Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 98: Desperate

The trunks of mosquitoes and flies are integrated, and under the same concentricity, they can immediately display a dark area.

As soon as the dark realm emerged, the black fire instantly blended with the sea of ​​blood, half black and half red, no evil.

Ten thousand blood witches and ten thousand mosquitoes and mosquitoes shot at the same time.

But I saw that when the blood witch waved his hand, there was a light of blood red on the body surface, and the mosquito and fly were shot, and the body surface was also a layer of black fire.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A huge unison. The mosquitoes' hands slammed into the blood witch.

The whole blood sea area shuddered and almost collapsed.


Thousands of colliding figures suddenly converged and turned into a pair of figures, in the course of each other's impact.


The sea of ​​blood is rushing, the black fire is soaring into the sky, and the two major areas are opposing. For a time, the entire void is trembling.

The mosquitoes are in charge of the mosquito fly, so it is the mosquitoes who make their best efforts.

"The sea of ​​blood is about to explode just now, you can do it!" The fly's head anxiously said.

The mosquitoes were exposed, and they were fighting desperately with the blood witch.

"Just a little bit!" The mosquitoes were anxious.

"My heart of the fly lends you, and I have borrowed all my strength. Now I can eliminate his magical powers in the realm. Why can't I suppress him? He is just a grieving spirit, even if the former heavenly palace was successfully completed Because now there is no physical body, and it can't be your opponent! "Said the flyfly anxiously.

"How do I know that this blood witch and grieving spirit has such power that I can only stand up to him, no, it seems, it seems to be a little weaker than him!" The Mosquito man growled in depression.

"Chang Ming! You attack the Witch Wraith," shouted the fly.

Chang Ming looked at it and suddenly rushed up. All the power of the fly Taoist was superimposed on the mosquito Taoist. At this moment, only he can shoot. Moreover, he has the mixed Yuanzhu, and he can touch the blood witch with the mixed Yuanzhu.

"I'm coming! Mixed Yuanzhu comes out!" Chang Ming sacrifice Mixed Yuanzhu and immediately ran into the blood witch resentment.

"I am so dead!" Thousands of blood flashed out suddenly.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Chang Ming was hit by the thousands of blood and flew out.


Mosquitoes were also spit out of blood.

The blood witch resentment, every time he shouted grievances, the resentment on his body was even higher. The sea of ​​blood also rose up around him.

After Chang Ming first entered Shangtian Gong, after all, his strength fell short. Even if he had a mixed Yuanzhu, under this aftershock, he was instantly shocked.

"No, I can't get near at all!" Chang Ming said bitterly.

"Then give me Yuanzhu! Let me come!"



Chang Ming frowned slightly, a moment of silence.

"Fly Taoist, you gave me all your strength, what's the use of you to mix Yuanzhu?" Mosquito Tao also looked coldly.

"You stalemate with the Blood Witch Wraith, and you ca n’t use it. It ’s not as good as I come. Mixed Yuanzhu, the Wraiths are so annoying. It means that when the sky was refining it, it had the role of restraining Wraith. Yuan Zhu is better than him Chang Ming! "Cried the fly.

"But your strength is all with me. How much strength do you urge?" The mosquito said coldly.

"Heart of Mosquito and Fly, if you let me control it for a little while, I can destroy him without the defense of the Blood Witch and Wraith!" The fly said.

"Let you control it?" The Mosquito face turned cold.

"You can rest assured that I will not let it kill you. Now you and I are in the same symbiotic relationship. If it kills you, I will also die. This method can only be used, otherwise, the blood witch will grumble. The stronger we are, the more we will all be consumed by him! "Cried the fly-tray.

"I am so wronged to die!" The blood witch howled again.


The sea of ​​blood soared again by one point, and the blood witch strength rose again.


Mosquitoes were once again spurted by a spit of blood from the quake, and obviously it was extremely difficult to persist.

"Come on, do what I say!" Said the flyfly anxiously.

