Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 120: Take care! My second brother!

"Tiantian leader, you are really a waste. These things can't be cleaned up. The sword is not condensed. How can you become a sword? If you can't bear it, then I will help you!" To yourself.

The great completion of the Heavenly Palace and the ninth place of the Heavenly Palace, one step away, but there is a huge difference. Even if it was attacked by the Purple Jade Heavenly Demon, but it was stopped at this moment, and the ability to repair the body was sealed, so that the master of the Heavenly God struggle may not.

Gu Hai and others also changed their faces, but did not expect that the two people suddenly turned around?

"Let go of the leader!" He changed his face, and suddenly the sword was cut out.

Holding the Master of Tongtian in one hand, Ziyu Tianmo revealed a sneer: "Kendo is really good, but you know, what is the great consummation of the heavenly palace? And, I also have the field of purple bamboo, get up!"

With a wave of the other hand, the purple jade demon waved hundreds of thousands of purple bamboo out of nothing.

As soon as the purple bamboo came out, Daodao slammed into the numerous sword qi around him.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and all of Jian's sword gas burst and burst open.

There are too many purple bamboos, so much that the entire void is already dense.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Ao Sheng shot at the same time, guarding the side of the ancient sea. On the other side, I also encountered countless Zizhu collisions.

The sword smashed, and it was only possible to use the bronze sword to collide again and again. However, Xi ’s cultivation was still a lot weaker, only the fifth in the heavenly palace. Even if the kendo was strong, it was not enough.


Suddenly screamed, but it was instantaneous countless purple bamboos passing through the body, and in a blink of an eye, except for the skull, the whole body was stabbed into a sieve.

"Oh!" Gu Hai sank in the distance.

The purple jade demon dazzled in shape, and came to the uncle.

"Tongtian leader, you don't condense sword spirits, but you want me to help you!" Ziyutian Devil laughed with a smile on his face.

"Ziyu Tianmo, you lied to me, you lied to me, you must not die!" Cried the Tongtian God.

"Well, you're dead, and you're not talking too much, you can't die well, rest assured, I will make you into a puppet!" Ziyu Tianmo sneered.

At the same time, the purple jade demon dazzled.


Suddenly, tens of thousands of amethyst demons appeared in the field of purple bamboo, and most of them flew to the ancient sea.

"Huh, I'm already impatient. Although Jiang Rulai is afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you, the eyes just now? Come again, look for death!" A purple jade demon slammed into the ancient sea.

"Kill!" Kong Xuan, Mosquitoist, and Ao Sheng shot at almost the same time.

"Under the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace, everything is an ant, you three little things, die away!" The right hand of Ziyu Tianmo's avatar waved.


The three were bombarded immediately.

It was at this instant that the eyes of the ancient sea opened.


As soon as Tianyan opened, a corpse-enhanced ‘light of extinction’ was instantly ejected from the ancient sea Tianyan and headed for Ziyu Tianmo.


Black light was raging. Everywhere it went, all the purple bamboo was instantly shattered. The purple jade demon avatar hadn't taken it seriously at first, but when it came close, I suddenly felt the horror of this black light.

"Destroy the light?" The purple jade demon screamed suddenly.

In a hurry, a palm shot.


The right hand of the purple jade demon to the right arm, and then to the chest, was instantly punctured.

The light of the **** of destruction is unstoppable. It instantly penetrates the purple jade heavenly demon avatar and tears the void at the same time. The entire purple bamboo field is torn open.

The face of nearly ten thousand Ziyu Tianmo avatars has changed, because, due to the characteristics of the light that destroys the gods, even if a hole is penetrated, all the avatars must be implicated. At this moment, all the purple jade demon are all pierced by the light of the **** of destruction with their palms, arms and chests.


The entire purple bamboo field exploded. All the avatars of the purple jade demon suddenly converged and turned into the final body.

The exploding void was trembling, and the seas of the Quartet were rolling up with huge waves.

Because the arm and chest were wounded, Ziyu Heavenly Demon immediately released the Master of Heaven.

The Master of the Heavens was rescued in an instant.

"You, you, how can you have the eyes of the **** of extermination, what relationship do you have with Jiangchen?" The purple jade demon screamed.

At this moment, the purple jade demon finally understood why Jiang Rulai would jealous of the ancient sea. The eyes of the **** of destruction are enough to make the purple jade demon startled.

Destroy the heavens, the battle of the ancient Lich, how many masters will be killed by the officials, the Shinto area is useless.

Can the ancient seas also perform?

Ziyu Tianmo deeply regretted the recklessness just now, ancient sea? You should send someone to try their bottom line, and you must not attack rashly.

On the other side, the Master of Heaven was free, and immediately grabbed the Xianxian sword.

"Ziyu Tianmo, you want to kill me, you want to kill me, Xunxian, cut!" Tongtian God's eyes stared, with a raging anger, and instantly cut off with a sword.

