Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 112: Fairy Purple Jade

"Shenzhou Blocking Order?"

"Yes, with the signing of the sacred continent, the three sacred places and the three dynasties must obey this order. Even if one case or one country perishes, other cases and other countries must abide by this order. This is using the credibility of the country. The credibility of the sects. All sects in all countries have complied with it, so even if the Ziyu Tianmo is powerful, it never takes a step on the land of Shenzhou! "Weisheng explained.

"I heard Master Liunian mentioned that although Long Xiaoyue suffered a big loss for Zizhulin, but in order to give birth to Wanqing and Wanyu, he kneeled in Zizhulin for a long time, it should be kneeling Ziyu Heaven demon, kneeled her for a long time, in order to get the water to save the tires, suffered all the ridicule! "Gu Hai recalled.


Fist suddenly clenched in the big sleeves.

"I know that the water was originally a gate in the land of Shenzhou. That gate had a little relationship with Xiaoyue, but Ziyu Tianmo used to destroy the case and took the water. Xiaoyue had to accept it. This shame! "The unborn voice trembled a little.

"Do you hate Ziyu Tianmo?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"I do not know!"


"Theoretically, let Xiaoyue suffer from this humiliation. I wish I could kill her, but this road was chosen by Xiaoyue. She would rather be humiliated?


?? also asked for the water, gave birth to my two daughters, or, without her, Wan Qing, Wan Yu are gone, I ...! "The unborn voice trembled a little.

"I have gas in my heart, but I cannot release it fully?" The mosquitoes looked at the unborn.

"Well!" Weisheng sighed slightly.

"Unborn, you don't have to be so entangled. Since the water for preserving the tires was originally a thing of Long Xiaoyue's friends, would it be difficult for Long Xiaoyue to get the water for preserving the tires without Ziyu Tianmo? She spoke, and others were delivered to Long Xiaoyue's hands. Therefore, because of the emergence of the purple jade demon, Long Xiaoyue had to suffer humiliation, and even kneeled in the purple bamboo forest for a long time to get what should have been her! .

No one shivered.

Perhaps the two daughters care too much, because the two daughters, the unborn, had to suppress the annoyance in their hearts, only the authorities were fascinated. At this moment, Gu Hai was a little bit dialled, suddenly suddenly cheerful.

"Yeah, yeah, without him Ziyu Tianmo, Wanyu and Wanqing would still be born. With her Ziyu Tianmo, Xiaoyue suffered humiliation and kneeled in front of her for so long!" Tone cold.

When the tone was cold, the whole body suddenly emitted a strange murderous gas. This murderous gas made Kong Xuan and the mosquitoes agitated, showing a surprise. Then they looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai shook her head gently, so that they should not be held accountable.

Someone concealed? Gu Hai has known for a long time. The last time in the dead world, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Chang Ming were made by the corpse worm. The ancient sea appeared and defeated the corpse worm. The unborn stood beside a group of corpses.

so coincidental? Gu Hai resolved the corpse worm, and he just packed up all the corpses? After the corpse was packed, the unborn person also stepped forward to say sorry to Gu Hai.

Although it is only a small detail, Gu Hai has understood that the unborn person has the ability to solve the worms earlier, but he does not.

In other words, in the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, the only thing that the unborn person cared about was the ancient sea. The nominal son-in-law, other people, although polite on the surface, secretly, the unborn person did not care.

"His Majesty, Chen has a longevity array! You can cut Zizhu Island!" Shen Shengren said.

"Cut Zizhu Island?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, the characteristic of this kind of life array is to cut Zizhu Island into 64 areas. These areas do not interfere with each other. No matter what changes, the other areas do not know. Although they are very close, but What I heard and heard were the pictures from a day ago! "Weisheng explained.

"Dividing Zizhu Island makes it easier for us to find Shangguan marks?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, 'Sixty-four Gua Shou Zhen', according to the truth, I am not allowed to perform it now, but, for the humiliation of Xiaoyue at the beginning, I would like to see the purple jade heavenly devil eat for the sake of Xiaoyue!" Some shivered.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you in battle!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

No one nodded.

"Of course, no one can step into it. So as not to disturb Shou Zhen!" Weisheng said.

Gu Hai nodded: "You are responsible for guarding the outside world, no one is allowed to approach. At the same time, the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea leans next to you, but your black mosquito clone is not afraid of water. Please look carefully for the pupae in case they are detained in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, don't let it go! "

"Yes!" Said the mosquito.

"Kong Xuan went into Zizhu Island!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Kong Xuanying said.

"Then wait a minute, I'll start the battle, probably an hour!" Weisheng explained.

"OK!" The crowd nodded.

The unborn began to surround Zizhu Island, and began to line up.

At the same time, on Zizhu Island.

"call out!"

A figure soared into the sky. But it is a burly man, his body seems to be wrapped in a layer of wind.

"Well? This is the 'Feng Bo' of the Huanghuang dynasty?" Kong Xuan said in surprise.

"Feng Bo? Ji Dihong's close minister? Why is he on Zizhu Island?" Gu Hai was also slightly surprised.

