Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 107: Two Destroyed Lights

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist Law!

The ancient sea sits cross-legged, and the sorrow of heaven and earth urges. Suddenly, the whole person is like a black hole, sulking in a crazy whale.

That terrible speed, the eyelids of Kong Xuan and Mosquitoes leaped wildly.

"The heavenly palace repairs Qi, but the rate of swallowing Qi is too exaggerated, right?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"More than exaggeration, this is resentment! There are also many types of 'qi'. Most of them are those who choose to practice with their own body, or practice mild qi. This resentment is very fierce, disturbing, uncomfortable, ordinary people. Ah! "Said the mosquito.

Although they were surprised, they dutifully guarded Gu Hai's side. Even the ancient Han and Chang Ming were not allowed to approach.


The eternal stupa on the side was gradually settled in the shaking, even if the inner roar of endless grieving spirits, without the cooperation of the outside resentment, could not shake the eternal stupa for a while.

Suck, suck, suck!

Just an hour.


There was an instant roar in the ancient sea, and a wave of air radiated from the surface of the ancient sea.

Following Wuqi Dan and Corpse Qi Dan, the third scarlet resentment Dan was condensed in Tianyan's pupils.

Heavenly Palace, fourth!

The three Qidans rotate around the eyes of Tianyan, exuding a trace of strange gas, but there are countless grievances from the outside world, which have just been absorbed, up to one-third, and those grievances are wasted?

Gu Hai tried again, hoping to gather the fourth Qidan. After all, others can consolidate the same spirit.

After trying again and again, Gu Hai lost his heart. As with the previous corpse qi, it was impossible to condense the fourth Qidan, and the resentment Qi was only one.

"Can only stop here? No!" Gu Hai reconciled. Continue to absorb.


Sure enough, the billowing resentment, like the previous corpse respiration, was absorbed again, but instead of condensing the resentment, it caused Tianyan to swell, as if a force had condensed, and wanted to eject the previous kind of divine light.

The aura of the corpse gas condensed before was so good that it directly tore the realm of the corpse worm and demon, but now the anger is also a kind of feeling that I have to send.

Tianyan swelled for a while, but Gu Hai was still looking for the most tolerance.

Suck, suck, suck!

There are still two-thirds of resentment outside, rolling towards the ancient sea.

The eternal stupa is completely stable, and will not be disturbed by resentment.

There was a shock in the eyes of the ancient Han, his hands were folded together, and when he saw his father so powerful, there was a joy in his eyes.

One hour, two hours.

Finally, the last strand of resentment was completely absorbed by Gu Hai.


The ancient sea trembled, the sky's eyes couldn't bear it, and the splendid ray of light did not appear, but strangely condensed into a silk thread, a scarlet silk thread-like ray of light, surrounded by resentment Dan thorough.

There is a feeling in the ancient sea that the divine light has been refined, can be stored in the resentment, and can be released at any time. As long as you are willing, you can immediately shoot it with the eyes of the sky.

Shoot now?

No, how powerful is this divine light. The previous corpse and demon have been broken by themselves, and a big hole in the bowl has been created in the chest. How can it be wasted?

"The corpse demon said that it was called" the light of extermination "?" Gu Hai moved in his heart.

A god-destroying light sticking to the resentment dan seems unusual, but only Guhai knows how powerful this god-destroying light is.

Just as the ancient sea rejoiced. Suddenly, Gu Hai's whole body exploded, and a threat of death loomed all over the body.

"No!" Gu Hai suddenly opened her eyes and waved instinctively.

The rules of endless chess are immediately transferred by the ancient sea. For a split second, countless galaxies appeared around the ancient sea.


Like a starburst, the void is enlarged numerous times.

"The corpse field, no ~~~~~~~~~!"

But it was the desperate voice of the corpse worm that suddenly came from the void.


The tumult of corpse flooded Gu Hai and his party all around instantly, and at the moment of submersion, the sneak corpse savior who was attacked was thrown away by the formation method.

The overwhelming liquid corpse instantly drowned all around.

"Close!" Gu Hai stared.

The sorrowfulness of heaven and earth once again urged, and the tumult of corpse was once again absorbed by the eyes of heaven.

"It's dangerous!" Kong Xuan and his face changed.

Gu Hai suddenly got up, stepped into the sky, and walked towards the corpse worm in the distance.

The billowing corpse gas was near the ancient sea, and all of it was absorbed in an instant.

The corpse worm is also extremely depressed, it is almost, it is almost able to destroy the ancient sea.

"How did you find the way out?" Gu Hai said with a grimace.

I thought that the corpse worm was trapped in the void, but the corpse worm was found in a blink of an eye. Could the ancient sea not worry?

"Huh, Gu Hai, do you know that you are fighting against my demon holy land!" The corpse worm did not answer.

Gu Hai looked coldly at the corpse worm, thinking for a moment, his expression moved slightly: "Yeah, understand, resentment, you found it in the direction of loss of resentment!"

"Huh!" The corpse smurf snorted.

Gu Hai's eyes were cold, but he understood that everything was just a coincidence.

"Don't you say that I've never given you a chance? Now, I'll give you a chance, don't you have a corpse field? I don't need a sky eye to fight you, how?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"That's what you said, hahaha, you're looking for death!" The corpse demon laughed loudly.


