Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 117: variation

"Ao Sihai, you're looking for death!" Lu Hai roared in the ancient sea.

The fury of the ancient sea brought its own sense of coldness, and immediately made the skinny Ao Sihai excited.

"What are you trying to do? This is the Zizhu Temple. If you dare to mess around, Ziyu Tianmo won't let you go, cough!" The Dragon King of the South China Sea said weakly.

"Broken arms!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Dare you, Lord Feng, save me!" Nanhai Dragon King exclaimed.


With a loud noise, Kong Xuan immediately cut off the arms of the South China Sea Dragon King.

"Ah!" The Dragon King of the South China Sea screamed again.

Gu Hai looked at the Dragon King of the South China Sea with resentment and cut his arms. He was not relieved, but the most important thing at this moment was Ao Shun and Shangguan Shen.

There was still a trace of yin in the body, and Gu Hai quickly covered her eyes with yin. Looking for the three souls of Ao Shun.

However, at a glance, there were no Aoshun's three souls all around.

"Where are the three souls? Ao Shun's three souls? Even if they don't, at least they should have a personal soul!" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"Your Majesty, there are no three souls of Ao Shun!" Kong Xuan said with an ugly face.

"Unborn, come here!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

Outside, the unmanned man manipulated Shou Zhen, heard Gu Hai's shouting, and there was a little silence, and finally stepped into the area where Gu Hai was located.

When the unborn person stepped in, the whole life array suddenly weakened slightly.

"Your Majesty?" Wondered the uninhabited.

"You are Xiushou, please find me the three souls of Ao Shun, you must be quick!" Gu Hai ordered.

The unborn person quickly checked around, and finally looked at the magma again.

"Your Majesty grieves!" The unborn sighed slightly.

"Sorrowful?" Gu Hai sank.

"This is the ground fire. The ground fire hurts the three souls the most, and people die. If I see it well, Ao Shun should eventually use some kind of sacrificial sacrifice of the Dragon tribe to burn his blood, talent, and even the ground fire The bad three souls all gave Ao Sheng! "Weisheng shook his head.

"What?" Ao Sheng, who was crying and holding Ao Shun, cried suddenly.

"The power of the three souls, as a tonic, gave Ao Sheng?" Kong Xuan's face changed.

"Senior, please save my brother, even if I die, I don't want this soul power, please save my brother!" Ao Sheng knelt and kept hoeing to the unborn.

"I can't help it! Even if you die, it's useless!" Weisheng shook his head.

"No, no ........." Ao Sheng suddenly desperate.

"Ao Shun is dead? There is no turning back? There is no way to save him?" Gu Hai looked ugly.

There was no silence for a while, I wonder if I should say it.

"If there is any way, just say it!" Gu Hai frowned.

"There should be no way!" Weisheng shook his head.

"What should be? Shouldn't it be, right?" Gu Hai stared at the unborn.

Ao Sheng's sorrow suddenly ceased, and he even broke his arms. The Nanhai Dragon King in agony looked at the unborn person inconceivably. This person can't die anymore, but can he be saved?

"The law of time!" Weisheng said.

"The law of time?" Gu Hai frowned.

This is indeed, if you can go back a month ago, when Ao Shun was not dead, and bring him to the present, naturally you can come back.

However, the rule of time, in addition to the old man who watched chess in the past, as today, even the six immortals can not show it. Moreover, history is immutable.

"Unborn, are you kidding me?" Gu Hai said coldly.

The unborn person was slightly silent, and finally shook his head: "The old time rule of the old man who watched chess was given by the heavens, and he went back to 800,000 years ago. In fact, that is not the true time rule!"

"What do you mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"My ancestor inherited from Fuxi, does Your Majesty know?" Weiren solemnly said.


"In the past, the first generation of longevity teachers studied with Fuxi. Fuxi mentioned that in this world, there may be someone who masters the laws of time. Fuxi has watched him do it once! His laws of time can even change history!" Recalled.

"Oh? Who?" Everyone's face changed.

"General Chen!" Shen Sheng cried.

"Jianchen?" Everyone shrank.

"According to the situation at hand, Ao Shun is completely dead. If it is possible, if your Majesty contacts the general in the future, you can ask clearly! Others, the minister does not understand!" Weisheng explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Originally, Chen will not say it. After all, Wan Qing is your queen. If you have a chance to get the time rule of Wan Chen, Wan Qing must rescue her mother, but Chen still has to say it herself, her genius. Outstanding, in a short period of time, we have today's achievements, and there is no limit to coming to Japan. Please, Your Majesty, if you have the law of time in the next day, help me resurrect Long Xiaoyue! "The unborn person suddenly respectfully worshipped.

"I will do my best!" Gu Hai dignified.

"The ancient emperor, Ao Sheng is incompetent, the ancient emperor is very talented, and the talent is so powerful that he will be able to contact the generals sooner or later. Please ask the ancient emperor to save my elder brother back, even if I die, even if I die, ask the ancient emperor to save my elder brother!" Ao Sheng suddenly knelt down to Gu Hai and kept hoeing.

Gu Hai looked at Ao Sheng with a shocked look. Ao Shun used his death to influence the younger brother? Use his death to redeem his brother?

Looking at Ao Sheng, Gu Hai was still energetic. However, no matter how angry he is, he can only respect Ao Shun's choice.

