Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 118: Exposed

Inside the Zizhu Hall!

White Emperor and Ziyu Tianmo stared at the mysterious scene of the mysterious fairyland, and were protecting the Tongtian Master, and the Tongtian Master was depriving ten sword gods and six swords madly.

With the continuous application of kendo fusion Datong, the masters of Tongtian have become more and more skilled, and the deprivation of swordsmanship has become more fierce.

One, two, three, eight, nine, ten!

Faster and faster, without much time, the Tongtian leader is about to completely abolish ten sword gods and six ways.

Behind the master of Tongtian religion, a purple sword-mang soared into the sky. At this moment, the sword-mang was even sharper, and there was a kind of impenetrability.

At the same time, the master of the Tongtian Church brow, but a black weird rune appeared. Like a black '卍' character.

"Finally deprived all of the sword's intention, the kendo of the Tongtian leader has at least doubled!" Bai Di stared inside.

"Yeah, there is still a cricket, as long as the master of the heavens deprives the sword of ji's sword, this world, Kendo, he is the strongest!" There was a cricket in the eyes of Ziyu Tianmo.

"The black rune of Tongtianjiao's eyebrows, are you sandwiched in the" Dadao Fusion Dafa "?" Baidi looked at the Ziyu Tianmo.

"I'm also in case of accident, that is the soul-seal!" Ziyu Tianmo said coldly.

Baidi nodded and said nothing more.

Ziyu Tianmo looked expectantly into the interior of the light ball, waiting for Master Tongtian to make a shot.

Inside, holding the bronze sword with his hands, it seems that there is some speculation, secretly alert.


After depriving the six swordsmen of the last sword god, centering on the God of Heaven, an endless purple sword air burst out. Once the sword air came out, it exploded and shattered countless mountain peaks. The mighty sword, the sloppy robes hunted.

"Kendo fusion Dafa? Sure enough, haha, hahahaha!" Tongtian instructor laughed.

Laughing slowly, he looked at him.

I was agitated and alert.

"Why, why don't you go?" Tongtian said to Shen.

"A disciple is a disciple of Wanshou Taoism who teaches the whole world, and the master asks his disciples to protect the law. Does the disciple have a reason to leave?" Su suddenly respectfully said.

"Don't you be afraid, the Master also deprived you of your sword?" Tongtian Leader said coldly.

Frown frowned slightly, respectfully said: "Afraid!"

"Oh?" Tongtian said unexpectedly.

"Although the disciples are afraid that the leader will deprive me of the sword, but you are the leader, I am a Wanshou Taoist disciple, and the order of the leader must be followed. The former rule of the Japanese yen has been established. Unless the fact that the leader wants to kill the disciple, Disciples must respect any orders of the leader! "He respectfully said.

The master of Tongtian's face sank: "Boss? Huh, my brother is dead, he has long ignored Taoism!"

铩 Although he is alert to the Master of Heaven, he is still saluting.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! After all, I owe you a life! Even if I have no bottom line to do things, I won't be able to kill me to save my benefactor!" Tongtian leader said lightly.

"Uh?" I said for a moment.

What owes me a life?

"Teacher, there is a mark on your brows, I don't know ...!" He said again.

"Oh?" The leader of Tongtian slightly puzzled, waved his hand, a mirror appeared in front of him, and he immediately saw his black ‘卍’ character.

"Perhaps the reason for the integration of Kendo and Dafa will be studied slowly by the founder!" The Tongtian leader did not take it seriously.

With that said, the Tongtian leader no longer pays any attention to it, but searches for Taiji and that Shinto scripture.

However, just after grabbing the Shinto Scriptures, the Shinto Scriptures trembled.

"Huh?" The leader of Tongtian slightly wondered--

Outside, Baidi and Ziyu Tianmo were slightly surprised.

"What does Tongtian teach?" Why didn't he deprive Jian of his sword? "Ziyu Tianmo suddenly looked cold.

Although I did not hear the dialogue between Tongtian and the God, Tongtian did not kill him, but he broke his plan.

"Oh, it seems that the God of Heaven has not done what you think!" Baidi sneered.

"Huh, Master Tongtian? Really a waste, asshole!" Ziyu Tianmo said with cold eyes.

Just as the purple jade demon was angry, his eyes glanced outside the hall.

Outside the hall, the void shuddered slightly, and a faint golden light came out?

However, the unborn were shouted into Zizhu Island by the ancient sea. No one outside the Shouzhen hosted it, and there was a flaw, and this flaw was suddenly seen by the purple jade demon.

"Ha, so brave, so brave, dare to come to my Zizhu Island to wanton?" Ziyu Tianmo suddenly felt cold.


Instantly, the purple jade demon stepped out of the purple bamboo hall.

Outside, the golden light flashed strangely, but the whole looked calm and calm.

"What happened?" Baidi wondered.

Ziyu Tianmo ignored it, but waved his hand.

Rising from the ground, a violent gale, soaring into the sky, brought out numerous boulder, even tearing the void.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

I only heard a loud noise in the void. Above the sky, there was a sudden turbidity. Then, a large amount of black gas was squeezed by a strong force and instantly squeezed into a ball. Instantly burst open at high altitude.

"Who!" The innumerable powerhouses of the island sang loudly.

Under the loud noise, everything outside was suddenly exposed.

