Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 113: Kendo Fusion Dafa

In the Purple Bamboo Hall!

The masters of Heaven and Feng Bo all looked pale.

In particular, the master of Tongtian looked at Ziyu Tianmo with a cold eye: "Bai Di has now entered the Holy Land of Lingshan. How did you attract her? Could it be possible, but you want to recruit Jiang Rulai?"

"You are worried about what she is doing. Baidi just came to give me something, and it ’s all because of you! Otherwise, I wouldn't go to Jiang Rulai either!" Ziyu Tianmo wondered.

"Me?" Tongtian asked the master Shen.

"Yes, that shit, is it your Wanshou Taoist disciple?" Ziyu Shenmo said in a loud voice.

"Well?" Tongtian instructed his eyes narrowed.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see!" Lingyu, a purple jade detective, stroked.


In the hall, it seemed as if there was a void in the void, and there was a small world on the other side.

"Bai Di, you wait outside!" Ziyu Tianmo ordered.

Baidi nodded.

Ziyu Tianmo, Feng Bo, and Tongtian Master stepped into it.

"The small world you condensed?" Shen Tianjiao Shen said.

"It's an imitation made by the Great Freedom Demon in the style of" Xiaoxian Qiong ", called" Mystery Fairy Qiong ". I was fortunate to have one. The inner world is my own, I can't condense!" Ziyu Tianmo laughed.

"Secret sky?" Feng Bo thoughtfully.

A team of three people stepped into it.

The mysterious vault of mystery is indeed like a small world, except that it is smaller than the ancient fairy vault of the ancient sea, and it is deadly. At this moment, in this mysterious vault of heaven, it seems that there is a big war.

In the distance, holding a bronze long sword in his hand, in the steps, countless green sword lotus surrounded by swords, shooting against ten outside Kendo masters.

"Those are? Six swordsmen?" Tongtian taught the pupil to shrink.

Obviously, the Tiantian leader had experienced it in the battle of 800,000 years ago, and his appearance was deeply remembered.

"Yes, these are ten replicas of the gold **** body of the six true monarchs. They were copied by Jiang Rulai using the mystical methods of the Wu tribe. Only the eighth rebuilding of the Heavenly Palace, but the power is not too weak. This is what I ask. Ten sword gods that Baidi sent me! "Ziyu Shenmo said in a loud voice.

"What are you sending them to do?" Tongtian said, frowning.

"Isn't it your uncle who lives in Taoism? Come to my Zizhulin presumptuously? He is your disciple who lives in Taoism in Taoism. I gave you face, and didn't kill him, let the sword **** Liudao trap him. Who thought that this can only deal with A sword **** six, these days, as the fighting time gets longer and longer, his sword is getting stronger and stronger. Actually fighting with ten instead of falling down. He is your person, how do you say? "Zi Yutian Devil said lightly.

Looking at the magpie in the distance, the Tongtian leader has a gloomy face. Although he is his own disciple, the Tongtian leader is extremely jealous of it, because that day, the Jiando of Ken surpassed himself?

The leader of Tongtian looked up into the distance and looked at it for a while, and became more and more irritable in his heart. He was not as good as himself, and his Kendo was indeed comparable to himself, and even surpassed himself.

However, looking at it, the leader of Tongtian suddenly shrank his pupils: "This Kendo is ...?"

"What's wrong?" Ziyu Tianmo wondered.

The master of Tongtian Church looked at You with his eyes, and from his body, he saw his own shadow. No, he should have seen the shadow of Jedi Tongtian.

Looking at this shadow, the leader of Tongtian Church bounced wildly: "Originally, it is you!"

"Who is it?" Feng Bo wondered.

Now, is there any other identity that cannot be achieved?

"You don't care, this is my Wanshou Taoism thing!" Tongtian leader immediately sank.

Feng Bo and Zi Yu Tian Mo were slightly puzzled.

"Well, stop!" Tongtian leader sang loudly.


In the distance, the sound of a sword hitting him suddenly separated from the ten sword gods. Turning his head, he suddenly changed his face when he saw the Master of Heaven.

"Stop!" Ziyu Tianmo ordered.

"Yes!" The sword gods answered.

In the distance, Xun and the Ten Sword Gods were all separated and flew forward.

Xun flew to the Tongtian leader, and was extremely puzzled as to why Ziyu Tianmo and the Tongtian leader knew each other. However, what is more solemn is the attitude towards the Tongtian leader.

The Master Tongtian hated his own teeth, but he hated it. After all, how can a man so proud of himself tolerate Kendo better than himself? Especially my own disciple.

"Meet the leader!" Wu looked worried.

