Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 121: Yuanshi Tianzun Out of Customs

Wanshou Taoism, the sea of ​​luck Yun Yun crashed, and countless Wanshou Taoist disciples suddenly showed despair!

Fortune collapses, the leader!

Countless disciples knelt down and said, "The leader is ridiculed? No ........."


The gate of Yuanshidian opened suddenly.

All the disciples kneeling down in grief suddenly looked up and looked at the gate of the Yuanshi Temple. Nearly everyone, never seen the door open in his life, but at this moment, the door opened.


The dark clouds that came out of nowhere instantly covered the entire Wanshou Taoism, and the whole world suddenly became dark.

dark clouds?

All the disciples were agitated, and from this dark cloud, all the disciples felt a sense of destruction, as if they had soared anger and soared into the sky.

The dark clouds pressed down, and everyone suddenly stunned, showing fear.

This is the smell of destruction, like the angry master, who can destroy himself with a single thought. There was horror in everyone's grief.

Where's the dark cloud? The whole world is dark.


Suddenly, in the dark clouds, a thunder and lightning exploded, and the thunder and lightning shone through the sky. Under the thunder, everyone suddenly saw that a white-robed middle-aged man suddenly appeared at the gate of Yuanshi Hall.

"Second leader?" Disciples who had seen the portrait of Yuan Shitianzun blinked.

"Is the second leader out of customs?"

"The Second Leader finally came out!"




Someone was excited, some were shocked.

In the sky, thunder continued, thousands of thunder dragons gathered in the dark clouds, and they seemed to fall at any time to destroy everything.

Under the thunder, a chill flashed across Yuan Shitianzun's face, and in his eyes, there was a horrible light of destruction.

"Who dares to touch my third brother, who dares!" Yuan Shitianzun looked up at the thousands of thunder and lightning in the dark clouds.

When Yuan Shi Tianzun looked to the dark clouds, the rolling thunder and lightning all converged towards the center, as if he had been ordered by Yuan Shi Tianzun.


All thunder and lightning collided with each other, blasting the entire southern world.

For a time, countless gates in the south of Shenzhou and the Lord of the Chao Dynasty were all excited.

"Ang!" "Ang!" "Ang!" ………………

The countless Yunjin Jinlong cried out in horror. The emperors of all parties changed their faces and stopped to congregate and investigate everything outside.

But it was over the Yuanshi Hall. Under the collision of billions of thunder and lightning in the dark clouds, it suddenly turned into a purple eye. One hundred thousand miles long huge purple eyes.

As soon as the purple eyes appeared, all Wanshou Taoist disciples were almost lying on the ground, their hearts seemed to be slammed, and a thriller filled the whole body.

"Eye of heaven? It's that breath, this, this ........." Some disciples horrified.

Purple eyes floated above the dark clouds and the sea. Suddenly, the purple light opened and looked around the whole land of Shenzhou 360 degrees.

Looking at Taoism from Wanshou, he continued to sweep the world, some ordinary practitioners could not feel it, but some peerless powerhouses were agitated and stopped everything at hand.

Dasao Tianchao, Honghuang City, Dao Temple!

Xun is presiding over the Korean congress, and Xing Tian is reporting something.

"Huh?" He narrowed his eyes, stepped down the dragon chair, and slowly walked out of the He Temple.

Xing Tian and the other ministers were slightly surprised, but still followed Xu to step out of the hall.

Out of the hall of the hall, suddenly eyes narrowed, looking at the place of Taoism in Wanshou in the south. Obviously, Tianshizun Yuan looked for the Master of Heaven with monstrous Dafa. The movement was too great, and the purple eyes touched the hall.

He looked at the distance with his eyes narrowed: "Yuanshi Tianzun? Is he finally out?"

There was a dip in his eyes.

However, Ziguang glanced at the Dacheng Heavenly Kingdom for a short while, and then glanced towards the north again, and soon glanced at the borderless sky.

