.

The fly Taoist heart trembled, and his mind was extremely complicated for a while, but instantly, he was attracted to the mixed Yuanzhu. Because no one can touch the blood witch, but this mixed Yuanzhu can.

"I'm so miserable!" The blood witch sighed coldly.

"Om, um, um, um .........!"

Thousands of blood witches suddenly appeared above the sea of ​​blood, forcing Chang Ming, Fly Taoist, and Mosquito Dao to the center. This time, the Blood Witch not only had to deal with Fly Taoist or Mosquito Taoist but also Chang Ming.

"What to do now? Otherwise, Mosquito, you use my mixed Yuanzhu to defeat the Blood Witch Wraith?" Chang Ming anxiously said.

The mosquito-eyed man's eyelids leaped wildly: "No, this is the Shinto realm of the Blood Witch. He has countless avatars, and you have only one mixed Yuanzhu. Even if we can deal with one, there are 10,000, and my strength is still not enough , Unless the entire realm can be broken instantly, otherwise the bloodless witch and the wicked spirit will never be killed! "

"The mosquitoes, we have a chance!" The fly mosquito gritted his teeth.

"Huh? Would you like to be with me?" The Mosquito stared.

"Yes, concentric body, dark realm!" The fly Taoist said in a deep voice.

"Dark realm?" Chang Ming was puzzled.

The mosquitoes didn't have time to explain, but looked at the fly mosquitoes with deep brows.

"There is no other way, no matter how you and I disagree, we will die in the mouth of this blood witch. It is up to you to control the dark heart for the time being, how?"

The mosquitoes changed their eyes for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, fly mages, rest assured, after solving the blood witch resentment, I will give you the heart of the flies, and never say anything else, otherwise, thunder!

"Okay!" The flyman nodded.

"Concentric, what concentric?" Chang Ming puzzled.

But they saw that the fly mosquitoes and mosquito mosquitoes were suddenly back to back together.

The flesh and blood of the back of the two suddenly melted, and they melted and merged back to back.


In a blink of an eye, the two became one person. No, they shared a torso and became ‘two heads, four arms, and four legs’. And the weird body suddenly burst into black flames, and once the flames burst out, it filled the whole sea of ​​blood instantly.

Not far away, the first blood witch resentment slammed in the palm of his hand. The freak greeted with a black flame in one arm.


There was a loud noise, and the sea of ​​blood exploded in an instant.

"Here? You two can meet the Blood Witch Wraith without mixing Yuan Yuanzhu?" Chang Ming was surprised.

"I am so wronged to die!" Thousands of blood witches grumbled.


However, I saw that the mosquito fly people suddenly shook their bodies, and the area of ​​black flames around them suddenly appeared 10,000 mosquito fly people.

Thousands of blood witches vs. ten thousand mosquitoes.

Blood Sea Realm vs Dark Realm.

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