Numerous black mosquitoes surrounded the entire Zizhu Island, buzzing around, outside the island, in all directions, innumerable strong people, the sea tribe desperately hit, there was a noise.

"The array has disappeared! Zizhulin Island Lord, Island Lord!"

"I saw the Zizhu Temple, the island owner, there is a small attack, the island owner, I can't wait for the mosquitoes!"

"Hahaha, the island owner found out, they are dead!"




There was a loud noise outside the island.

The wave of Ziyu Tianmo just now shattered numerous black mosquitoes.

All the mosquitoes were converged, and suddenly, only the mosquitoes themselves were standing high, looking alertly at the purple jade demon.

"Oh, there is something I don't know!"


The purple jade demon released a breath in his anger, the breath was huge, and the countless strong men who were suddenly forced to recede in horror. The sea around the purple bamboo hall also set off a huge wave under this breath.

"It's so strong!"

The mosquitoes suddenly felt like they were facing a corpse, a demon! ——

Zizhu Island.

The ancient sea, the unborn, and Kong Xuanzheng surrounded the golden eggs that had been refined into Shangguan marks.

It was not enough for the Golden Egg to eat the Dragon King of the South China Sea, but he rushed to Kong Xuan, as if he wanted to eat Kong Xuan.

"Your Majesty?" Kong Xuan sank, looking at Gu Hai in doubt.

"Is it because eight or nine Xuan Gongs have changed?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"call out!"

The golden egg rushed and Kong Xuan gave way instantly.

"Really mutated? Don't even know Kong Xuan?" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

As everyone frowned, the unborn person suddenly said, "Not good, a flaw in life array has been found!"

"Huh?" Gu Hai turned his head.

Out of thin air, a huge suction almost sucked everyone up into the sky, and then, above the sky, the unborn person's layout was exploded.

"Ziyu Tianmo found!" Kong Xuan's face changed.

At high altitudes, mosquitoes are as close as the enemy.

Aside, Ao Sheng was in grief, and packed Ao Shun's body.

"Ziyu Tianmo found us! Your Majesty, let's go to Hades!" The unborn man waved and opened the underworld passage.

The ancient sea had not spoken, but the sneer of Ziyu Tianmo suddenly came from afar.

"Oh, there are still a few ants here, and it's too late to escape to the underworld!" Ziyu Tianmo's voice came.

Where the ancient sea was, many purple bamboos suddenly stood up, each one like a sharp thorn, to stab everyone into a sieve.

"Peacock field!" Kong Xuan shouted.

Rolling six colors of light envelop everyone.

Gu Hai also grabbed the golden egg made by Shangguan marks between his hands, and threw it into the previous Dan furnace to put away.


The crowd immediately hid the bamboo to the sky.

"Your Majesty!" The mosquitoes immediately approached.

The crowd stopped in the air. Grimly looked at the purple jade demon in the sky.

Headed by the ancient sea, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Ao Sheng all showed their faces, but the unborn person quietly retreated, apparently not wanting to fight against the purple jade demon.

In the distance above Zizhudian Square, Baidi's face changed: "Ancient sea again?"

"Oh? Ancient sea?" Ziyu Tianmo suddenly frowned.

As he narrowed his eyes, Ziyu Tianmo sensed, and his face was cold: "Gu Hai, did you kill Ao Sihai?"

"What?" Some dragons in the distance suddenly turned wild.

Extreme is dead?

Gu Hai glanced at Baidi, showing a hint of surprise. Why is Baidi here too?

"The Dragon King of the South China Sea deceived Ao Shun, it's a long time ago!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh? Deceive to kill Ao Shun, **** it? Huh, it was Ao Shun and Shangguan marks that I caught, should I also **** it?" Ziyu Tianmo chilled.

The chill was bitter, and the hairs of Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Ao Sheng suddenly exploded, and all three felt a strong murderous spirit.

This murderous power even made the temperature of the void around the place instantly freeze, and the sea water around Zizhu Island was instantly frozen for thousands of miles.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Kong Xuan stepped forward, anxious.

So murderous, would the ancient sea be careless? At this moment, it also urges Tianyan to rise up, and a narrow seam appears on the brows. As soon as the purple jade Tianmo rushes out, the heavenly eyes open, and the light of the **** of destruction will be released.

Aside from looking at the ancient sea, Bai Di looked slightly complicated, but suddenly he said, "Ziyu Tianmo, you Zizhu Island mutated, so you won't bother! Goodbye!"

"Huh? Baidi, you have to go? Don't watch me take the ancient sea? Don't you want to get rid of the ancient sea and quickly?" Ziyu Tianmo suddenly looked at Baidi with a doubt.

"No, leave!" Bai Di shook his head with a complex look.

While talking, he ignored the retention of Ziyu Tianmo, turned his head, and shot into the sky instantly.

Baidi wanted to kill Gu Hai and then quickly, but that was a thing of the past. Since Sanshan City fought with Gu Hai, for some reason, there seems to be a voice in his heart, and he has been resisting his actions, just like now, he wants to kill Gu Hai. That voice made me very sad. Can't even bear to see Gu Hai die.

Baidi knew that this was the resistance of his own soul.

Now that you are in conflict, go away in case you do something you should not do.

"Huh! Indecision, no wonder the climate has never been better!" Ziyu Tianmo watched Bai Di leave, sneer.

In turn, the purple jade demon showed a fierce face, and suddenly looked at the ancient sea.

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