"If it ’s true, Ao Shun, I will definitely save it. Ao Shun died because of you, but he had countless wills during his lifetime. You got his life and lived. Next, you will do everything for him. The last will, you are the Dahan Dragon family, the supreme generation! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes, thank you ancient emperor!" Ao Sheng cried sadly.

"Collect Ao Shun's body!" Gu Hai took a sad path.

"Yes!" Ao Shengying said.

Gu Hai is also unsure about whether Ao Shun can be saved. After all, is it true that the unborn person said that the general's time rule can really change history? Or anything else unexpected, everything is unknown. But at this moment, at least, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

Ao Sheng was very careful to pack Ao Shun's body, but Gu Hai quickly came to another Dan furnace.

One of them is Ao Shun. What about the other one?

"Is Shangguan marks in there?" Kong Xuan stared at the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

The Nanhai Dragon King broke his arms, and at this moment his thin body showed a trace of maggots and did not speak.


Gu Hai opened the lid of Natan furnace.

Suddenly, there was a golden light inside.

Gu Hai looked toward the inside, his face sinking.

It's not a Shangguan mark, but a golden egg, a watermelon-sized golden egg.

The golden egg calmly stopped in the Dan furnace. The ancient sea looked pale.

"What about Shangguan marks?" Gu Hai yelled.

"Ha, ha ha ha, Shangguanhen was finally refined. What kind of swords and guns are inaccessible, what kind of water and fire do not invade, is still refining the elixir, ancient sea, that is the elixir refining in Shangguanhen, but the incredible **** alchemy, you want Do n’t try it, ha ha ha ha! ”The Dragon King of the South China Sea laughed.

"This is the elixir of Shangguanhenlian?" Gu Hai looked cold.

"Don't tell the truth?" Kong Xuan pressed a palm on the surface of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

Nanhai Dragon King immediately trembled.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Nanhai Dragon King was crying in pain.

"Say, where's the Shangguan mark?" Kong Xuan growled.

"Shangguan marks, Shangguan marks have been refined into elixir, Gu Hai, you will die this heart, hum, Ao Sheng, you return me to the South China Sea Dragon God, you return me to Dragon Ball, the Lord will not let you go , Don't even want to run. "Nanhai Dragon King stubbornly roared.

"Don't say ...!" Kong Xuan continued to torment the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"Ancient emperor, no, Your Majesty, it is true, Shangguan marks were thrown into the smelting furnace!" Ao Sheng gritted his teeth.

"What?" Gu Hai's face changed.

The detective took a breath and took the watermelon-sized golden egg out.

"Shangguanzhen was really trained as a panacea?" Kong Xuan also changed his face.

The golden egg flew out, and Gu Hai snatched it.


On the surface of the golden egg, a strange power was generated. Gu Hai suddenly felt a stabbing sensation in her palm, her hand trembled, and the golden egg suddenly fell to the ground.

"Eh?" Kong Xuan stunned for a moment, not understanding why Gu Hai threw the elixir refined from Shangguan marks on the ground.

The golden egg landed, smashed a small pit and stopped, but, the next moment, it rolled strangely.


Rolling up quickly, seeing everyone frown slightly, for unknown reasons.

"Impossible, why did this elixir move by itself?" Nanhai Dragon King stunned.

However, I saw that the golden egg slowly rolled to the two broken arms of the Dragon King of the South China Sea. The two broken arms were chopped off by Kong Xuan and dropped on the ground. They have become dragon claws.

At this moment the golden egg rested on the dragon claw.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

A strong suction was created, but it was swallowing two dragon claws quickly.

The golden egg has no mouth, but it is still swallowed very fast, as if it was near the body of the Dan, the flesh was ground and blended into the Dan.

In a blink of an eye, the two dragon claws were eaten by golden eggs.

"No, no, my dragon claws, return my dragon claws!" Nanhai Dragon King exclaimed.

The golden egg paused for a moment, and the next moment, it came straight to the South China Sea Dragon King.


Suddenly, it was attached to the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and a powerful crushing and sucking force went straight to the skinny body of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"Ah, ah, ah, let go of me quickly, let go of me, Lord of the Peak, help, help ........." Nanhai Dragon King growled in despair.

The speed at which golden eggs swallowed flesh and blood was getting faster and faster. This weird scene saw Kong Xuan and Gu Hai's faces sinking.

Kong Xuan avoided it immediately.

It's not that you can't catch this golden egg. The key is that the golden egg is changed by Shangguan. If you grab it forcibly, will it break it?

It was in Kong Xuan that he did a good job. The roar of the South China Sea Dragon King came to an abrupt end.

"Crumbling, gurgling, gurgling ~~~~~~~~~!"

The golden eggs seemed to be chewing, and the skinny Nanhai Dragon King had eaten all the leashes.

have eaten?

Gu Hai, Kong Xuan, and unborn looked at each other.

The golden egg ate the Dragon King of the South China Sea, which was not enough, rolled it a little, and suddenly went towards Kong Xuan. It seemed that he would also eat Kong Xuan.

"Your Majesty?" Kong Xuan sank, looking at Gu Hai in doubt.

"Is it because eight or nine Xuan Gongs have changed?" Gu Hai's face sank.

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