Gu Hai has seen his portrait, so he can recognize it at a glance. Ji Dihong's close friend, how did the Huanghuang Tianchao have a relationship with Zizhulin?

In the distance, the Feng Bo flew to the high altitude, turned his head and looked at Zizhu Island, revealing a sneer. Turning his head, it instantly turned into a gust of wind and disappeared into the sky——

one day ago.

Feng Bo came to Zizhu Island. Not only Feng Bo, but also one person, was the master of Taoism of Wanshou Taoism.

"Feng Bo, Ji Dihong didn't lie to me?" Tongtian instructor looked at Feng Bo coldly.

"Tiantian Lord, rest assured, won't the holy deceive you? Besides, did the Shinto Scriptures come together?" Feng Bo laughed.

"Shinto ritual? Huh, he gave me so kindly?" Tongtian instructed him coldly.

“It ’s not a gift, it ’s a sharing. The Shinto Scriptures are turned on. It ’s very complicated. If you are not careful, you destroy the internal information. Only the yin and yang energy of the Taiji chart is the most balanced. The internal text is the ancient Wu nationality used a special Wu nationality script to prevent the disclosure of shamanic scriptures. Otherwise, Jiang Lianshan had cultivated long ago and could not be cracked! Isn't it? ”Feng Bo laughed.

"Huh!" Tongtian leader snorted.

"This purple jade demon, you also have records of Taoism, don't you? The heavenly demon sacred land has risen since the Lich War. This purple jade demon has countless studies on the characters of the Wu tribe. You can ask her to translate! Translated, we all share this Shinto shaman! "Feng Bo solemnly said.

Master Tongtian frowned, and finally nodded: "It's best not to lie to me, otherwise the master will not give up!"

"Relief the leader!" Feng Bo laughed.

Feng Bo and Tong Tianjiao flew to Zizhu Island and headed towards a Zizhu Forest in the center. There is a group of halls at the Zizhu Forest, and the largest book has the words 'Zhuzhudian'.

Above the Zizhudian Square, at this moment a group of people are waiting.

This group of people are women, all in white clothes, extremely pure and elegant. Some people hold the beads and some people hold long swords, as if they practice differently. The first one is a woman in a black brocade. The woman is extremely beautiful. A smile with a touch of demon air. Standing there, can evoke a hint of ordinary men **.

"Gracefully welcome the wind, respectfully welcome the God of Heaven!" The woman in the black brocade smiled slightly.

The master of the sky who came from the sky froze with his eyes: "A strong fox charm!"

The master ’s mind is as solid as a rock, but the moment she saw the woman, she was unconsciously evoked a **, and she immediately understood that the woman was terrific. Instantly annihilate the silk in my heart **.

"Ziyu Tianmo, it's polite!" Feng Bo laughed.


Master Tongtian and Feng Bo landed on Zizhudian Square.

The square is quite large, but on a large stone in the square, there is a line of characters. It says 'Long Xiaoyue's Place of Worship'.

The Master of Heaven also glanced at the big stone.

"Oh, Ziyu Tianmo, you really don't forget it. Long Xiaoyue was forced to kneel on this stone by you, and you have to send someone to carve it down and admire it all the time?" Tongtian instructor narrowed his eyes.

This woman's resentment is really strong.

"That wasn't what I asked for, but I asked Long Xiaoyue to do it myself! The words were well written, so I kept it, and the Master of the Heavens laughed!" Ziyu Tianmo laughed.

"Smile? Oh, where can I only say that Your Excellency is too clever. After the battle of Ling Xiao Bao Dian that day, it was found that Long Xiaoyue would seek the fetal month sect, but she would start with the strongest and destroy the fetal month sect. I took the spring water and deliberately made it look like it was the door that had been destroyed before the battle with Long Xiaoyue! Good intentions! "Tongtian leader sighed.

"Tongtian leader, do you know that?" Ziyu Tianmo frowned slightly.

"On that day, there was a Wanshou Taoist disciple! However, it doesn't matter now, Daqian dynasty is gone, do you know what can happen?" Tongtian Taoist said lightly.

"Long Xiaoyue made me humiliated outside the Temple of Ling Xiaobao, and therefore trapped me in the South China Sea for a thousand years, no, it was three thousand years. What if I let her kneel for a while? It would be nice without killing her." Sneered.

"Kill her? Oh, you can only let her kneel for a while, if it is too much, the Dragon Warring States will shoot!" Tongtian leader sneered.

On the side, Feng Bo immediately rounded the field and said, "Tongtian God, Ziyu Tianmo, what does Long Xiaoyue do with us? Let's start translating the Shinto scriptures first?"

Tongtian Leader and Ziyu Tianmo looked nodded, nodded.

"Two, please inside!" Ziyu Tianmo invited.

Feng Bo and Tong Tianjiao stepped into the Purple Bamboo Hall with the purple jade demon.

In the Purple Bamboo Hall, a white woman was standing at the moment, but it was Baidi.

"Tongtian leader, Feng Bo! Long time no see!" Baidi smiled slightly.

"Huh?" Tongtian leader, Feng Bo sank.

PS: Today is also the third change, this is the first change!

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