"Huh?" Da Riru, who was reading the Scriptures, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Slowly, Da Riru stepped out of his small courtyard, stood at the Chongtian Temple Square, and looked into the distance.

"A good Yuanshi Tianzun, worse than ours, so much?" Da Rirui was surprised.

In the distance, the purple eyes did not look much, but quickly looked to the west.


Lingrui Holy Land, the gate of Nobita treasure hall, Jiang Rulai has been staring in the direction of the South China Sea.

Originally, Yuanshi Tianzun hadn't felt it, always looking at the South China Sea. Standing next to the Buddha.

"Ziyu Tianmo didn't listen to me, and reached an agreement with Ji Dihong, to kill the Tongtian master, oh!" Jiang Rulai frowned.

"Buddha, what are you worried about? I think that the Supreme Master is the same. Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Master are all from the Supreme Master. The Yuanshi is powerful and limited!" The Buddha laughed in the past.

"I hope!" Jiang Rulai looked at the distance.

"Eh? Ancient sea? He actually appeared on Zizhu Island? Confronted with Ziyu Tianmo?" Jiang Rulai said unexpectedly.

"Is the ancient sea going to Zizhu Island? Buddha, God-given opportunity is the time to destroy him!" The Buddha's eyes lightened in the past.

"Wait a second, Ziyu Tianmo just fought with him to see what else could be hidden from the ancient sea! Oh? The goddess of swordsmen of the heavenly gods specializes in the field of Shinto? The eyes of ancient sea are black and white, I seem to remember , Then the six true monarchs would also be called 'eyes of life and death'? This ancient sea really hides a lot! "Jiang Rulai dignified.

"Oh? That ancient sea defeated the Master of Heaven again?" The past Buddha was surprised.

"Tiantianjiao is mainly dead. It is also because of past achievements that it is useless to be blessed by heaven. What is it? Destroy the eyes of the god? Destroy the light of the god? What an ancient sea, actually hidden so deep, how can he use the power of the minister? ? "Jiang Rulai's face changed.

"Destroy the light of God?" The past Buddha said in astonishment.

How could the ancient sea destroy the light of God? real or fake? Did the ancient sea keep hiding? You know, if Gu Hai used the light of God to deal with himself, he would have died to death. In the past, the Buddha was excited.

"It's better to look at it! Hum!" Jiang Rulai snorted.

"Buddha, what about God's eyes, what should we do?"

"Oh, it ’s okay, the ancient sea **** of extinction is not the same as the general's. Seeing that pause, you must not be able to cast it. Just find the gap. The ancient sea will undoubtedly die. And the ancient sea grows too horrible. It must be now Kill him! "Jiang Rulai looked cold.

"The Buddha is going now?"

"Yes, I am worried that Ziyu Tianmo is deceived by Gu Hai. Huh, if I go, Gu Hai will die!" Jiang Rulai stared.

Jiang Rulai is about to step forward.


Suddenly felt a loud noise in the south. As Jiang Rulai was wondering.


A purple light rushed straight up and came to him in an instant. Jiang Rulai suddenly stepped on his feet, exposing the color of astonishment.

Looking in the direction of the purple light, it is Wanshou Taoism. Yuanshi Tianzun stepped on the mouth of Yuanshi Dian. Over his head, a giant purple eye with a hundred thousand miles seemed to bring a heinous hatred.

Seeing the purple giant eyes, Jiang Rulai's face changed: "This is it?"

The purple light flew by and went elsewhere. Jiang Rulai sucked in the air.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, out of customs? Good strength. Ziyu Tianmo, you seem to be doing it wrong!" Jiang Rulai's face changed.

"Buddha, what did you say?" The Buddha said in surprise.

"Notify Dazuo Tianmo, I will say that Ziyu Tianmo is in danger. I take root in the sun, and it is not convenient for me to shoot at this time!" Jiang Rulai said immediately.