Suddenly, the tumour of liquid corpse rolled overwhelmingly towards the ancient sea, but the ancient sea was the greatest tragedy of heaven and earth, leaving the corpse to body.


Suddenly, the billowing corpse gas was absorbed.

The corpse demon suddenly rushed to the ancient sea, but in the chess course formation, the ancient sea shook, and the corpse demon could not touch it at all.

"I don't believe it, my corpse worm field is better than your chess match formation!" The corpse worm demon exclaimed.

More and more corpses are pouring into the ancient sea, but all these are huge tonics.

The corpse worm demons incarnate thousands of times, constantly chasing the ancient sea, but even the clothing corners of the ancient sea can not be touched, the corpse worm demons become increasingly anxious.

Chase chase chase!

After chasing for an hour, the corpse worm's face became a little pale. At this moment, he turned his head, his face changed.

"My realm? Are you robbing the corpse of my realm?" The corpse sorrow horrified.

But just one hour ago, the corpse qi in the field of corpse worms was already less than half.

The corpse worm immediately put away the corpse worm field, and suddenly took a big breath. Apparently, the corpse qi that Gu Hai had just robbed caused the corpse worm to consume a lot.


Gu Hai's body shivered, but it was just a moment ago. Under the absorption of endless corpse energy, at the corpse energy dan, there was also a light of **** extinction transformed from the corpse quality.

The second light of extermination?

"Good!" Gu Hai burst into laughter.

"Gu Hai, you lied to me and stole my corpse?" The corpse heavenly demon stared angrily.

Gu Hai took a look at the corpse demon, and he was in a good mood at this moment. There was a second light of extermination. Gu Hai could fight the corpse demon. As long as it is used well, it can give the corpse demon a fatal blow.

However, the ancient sea does not have these two lights that destroy the gods, but how can they be so wasteful if they rely on themselves today?

"Thank you for the corpse and magic, now you can go back to the formation!" Gu Hai threw a large sleeve.


The battlefield immediately rolled the corpse worm into the starry sky, and disappeared on the starry sky in an instant.

"No, Gu Hai, you liar, you liar, ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Deep in the starry sky came the roar of the corpse worm.

But, does Gu Hai ignore him?

Turned around and looked at the Quartet.

"The corpse grave world is still not safe enough. In that case, I'll arrange a super array for the Han children!" Gu Haishou waved.

Suddenly, the law of chess in the void was stirred by the ancient sea, like purple energy intertwined in the void, and the stars and sky suddenly changed innumerably.

The ancient seas lined up the stars and arranged a super array.

Thirty-five days of heaven and earth formed a large array, which was continuously improved and strengthened by the ancient sea. It took three hours for the ancient sea to stop.


There was chaos and grey in the surroundings, and it was impossible to distinguish between northeast and southeast.

Gu Hai has now stepped to the ancient Han.

"Your Majesty, was it just a corpse, a demon?" The mosquito Taoist worried.

"Don't worry, I have trapped him in the 35-day world, and he can never come out again!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" Everyone was shocked.

That's the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace. In the face of chess formation, there was no resistance.

"Haner, are you sure you want to exceed this trillion grudges?" Gu Hai looked at the ancient Han.

"Yes, father, the baby has made a big wish!" The ancient man solemnly said.

"Ancient Emperor, I will stay with the ancient Han. Thank you for this trip!"

"The mercy of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, you are an ancient man, you are helping me, I should thank you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Your Majesty, the minister will also stay with the ancient Han Prince!" Qin Zibai respectfully said.

"Well, if you don't say it, I will let you stay, and Mo Yike will tell him, your Qin family, do n’t worry about it, keep them safe!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" Qin Zi nodded in vain.

"Also, do n’t leave the range of this eternal stupa, 100 meters away. Beyond that, I ’m lined up. It ’s full of endless dangers. If you enter, it will be difficult to come out. These are the three battle symbols. I have passed a trace of chess rules .Smash a array of runes, you can take one person out, but only out, not in! "Gu Hai handed out three jade runes.

"Yes!" The three answered.

"Furthermore, the corpse grave world has been completely covered by chess tactics. No one can come in. Even if the shoushi comes in, if you don't go out right away, you will be lost! Rest assured here!" Gu Hai solemnly said.


"Haner, you do n’t have to stay for your father anymore. You have to deal with things in the sun. Take care! If you have something to do, use the symbol to exit the corpse and then use this figurine to contact you! Changming will be the first Time tell me your news! "Gu Hai took out a figurine and handed it to the ancient Han.

"Father rest assured! Babies are fine here!" Gu Han nodded.

Gu Hai nodded, taking Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Chang Ming, and unborn into the large array. Instantly disappeared in the gray corpse boundary.

"Take care of my father!" The ancient man saluted solemnly in the direction of Gu Hai's departure.

After a ceremony, the ancient Han slowly stepped into the eternal stupa with the pitying Buddha and Qin Zibai.

"Two, starting from the first stupa, we go up one level after another!" The ancient man solemnly said.

"Yes!" The two responded.


The gates closed, and the two began to overspite.

The corpse mounds are already full of formations, and others must be lost in it, but Gu Hai will not. Gu hai took a party and soon left the corpse mounds.

PS: This is the second change, and there is a third change at night!

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