A sword was cut out, carrying the boundless fear and full power of the God of Heaven, and the void shattered in an instant. This may be the sword of the God of Heaven who cut the most powerful sword in history. Even if the heavenly palace is complete, it must also avoid its sharp edge.

"A strong sword, can this seriously damage the purple jade demon?" Kong Xuan said in surprise.

But at this moment, the purple jade demon covered his wound, and his face was exposed: "Soul Seal, open!"

Yelled loudly. The Xianxian Jianfeng cut out by the Master of the Heavens burst out. The cloud disappeared instantly.

"What?" When the face of Kong Xuan and other people changed, why did the sword suddenly disappear.

"Ah!" Tongtian leader suddenly covered his head and screamed in pain.

But I saw that the Master of Heaven ’s Eyebrows saw a black ‘卍’ character slowly spin up. As it turned, it seemed like hundreds of millions of little black smoke monsters burst into the Master ’s mind.

"Ah, ah, what are you doing, what are you doing, ah, my three souls, ah, it hurts!" The Tongtian leader covered his head in pain, unable to control his body at all.

"Soul Seal? This is, this is the ancient times, the demon smelting and demonization of the demon, only the four ancestors and beasts, isn't it lost?" Kong Xuan's face changed.

"She's going to refine the Tongtian Master into a puppet?" Gu Hai's face changed.

"Yes, the soul-seal, kill the three souls, refining the three souls. Once refining, this person is dead. From then on, he is only a walking dead, and it becomes like a corpse and a worm, and the purple jade demon is the ancient monster king?" Kong Xuan's face changed.

However, it was seen that the Tongtian leader not far away was completely controlled by the purple jade heavenly demon only in an instant.


With one palm, the main hand of Tongtianjiao grabbed his heart. At this moment, my body was hurt and I couldn't resist it.

"Kendo Fusion Dafa!" Tongtian Leader said hard.

"No, Master, don't!" Yelled in pain.


A black gas pours into the heart of Xun's eyebrows, and the master of Tongtian Church looks dull, as if to deprive Xun of his sword.

"Ziyu Tianmo, let go!" Gu Hai suddenly rushed towards Ziyu Tianmo.

Seeing the ancient sea rushing, Ziyu Tianmo never dared to underestimate, after all, his wound was still vivid.

Holding the two, the purple jade demon moved quickly.

Gu Haishou came forward with his sword, but couldn't keep up with the speed of Ziyu Tianmo. Gu Hai was anxious.

There is also a "Light of Destroyed God", Gu Hai dare not release at will, just waiting for a chance, waiting for the moment that the purple jade demon entangled with himself, but the purple jade demon is also very cunning, not at all.

"Hum, wait for the Master of Heaven to completely deprive Ji of swordsmanship, I will fight you slowly, Gu Hai, you hurt me so miserable, today, do n’t even want to leave one of you!" The purple jade demon is hiding, his face reveals 狰狞Road.

The purple jade demon also saw it, and the ancient sea could not help himself for a while, for the time being, he only needed to avoid his **** of destruction.

Through the Seal of Soul Suppression, the master of the Heavenly Master is deprived of the sword's intention.

The consciousness of the Master of Tongtian has been confused, and the body is no longer controlled by himself. At this moment, he is holding the head of the cricket and constantly extracting the sword.

Withdrawing, withdrawing, the only consciousness of the God of Heaven is still resisting.

"Soul Seal? Oh, ha ha ha, I can't think of it, I will eventually die under this Soul Seal and become a puppet completely, and become a sword in the hands of others, ha, ha ha ha ha!" Tong Tian's consciousness was sad. Road.

"Leader!" Hu shouted slightly, shaking.

At this moment, the whole body has lost control, and only the last consciousness is about to be annihilated.

"Well, I'm sorry, the Lord has always been jealous of you, but it's so ridiculous that I have to die and no more life. You are the reincarnation of Jedi Tongtian. It should be another immortal me, you are me, you are Not me. 800,000 years ago, I owed you a life, and now, I give you back my life, and my Kendo! "The idea of ​​Tongtian's sadness passed to You.

"Teacher, what are you going to do? No, don't!" I was horrified.


Suddenly, the sword intent that was deprived from the frowning heart of the eyebrows all turned back in an instant, and even the sword of the master of the heavens turned into a purple river, rushing to the heart of the frown.


Rolling swords all rushed towards the heart of Biao's eyebrows, helping him to condense his sword.

"What? Tongtian, your will, even dare to resist?" Ziyu Tianmo growled suddenly.


Suddenly, a magical spirit poured into the main body of Tongtianjiao again, and the character was printed like a soldering iron, and it suddenly burst into the head of Tongtianjiao.

However, Jian Yi no longer reversed, all of a sudden burst into the frowning heart.

Suddenly, Tongtian's eyes came down empty, and there was a smirk in the corner of his mouth. In the dimness, it seemed like seeing a figure, and seeing that figure, the Master of Tiantian made the last sound weakly.