The Master of Tongtian recognizes that He is the reincarnation of Jedi Tongtian. At this moment, no resentment can be born. After all, Jedi Tongji saved his life for another life, and even saved his **** The four swords were given to himself and merged into his sword. Kendo is stronger, so be stronger.

"How are you here?" Asked the Master of Heaven.

The attitude of the leader of the Heavenly God made him slightly surprised. However, he respectfully said, "At the invitation of the ancient sea, my disciples last battled against the Six Sword Gods in the Borderless Heavens and found that they are almost exactly the same as the six true monarchs. Then they explored and came to the Zizhu Forest in the South China Sea, but were met by the Purple Jade Heaven Magic. Deceived, trapped here, and then fought with the six sword gods, to this day! "

"You sneak into me quietly, and blame me for trapping you?" Ziyu Tianmo sneered.

I looked coldly at the purple jade demon. Instead, he looked at the leader of Tongtian: "Leader, Ziyu Tianmo trapped me for a while and did not kill me. The disciple guessed that she had another plot, and the leader was careful about this woman!"

"Well, Master Tongtian, look at me, I gave you face, but did not put him to death, but he provoked you and me? Is this your Wanshou Taoist disciple?" Ziyu Tianmo said coldly.

"Okay, well, don't talk too much!" Shen Tiantong said.

"Yes!" I stood side by side respectfully.

"Well, the previous thing is over, let's start now!" Feng Bo said.

"Would you like to send this outsider out of my mysterious fairyland first?" Ziyu Tianmo faintly looked at him.

"No, he is my disciple, follow me, it's okay!" Tongtian Master shook his head immediately.

Aside, he looked surprised at Tongtian God, and then stood aside gratefully.

"Since the Master of the Heavens has said it, let's just leave it. As for the ten sword gods and the Six Paths, they have taken orders from me, and they haven't closed the door, Feng Bo, what about yours?" Ziyu Tianmo said in a deep voice.

Detective Fengbo took out a black-smelling book.

"Shinto sorceress?" The God of Heaven's eyes lightened.

"Tongtian leader, Ziyu Tianmo, you can remember clearly, this Shinto ritual is shared by the three of us, contrary to this matter, it will be destroyed by nature!" Feng Bo said coldly.

"Okay!" Tongtian leader, Ziyu Tianmo answered.

Tongtianjiao detective took out the Taiji picture.


Slightly urging the Taiji map, Feng Bo placed the Shinto scriptures on it. Suddenly, a trace of yin and yang energy burst into the Shinto scriptures on the Taiji map, and gradually, the Shinto scriptures trembled slightly.


Suddenly, dense texts burst out on the Shinto Scriptures. Suddenly flooded the sky.

The three of them immediately recorded, and soon, the dense Wu script was all recorded.

"This is the first Witch Tribute, what is this?" Feng Bo looked at the Ziyu Tianmo.

"Kendo fusion Dafa?" Ziyu Tianmo frowned.

"Kendo Fusion Dafa?" Tongtian leader wondered.

Ziyu Tianmo quickly translated, and during the translation, Tongtian's eyes brightened. Record it quickly.

"This is, to capture the sword of others and merge into their own kendo? This witch tribe actually realized such a method?" Xu said in surprise.

"The seventh soul is a sword soul? It's really a great exercise!" Tongtian instructed the eyes with a small yell.

"Otherwise, Master Tongtian, you try?" Ziyu Tianmo looked at Master Tongtian.

"Try it? How do you try it?" Tongtian asked the master puzzled.

"These ten sword gods have six swords. They have sword swordsmanship, and they are also the sword swords of six true kings. Although the sword swords swords are a little weaker, the ten swords will be fused to you, after all, will you get something?" .

"You are willing to give me these ten sword gods and six ways? You know, according to the exercises, they deprived me of swordsmanship, and they will be abolished!" Tongtian leader said in surprise.

"If it's gone, it's gone, would you try it?" Ziyu Tianmo asked.

"Try, why don't you try?" Tongtian said.

Then, the detective went to grab a sword **** Liudao, who was about to resist.

"Don't resist! Ten of you, now obey the Heavenly Master!" Ziyu Tianmo shouted.


The head of the sword **** Liudao was suddenly grasped in the palm of the Heavenly Master.

"Well, protect the law for me!" Tongtian said.

"Yes!" Ying Ying said.


However, he saw that a powerful black gas burst out from the palm of the Master of Tongtian and headed directly to the six heads of the sword god.

"Ah!" The sword **** sighed in pain in six pains.