"No, I can't believe you, Kekekeke!" Mosquito reluctant.

"There is no other way!" Said the fly-flyer anxiously.

"No, I can consume it again, wait for Your Majesty, Your Majesty will definitely come!" The Mosquito shouted in pain.

"You can't believe me? Huh, Gu Hai, where's Gu Hai now, do you know? Otherwise, we're all going to die, it's the only way!" The fly Taoist shouted with a cheeky face.

But mosquitoes still don't want to let the mosquitoes control the mosquitoes.

"Master, I believe in you!" Chang Ming suddenly said.

"Huh?" The two stunned.

"Now only the master can do it. Chang Ming's life was saved by the master. His disciples also counted as a master. This mixed Yuanzhu, although intellectually speaking, could not be given to the master, but the disciples were instructed by his majesty. The grace will be reported, and the love will be returned. This mixed Yuanzhu itself is a gift from the Master. The disciples are willing to believe in the Master and return it to the Master! "Chang Ming solemnly handed out the Mixed Yuanzhu.

Fly Taoist looked at Chang Ming, but he looked stiff.

disciple? From the beginning, the fly Taoist did not regard Chang Ming as a disciple, but only used relationships. However, it is only the trust and respect of this disciple today that surprised the fly Taoist with a very strange feeling.

The fly Taoist only glanced deeply at Chang Ming, but didn't say much, and took over Yuanyuan Zhu.


Junyuan beads shone slightly in the hands of the fly.

"Changming, how are you?" Mosquito said anxiously.

"Well, the mosquitoes, Chang Ming gave me the mixed Yuanzhu. Hurry up and give me the heart of the mosquitoes and fly, otherwise, we will all die here, hurry up!" Cried the flymen.

"I am so wronged!"


The grievances reappeared, the sea of ​​blood growled again, and skyrocketed again.

"Oh!" The mosquitoes insisted on hardships, and suddenly a blood spit was shaken again.

"Hurry up, Mosquitoes!" Cried the fly.

"Fly Taoist, you remember our agreement, and wait for this war to end, let's all turn our hearts to each other!" The Mosquito Taoist cried in pain.


However, I saw that the black flame attached to the surface of the mosquito body suddenly poured into the fly body.

The heart of the mosquito and fly was passed on to the fly dao people instantly, and the boundless power was passed on to the fly dao people.

At the same time, countless blood witch forces acted on the mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes suddenly exploded.

"Ah!" The mosquito screamed in pain.

At this moment, the fly Taoist injected the boundless black fire into the mixed Yuanzhu, and suddenly urged: "Break!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The black fire was soaring into the sky, and the super huge explosion ripped open the whole blood sea area suddenly. No, it was just a moment, the whole blood sea was torn into pieces. The explosion exploded, and boundless power rushed towards the blood witch.

"I am so wronged!"


Even if the blood witch screams loudly, it still does not help. Most of its power is used on mosquitoes. It can't stop the flies, and the flies also use the power of the field to urge the mixed Yuanzhu. Generates several times the power, this is the magical effect of the hybrid beads only known to fly experts.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" The blood witch grumbled.

As if washed by endless power, the entire body was instantly torn apart, and a red humanoid light suddenly appeared. When the humanoid light appeared, it was shrouded in mixed yuan beads, and then merged into it.

Mixed Yuanzhu became blood red.

Void quickly recovered. And the aftermath just now, Chang Ming was blown up with blood and blasted out.


In an instant, the void was restored.

The mosquitoes were dying at this moment, but their eyes were still worried.

"Fly Taoist, the Blood Witch Wraith was destroyed, the Blood Witch God was taken by you? I do n’t want the Blood Witch God anymore, and return my mosquito heart, you and I are separated!" The mosquito Taoist was weak.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, return your mosquito heart? Do you think I'm stupid? In my hands, you want to return to the mosquito heart? At most, you will be separated!" The fly-talker laughed loudly.