"Ah?" The Buddha gave a slight meal in the past.


In the dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, Ji Dihong also paid attention to the Purple Bamboo Forest and Wanshou Taoism in the South China Sea.

Immediately after the death of the master of Tongtian, Ji Dihong looked at Wanshou Taoism. The Yuanshi Tianzun came out almost instantaneously, with purple eyes in the dark clouds above his head, and looked at the world with a blast of fierce anger. Instantly, the purple eyes looked at where they were.

"Huh?" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

"Awesome Yuanshi Tianzun!" Ji Dihong sighed again.

Fortunately, let the purple jade demon go to test, this temptation, really test out a strong man that surprised Ji Dihong.

The giant purple eye glanced at the rhubarb sky, and quickly scanned the South China Sea.

In just a short while, Ziyan saw the place of the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea. At that place, the eyes of the Master of Tongtian had been completely empty, flying in midair without any sound.

"Three brothers!" Yuan Shitianzun was suddenly a thriller.


With only a loud noise, Yuan Shi Tianzun at the mouth of Yuan Shi Dian suddenly disappeared and disappeared out of thin air.


Above the sky, huge purple eyes exploded and opened, and the dark clouds that were condensed by anger were also rapidly disintegrating.


The rolling clouds disappeared.

At this moment, countless disciples of Wanshou Taoism are shaking, and slowly can sit on their knees.

The horror of breath just now is still kept in the memory. For a long time, the Taoism disciples of Wanshou did not dare to breathe.

"So, that is Yuanshi Tianzun?"

"The Second Master is so powerful, so terrifying, I feel awesome!"

"very scary!"

"The leader is ridiculed, the second leader is going to take revenge?"




After just amazed for a little while, everyone calmed down and Wanshou Taoism once again fell into an atmosphere of great silence.


South China Sea. Outside Zizhu Island.

At the time of the death of the Master of Heaven, the last trace of thought was struggling, reversing the kendo fusion Dafa, sending out all his sword intentions to him!

Depriving others and sending them out are two concepts. One is the other's struggle, and the other is the generosity given. The sword speed is too different. Almost instantaneously, when the purple jade demon hadn't reacted yet.


A loud noise.

Xun and the Tongtian leader separated, and the sword intention of the Tongtian leader all poured into Xuan's brows.


The frowning of his eyebrows suddenly gave off countless swords, and the whole man's eyes widened to reveal the incredible color.

"What?" I exclaimed.


Gu Hai immediately rushed forward. A puppet catching a fly upside down.

"Teacher, you don't need it!" I exclaimed.

The purple jade demon on the other side also widened his eyes.

"Teacher of Heaven? You seek death, you dare to give all that boundless sword to you?" Ziyu Tianmo suddenly became irritable, and a murderous spirit filled the Quartet instantly.

But at this moment, the master of Tongtian has lost his pupils, the three souls have been destroyed, all consciousness has been destroyed, and he is completely dead.

"Dead? Dead? Huh, dead, that kendo is mine too, I can't make you, I'll make 铩!" Exclaimed Ziyutian Demon's face.

"Since you have no sword, don't blame me for not giving you a whole corpse. No one dares to tease me like this and break me!" Ziyu Tianmo screamed angrily and was about to pat his hand to Tongtian Master Dead body.


But at this last moment, the vacant trembled in the void. Then, the heavens and the earth suddenly produced a suffocating sense of oppression.

Under the sense of oppression, everything suddenly calmed down, as if everything in the world was terrified of the oppression.

The wind stopped and the roaring waters calmed down, and everyone stopped in shock. Even the purple jade demon had a meal in his hand and looked at it not far away.

Next to the corpse of the Celestial Master, a middle-aged man in a white robe suddenly appeared. The man gently lifted his hands, his pupils slackened, and the Celestial Master who had lost his voice showed a gentle face.

"Third brother, second brother is late!"

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