Tongtianjiao's main watch suddenly emits hundreds of millions of sword qi. In the back, a purple long sword phantom emerges. The long sword phantom becomes larger and sharper.

"Can it really deprive Jianyi? How is this possible?" Xu said in surprise.

That's it, all day.


When all the sword intentions poured into the main body of Tongtianjiao, Tongtian was like a long sword, and a strong kendo breath hit the square.

"How?" Feng Bo asked.

"It's a great skill, and it really incorporates new sword meaning. My kendo is stronger, but it's not enough!" Tongtian instructor said with surprise.

"There are nine sword gods and six, all for you!" Ziyu Tianmo laughed.

"Thank you Ziyu Tianmo, I had a lot of misunderstandings before, forgive me!" Tongtian leader was in a good mood.

"Then you refine first, we'll wait for you outside, and after you refine these swords, we will continue to translate this Shinto Witch!" Ziyu Tianmo laughed.

"Oh? Do you want to take away the Shinto Scriptures?" Tongtian Master said coldly.

"The Tongtian leader is not at ease, Shinto Witchcraft, we will not take it out, remember our previous covenant!" Feng Bo laughed.

"I'm measuring the abdomen of a gentleman with a villain's heart!" The Tongtian leader was a little embarrassed.

Feng Bo and Ziyu Tianmo smiled slightly and stepped out of the mysterious fairyland.

Within the mystery of the mysterious world, protect the law, the master of the heavens refines the sword meaning of the six sword gods.

Step forward.

Ziyu Tianmo and Feng Bo suddenly appeared in Zizhu Temple again. In the temple, Baidi had already gone out.


As soon as the detective closed it, the entrance disappeared.

Ziyu Tianmo and Feng Bo suddenly sneered.

"Feng Bo, you are also a good means. You created a fake" Shinto Witchcraft "and tricked the Master of Heaven!" Ziyu Tianmo sneered.

"Ziyu Tianmao, your" Kendo Fusion Dafa "is also alive. I thought that by the way, you found a piece of kung fu to fool you, but you provide such a powerful kung fu? The heavenly demon sacred place is also extremely scarce, right? What? "Feng Bo frowned.

"Not what I want to do, what Ji Dihong wants to do? Borrow my hand to kill the master of the sky, why?" Ziyu Tianmo looked at Feng Bo coldly.

"The Lord of Heaven has been staring at the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is too troublesome, so I will give you this opportunity. If you help the Holy Ghost kill this nail, the Holy Ghost will lift the" Divine Sealing Order "of the Huanghuang Heavenly Kingdom!" Feng Bo laughed.

"Troublesome? Let me kill, why didn't he do it by himself?" Ziyu Tianmo said coldly.

"Don't you do it?" Feng Bo didn't explain.

"It's already this time, how could I not do this, the Master of Heaven, didn't even reach the Tiangong Great Success, how difficult is it to kill him? But, I don't want the rhubarb Tianchao to keep his word!" Ziyu Tianmo said coldly.

"Rest assured that the three dynasties and three sacred places were signed. The Daqian dynasty, the Dayan dynasty, and the Sun Temple have been destroyed. Only the Huanghuang dynasty, Wanshou Taoism, and Lingshan holy land are left. If you kill If you know the Master of Heaven, the Holy Lord will never intervene in you to swallow the Taoism of Wanshou, and the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom will lift the ban on Divine Land. The relationship between Jiang Rulai and you will only support you, and you do n’t have to wait another two thousand years to enter God immediately. Continent land! "Feng Bo laughed.

Ziyu Tianmo's eyes looked at Feng Bo slightly: "Okay, the God of Heaven must die, I was trapped, and I asked Jiang Rulai to borrow ten sword gods and six ways, just to let the God of Heaven deprive them of swordsmanship, wait for Tongtian The leader has deprived everyone of the sword, and his Kendo is the best in the world. At that time, I will train him into a puppet and become a sword in my hand! "

"That's it, then it's up to you to say goodbye," Feng Bo said slightly.

"Don't wait for Master Tongtian to die before leaving?" Ziyu Tianmo laughed.

"No, if Tongtian dies, Wanshou Taoism's luck will collapse, and we will know and say goodbye!" Feng Bo laughed.

Said, ignore the jade demon.

He rushed out of the hall and flew into the sky instantly.

Out of Zizhu Island, Feng Bo looked coldly at Zizhu Island, showing a sneer.

"Ziyu Tianmo? Just go to the saint and try the fineness of Wanshou Taoism, huh!" Feng Bo smiled coldly.


In an instant, the wind turned into a gust of wind and disappeared into the sky.

PS: The second one, and the third one at night!

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