"Tear it!"

Suddenly tearing the body suddenly, the two of them were instantly torn in half.

The flyman returned to its original state, but there was a slight black flame around him.

The mosquitoes were thrown into the distance. The whole person collapsed, and without a trace of strength, looked carefully. A large hole appeared in his chest, but the heart was gone.

"Mosquito Taoist!" Chang Ming fluttered and hugged Mosquito Taoist.

"Kekeke, I misunderstood the villain, Changming, you go quickly and let your Majesty take revenge for me, cough!" The mosquitoes were all old.

"No, Your Majesty can save you, this, your Heavenly Power, Your Majesty's Heaven Power!" Chang Ming quickly took out the small bottle given by Gu Hai in horror and poured it into the heart of the mosquito.

The mosquitoes' heart slowly heals, but the mosquitoes are still getting old.

"It's useless, you don't know me and the Fly Taoist. Our dark bodies are counting on the guidance of the" heart ". The heart is the source of our strength. This bottle of tinkering can repair the injury, and the heart is not enough. Tianli is far from enough. Unintentionally, it is a dead body! "The Mosquito sighed in weakness.

"I killed you!" Chang Ming said guiltily.

Not far away, the fly ’s eyelids picked, seemingly regretful, but the next moment was occupied by long-cherished wishes.

"Mosquitoes, don't blame me. You and my hearts are incomplete. Only by merging can we achieve the dark heart of mosquitoes and flies, so either you die or I die! This is destiny, long predestined." The mosquitoes sneered.

"Fly Taoist! I shouldn't believe you!" Chang Ming looked at the fly Taoist with a sad look. You shouldn't believe in fly activists.

Fly Taoist looked at Chang Ming but sneered: "My good apprentice, ha ha ha, really is my good apprentice. Originally, it was impossible for me to get the heart of mosquitoes. You helped me get it, but also helped me get it. Blood Witch God, you know, this corpse grave world, I have been reluctant to leave, just for this Blood Witch God, to get this God, I will be able to use this to impact the heavenly palace great consummation, then, even the corpse I do n’t want to look at his face, Worm Devil. It is indeed my good apprentice, ha ha ha ha! "

During the conversation, the fly-flyer opened his mouth and swallowed the mixed Yuanzhu with the blood witch god.


At the entrance, a trace of blood appeared suddenly on the surface of the fly.

"I will have the power of the Blood Sea and Dark Realms, both realms, ha ha ha ha ha!" The fly-path laughed excitedly.

Laughing loudly, the flyman exudes a momentum that makes the void tremble. The tremor of the void shook the power of the Fly Taoist to the extreme, more powerful than the previous Witch Wraith.

At the moment when the flyman is proud.


Suddenly, a small hole emerged from the fly's eyebrow, and a little black gas appeared in the small hole, and a corpse was faintly seen swimming in it. Fly Taoist suddenly became rigid and could not move.

"How, how?" The fly-flyer showed horror.

"Yes, the fly lord, the blood witch **** I didn't get, has been merged by you? With the dark heart, you will be my first minister!" A thick voice came from the brows.

"Zombie demon? No, Feng, Fengzhu! What have you done, why can't I move, ah, ah, there is a corpse in my head? It's swallowing my head, controlling my body, no , No, corpses get into the brain? Why is it in my head? "Howled the fly trembled.

"Have you forgotten? At the beginning, the loyal pill that I ate under my peak!" The corpse worm's voice came slowly.

"Xiaozhong Wan? I've been excreted. Is there a corpse in it, and you have buried the corpse in my head, no!" The fly-talker exclaimed.

"Really clever!" The voice of the corpse demon came again.

"Feng Zhuo, Rao Ming, Feng Zhuo, Rao Ming, I will always be loyal to you, don't annihilate my consciousness, don't, I will be loyal to you!" The fly Taoist begged for mercy.

