Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 106: Eternal stupa

"Your Majesty, the corpse was a little troublesome just now, so ..." The unborn person flew forward!

"Anyway, you can solve those corpses, it's enough! The corpses are so powerful that it is difficult for him to do it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Yes!" Weiren nodded.

"His Majesty, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva has disappeared. We need to find the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva first, or go to the Prince of the Ancient Man first?" Kong Xuan frowned.

"The ancient man, I have found him, and he is here, right here, but, at another time, it is like the two space-times you were in before! They are here!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh?" Everyone moved.

"Your Majesty, we stepped out of the underworld and came back again, and appeared here. Or, let's try again?" Weisheng asked.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

But I saw the unborn person Ling Xu.


A rift appeared in the void, and a large amount of yang came.


The crowd swarmed out immediately.

Instantly appeared in a mountain forest. However, the forests, endless plants, and weirdness all withered.

"Well? It wasn't like this before!" Kong Xuan was surprised.

Ancient sea eyes?


?? Well, it is clear that it should be the former Emperor Kongdi and other Huanghuang dynasties who came out with the bodies of the six Wraith Kings, and have already left.

"Go back first!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" Weisheng answered.

Ling Xu swept across the void, and once again exited from the two realms.

Everyone stepped in immediately.

One of them.

But I heard endless Buddha sounds, one by one huge gold inscriptions, floating in all directions.

Not far away, a round of Hao Ri, the inside is the dead lamp Buddha.

The buddha buddha showed pain, as if he was struggling with two thoughts.

Not far away, the pitiful Buddha and the ancient Han clasped their hands together, but the whole body exuded bursts of golden light, and the heavens and the earth seemed to stand like countless Buddhas and bodhisattvas. They chanted the scriptures and issued bursts of Buddha sounds. The sound of the Buddha rushed to the dead lamp Buddha in the center of Hao Ri, and the headache of the dead lamp Buddha became more and more severe.

"Ah, the lord's order cannot be violated, kill, kill, kill!"

"I am ambitious to resolve the sufferings of life, to make a world of bliss, to live forever and never forget my heart!"




The buddha buddha made two different sounds, and his head was getting more and more painful when he opposed each other.

"Master is up, disciples are here, and they have put down the butcher knife, Ming Wu is devoted!" The ancient man worshiped the Buddha with respect to the dead lamp.

"The Master is above, the disciples are pity for the students, and they will assist the older brothers to rebuild the Lando Temple, and take the responsibility of saving the suffering of the Cangsheng, and never forget the words of the Master!"

Aside from Qin Zibai, sitting next to the ancient Han, he was missing a word, and his Tonghui Scepter was also bursting with green light.

"Ah!" The buddha shouted in pain.


However, I saw that the Buddha with a broken eyebrow suddenly drilled a small hole, and in the small hole, the black gas was shining, and the inside seemed like a corpse was writhing in pain.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The corpse worm seems to be suppressing the buddha consciousness, and the buddha consciousness is suppressing it.

Gu Hai and others suddenly appeared, but also looked pale.

"The corpse worm is really careful. The replica of the buddha buddha, he obeyed him. He didn't worry, he planted a corpse in his mind!" The mosquito said, surprised.

"His defense is not without reason, at least, the buddha's will now rebelled!" Gu Hai Shen chanted.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the head of the withered Buddha. But when he saw the head of the dead lamp Buddha, he suddenly burst into a big hole, and the internal corpse screamed, and it instantly exploded into pieces.

The buddha buddha withered all over, and the surrounding Hao Ri also dimmed.

At this moment, the struggle on the face disappeared, replaced with a kind of kindness, looking at the ancient Han and the pity Buddha.

"Rulai, have you finally let go of the butcher knife?" Said the Buddhism Buddha weakly.

"Master, the disciples have fully realized that the sins of the past life will do their best to cleanse. The heavens left this corpse mound, trillions of grudges. The disciples would like to surpass this trillion grievances in the first step. No Buddha! "Said the ancient Han solemnly.

The dead lamp Buddha waved gently.


Instantly, the "triple past intentions" were removed.

Except for the thirty-five heavens and the earth arranged in the ancient sea, the four sides of the corpse mound have been dyed scarlet by the sky of resentment, and the billowing spirits have soared more than 100 times. In all directions, they are billowing spirits, wraith spirits. The more you scream, the more you scream. Resentment promotes each other, sublimates in general, and is constantly increasing.

"Resentment? So much resentment, did all the resentment spirits at the bottom of the corpse be released? With the rising resentment now, it won't be long before the corpse mound is broken, and the scourge is born!" Said the Buddhism Buddha in shock.

"The grieving spirit is not empty, the disciples vowed not to come out of the corpse grave world!" The ancient Han solemnly said.

The Buddhism Buddha looked at it, and finally smiled slightly bitterly: "Three Buddhas? Thousands of grieving spirits, you three are just a third Buddha combination, but there are too many grieving spirits, too much, you will not stand! "

"The disciples try hard!" The ancient man once again solemnly said.

"Poor student!" The buddha looked at the pity Buddha.