"Second brother, I have always been against you, and I have always been competing with you. It ’s not that I do n’t see you, it ’s just that you are too cold. Like the iceberg, the big brother said, in this way, you will be ruthless and cruel Yes, let me help you communicate with others a lot, the incompetent brother can only keep stimulating you, keep fighting with you, keep robbing you, my second brother, I'm going to find a big brother, and I will never fight with you again, I'll never grab you again, take care, my second child! Take care, my second brother! Take care, my second brother! "


A loud noise seemed to pierce the entire head, and a black '通' character destroying the soul imprinted out of the head of Tongtianjiao.

The Tongtian Master drew down the whole person and completely destroyed the soul.


Shenzhou South, Wanshou Taoism.

Among the countless disciples traveling through Wanshou Taoism, the former master of the Tongtian Church lost in the north, and the countless disciples of Wanshou Taoism were heavy in their hearts.

Some disciples looked at a mountain peak in the distance. On the top of the mountain, there was a white jade hall.

"If only the second leader came out!"

"I heard that the Second Master has been in retreat for 800,000 years, and I don't know what to do now!"




A group of disciples looked forward to the Yuanshi Temple, but this expectation has been 800,000 years. The Yuanshi Tianzun came out once when the Lord of the Supreme Master fell down, and the others were gone.

Yuanshi Hall.

At this moment is sitting a very handsome middle-aged man, a man in a white robe, sitting cross-legged, is the second leader of Taoism of Wanshou Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuan Shitianzun's sitting was 800,000 years. No matter what was outside, no one knew how tall he was.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun was closing his eyes to adjust his breath, and suddenly, it seemed that a figure had stepped into the hall.

Yuan Shi Tianzun opened his eyes and looked at the shadow in front of him.

"Tongtian, what are you doing?" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

At the moment, Yuanshi Tianzun had a cold tone, as if there was no trace of emotion.

"I'm here to say goodbye to you!" Tongtian Xuying took a bit of reluctance.

"Farewell?" Yuanshi Tianzun stood up and frowned at Tongtian Xuying.

"Second brother, I have always been against you, and I have always been competing with you. It ’s not that I do n’t see you, it ’s just that you are too cold. Like the iceberg, the big brother said, in this way, you will be ruthless and cruel Yes, let me help you to communicate with others a lot, the incompetent brother can only continue to excite you, constantly fight with you, and keep robbing you! "Tongtian Xuying said a little stunned.

Hearing Tongtian's words, Yuanshi Tianzun moved slightly, like a cold heart of 800,000 years, with a touch of melting.

"I know, I don't blame you. The three of us are, after all, the three brothers. No matter how ruthless I am, they are all to others, all to outsiders. You and the big brother, after all, are my brothers, the third one. Can you In this way, I am very pleased that I am becoming more and more ruthless in order to protect you more. No, my brother is dead. Only you are left. With me, Wanshou Taoism will be immortal forever, that is, the six immortals. Don't even think about insulting you! "Yuan Shi Tianzun squeezed his fist slightly.

"Boss, I'm going to find a big brother. I won't fight with you anymore. I won't rob you again. Take care, my second brother! Take care, my second brother! Take care, my second brother!" With a touch of sorrow.

Second child? Second Brother? Second brother?

When the second brother was called, Yuanshi Tianzun felt that his heart was shaking. Second brother? Yeah, this is my brother! In the past, our three brothers lived on each other. The elder brother is gone. Isn't this my brother?

But what did he mean by going to find a big brother?

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked to the Master of Heaven. But I saw that the main body of Tongtian Church became more and more blurred, and slowly, only the last echo was left.

Take care! My second brother!

This sound contained endless perseverance and sorrow, so that Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly felt like he was about to lose something, and his whole heart was empty.

"Boss, what's wrong with you, where are you going, Boss!" Yuan Shitianzun flew to Tongtian Xingying.

However, Tongtian Xingying gradually faded away, and Yuanshi grabbed an empty space.

"Boss!" Yuan Shitianzun roared.


A spirit, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly woke up. It turned out that I had a dream just now.

However, the dream just now is too real, it is so real. With the practice of Yuanshi Tianzun, at this moment it was suddenly covered with cold sweat.

"Something wrong? My third child!" Yuan Shitianzun's face changed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a sudden loud noise from outside, but the Master of Heaven was ridiculed. Qiyun Yunhai sensed it. In the loud noise, it suddenly collapsed and opened, and a large chunk of Qiyun was in rapid loss.

In the Yun dynasty, the emperor collapsed, and Qi Yunhai would collapse. In Zongmen, it was almost the same. Although the suzerain fell down, not all of it would collapse, but half of it would disappear.

Fortune collapses, the leader!

Countless disciples of Wanshou Taoism suddenly knelt down and said, "The leader has been ridiculed? No ........."


The gate of Yuanshidian opened suddenly.

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