"No need. I trust my corpse worms more than I trust you. So, you see, in the corpse mound, all my ministers are controlled by corpses. You and Chun Shenshou are special, It ’s because I still want to use your memory. It seems that I think that's right, Yuanyuanzhu? Blood Witch and Wraith? You still have this expectation. Now that you get it, you are overbearing, it should be me Control! "A faint voice from the corpse grave came.

A kind of everything that has been planned for a long time. Fly Taoists are happy for their little cleverness and luck, but don't want to, they are already dead.

Suddenly, the flies found how sad everything was.

The enemies who have fought with themselves for many years have just desperately saved themselves. In the end, he trusted himself unconditionally and put his life into his own hands.

Those who are loyal to themselves have already sentenced themselves to death.

"Ha, ha ha ha, corpse grave demon, I'm really blind, blind!" Said the desperate growl of the fly-traveler.


In the mind, the corpse worm was constantly devouring, and the resistance of the fly priests became weaker and weaker, and the whole consciousness felt confused.

"The dark heart, in my name, is given to the mosquito Taoist, please return to the body of the mosquito Taoist!" The fly Taoist whispered softly.


However, he saw that a sudden black light burst out from the fly's chest, tearing the fly's chest, and suddenly rushing to the mosquito-passer's chest not far away.


The heart of darkness enters the body of the mosquito. The mosquito's already weak and dying body seems to be injected with infinite vitality in an instant and recovers quickly.

"Presumptuous!" The roar of the corpse demon suddenly came.

The flyman shuddered and was quickly dying.

"Hahaha, the corpse worm, you want to stab me, I'm dead, and I won't give you everything!" Said the fly-fly man with a big hate.

"Chang Ming, the hybrid Yuanzhu returns you, and the blood witch god, good raw refining, good raw refining!" The fly Taoist weakly spit out the mixed Yuanzhu, and suddenly shot at Changming.


Instantly, he got into Chang Ming's eyebrow.

"You!" Chang Ming shuddered, feeling that the whole body was suddenly filled with a strange power. In the eyebrow, the blood witch **** burst into blood and poured into Chang Ming's body. Chang Ming felt that his whole body was being immensely affected. Nourish in general.

"Fly Taoist, you're crazy!" The angry voice of the corpse grave came.

Fly Taoists actually gave all their power to Chang Ming and Mosquito Taoists.

"The most correct thing I did in my life was to accept an apprentice, Chang Ming, who taught me nothing but a teacher, and finally gave you this blood witch god. There are some secrets, even if the mosquitoes do not know it. Yuan Zhu, the God of Blood Witches, is the God of Purification of Blood Witches. The God of Blood Witches will become the God of Lordlessness. Whoever melts can refine it and become his own god. God is the seventh soul of man. .Only by possessing the seventh spirit, can the Great Heavenly Palace be fulfilled. Chang Ming, take it seriously! "The fly Taoist was weak.

Chang Ming's whole body of blood flashed out, and with a wave of his hand, a sea of ​​blood appeared around him. Suddenly, a large amount of blood enveloped the fly magist.

"Master, Master!" Chang Ming looked stiff. I want to drive the fly's eyebrow corpse, but the corpse has disappeared, and only the voice of the anger of the corpse demon is heard in its head.

At this moment, the mosquitoes were slowly recovering, and a trace of black flames appeared from their bodies.

"Fly Taoist, you, pass me the dark heart?" The Mosquito Tao looked at the fly Tao with surprise.

You know, the fly man is just like himself. He has no fly heart, and he is going to die.

"Mosquitoes, after fighting for so many years, I finally won you once, ha, hahaha!" Flysmen smiled weakly.

"You can still laugh at this time, I give you the heart of the fly!" The Mosquito said anxiously.

The weak fly enthusiast is a hand that catches the mosquito enthusiast: "Come, it's too late, my lifelong opponent, treasure!"


However, they saw that the head of the fly-traveler exploded.

"Don't!" Chang Ming and the mosquitoes suddenly exclaimed.

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