"The disciples are here!" Liansheng Bodhis respectfully said.

"Thank you very much. I used the great compassion to affect my lost heart and restore my heart!" The Buddhism Buddha thanked him.

"The disciples should, and if only one disciple is not enough, it is still the reincarnation of the master to help ...!" Said the pity Buddha immediately.

"You have realized the meaning of" Pity for Life ", and I'm relieved!" The buddha Buddha folded his hands together.

"Yes, Master!" Liansheng Bodhis respectfully said.

"Rulai? The greatest expectation for a teacher is that you can put down the butcher knife, because the teacher understands that you put down the butcher knife, it is more important to the blessing of life than to practice Buddhism in my life. Today, although I am a copy, but the Buddha The heart does not change, I am the original me. I wait for the Buddha to cultivate the heart of the Buddha, and the flesh is only a skin! ”The dead lamp Buddha solemnly said.

"Yes, Master!" Said the ancient man respectfully.

Although he knows that it is just a replica, a fake buddha buddha, the ancient Chinese understood that the Buddha's heart is the root of the buddha buddha.

"You can think of exceeding this trillion grieving spirits, rejoicing for the teacher, and hurting the three souls of the teacher. There is not much time. At the last moment, I will help you wait for the three people to divide this grieving spirit into a thirteen-layer eternal Buddha. Pagoda, each floor has its own space and divides the grieving spirits so that you can transcend! "The buddha buddha folded his hands together.

"Master, don't!" Li Shengbo's face changed.

"Thirteen-story stupa? That Lanto Temple, the eternal stupa?" Qin Zibai was also surprised.


But I saw that above the sky, the buddha buddha was missing a word, and the body's Hao Ri suddenly emitted hundreds of millions of lights, stabbing the heavens and the earth, and the haori enveloped the badly lit buddha Buddha slowly changed its shape and slowly changed. For the shape of a golden pagoda.

As soon as the huge pagoda came out, it went to the sky and fell to the ground. There are thirteen floors, and each floor has nine faces. At one time, the nine-face pagoda suddenly opened all the doors.


A total of one hundred and seventeen doors opened suddenly, and a huge suction was generated.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The surrounding spirits screamed, and was immediately sucked into the pagoda by suction.


Billowing grievances were immediately sucked into the eternal stupa. For a time, like a whale sucking water, flooded the whole corpse boundary.

"Master!" Anxiously sorrowful to the merciful Buddha.

Only the ancient man suddenly worshiped solemnly: "Master revives the tower in person, rescues the living, the world ’s virtues, and the disciples congratulate the master, and he has achieved positive results!"

The ancient Han worshiped, and the pity of the bodhisattva and Qin Zibai looked for a moment. Together they looked at the ancient Han, and instantly understood the meaning of the ancient Han. Now, as a tower, fulfilling your aspirations, isn't it a fruitful achievement? Congratulations.

"Congratulations to your master, you have achieved the right result!" Lian Shengbo respectfully said.

"Congratulations to the Buddhism Buddha, you have achieved the right result!" Qin Zibai also respectfully said.

The three walked slowly to the eternal stupa.


The grieving spirits rolled in, and the three urged the Buddha slightly, and the Buddha absorbed more quickly. In just one day, almost all the grieving spirits were all sucked into the eternal stupa. Only one percent of the outside world remained.


A total of 117 doors of the stupa closed at the same time.

At this moment, the eternal stupa seems to be magnified several times. For a time, it is full of all directions, forming an illusion stupa.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Within the stupa, countless grieving spirits burst into tears. There was endless resentment between the heavens and the earth, and a rush came, hitting this stupa, the stupa staggered, as if to be broken.

"No, the resentment between the heavens and the earth is too great!" Said Pi Shengbo anxiously.

"There are too many grudges, and the eternal stupa can no longer fit. The inner grudges manipulate the horrible grievances on the outside. How can we break the eternal stupa?" Qin Zibai anxiously said.

"Resentment? There is too much resentment, Master has worked hard, maybe it will be thrown away!" The ancient man also showed anxiety.

"Are you worried about the resentment between heaven and earth?" Gu Hai asked.

"Yes, resentment is generated by all the resentment spirits in the stupa, and has a connection with them. Although the resentment spirits are detained, there is too much resentment from the outside world, but it constantly impacts the stupa. The stupa may ........." The ancient man worried.

"What if there is no resentment?" Gu Hai asked.

"Ah?" The ancient man wondered.

"Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, protect the law!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" The two responded.

However, when he saw Gu Hai sitting cross-legged, he immediately urged the heavenly soul, exerted his great tragedy, and began to absorb resentment.

"Booming ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The countless resentments in the red corpse world seem to abandon all the resentment spirits in an instant, and all gather towards the ancient sea body. The ancient sea body is like a black hole, madly sucking this overwhelming resentment. Devouring, faster than the eternal stupa just swallowed the Wraith.

The resentment was quickly absorbed by the ancient sea, and at the same time poured into the eyes of the heavenly soul, condensing a new Qidan, resentment Dan.

PS: Three changes today, this is the first change!

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