Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 124: White Tiger Supreme

In the South China Sea, a vague figure condensed in a huge black mist!

Great free demon, a ray of divine thought?

As soon as the divine thoughts came out, a wave of mighty mighty pressure came towards Yuan Shitian.

Yuanshi Tianzun only sneered.


But I saw that Yuan Shitian Zun ’s eyebrows suddenly burst into a thin slit, and when the slit was opened, the third eye appeared instantly, just like Gu Hai ’s Tian Eye, except that Yuan Shi Tianzun ’s third eye pupil was purple and did not Energetic surround.

"Evil God's Eyes?" Weiren was surprised.

The **** of heaven in the ancient sea has shocked the unborn, and this Yuanshi Tianzun also has **** of heaven in his eyes? You must know that in ancient history, only the generals had this superb **** of extermination.

Now, how can this God of Destruction meet any individual? Although these gods of extinction are different, the unborn person still feels a big threat from it.

"You will also destroy God's Eyes? No, it's not the same as General Chen's!" In the black mist, Daxin Shennian was surprised.


Yuanshi Tianzun's God of Destruction Tianyan suddenly emits a purple light towards the black mist.

The Dazuimian Demon stood up immediately, but the purple light penetrated through it and did not hurt the Dazuimen Demon.

"What are you going to do?" Dazuo Tianmo said coldly.

The purple light penetrated, and it took only a while to suddenly converge. Yuan Shi Tianzun also put away the eyes of the **** of destruction.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, where do I come from as a free spirit? It turns out that you are the war of the Lich, and you are a stranger!" Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

"Anyone who lives secretly?" Kong Xuan frowned not far away.

The strong men from all over the world are also suddenly surprised. Can Yuanshi Tianzun see the past of God?

"Anyone who lives secretly? Oh, you know who I am?" Dazuo Tianmo said coldly.

"One of the four commanders of the monster tribe, the ancestor of the tiger tribe, the white tiger? Oh, so, what kind of holy land are you in the battle of the Lich? A group of monster tribe who follow you and stealthily gather? A group dare not show people in true face Coward! "Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

"Extreme White Tiger?" Mosquito said in surprise.

Kong Xuan also shrank his pupils: "Impossible, I have a record of the Peacock God, the White Tiger Supreme. In the end of the war, the witches were destroyed by hundreds of millions, and they all belonged to a group of elder-level witches. The demons in the world also held funerals for the White Tiger Supreme ! "

The ancient sea also sank: "No wonder the Devil's Holy Land has such a deep foundation. The Lord of the Thirteen Peaks of the Demon, all the Heavenly Temples have been completed. It turns out that the original is the gathering of the ancient demon kings!"

Shenzhou Quartet.

Alas, Ji Dihong looked at each other for a moment, apparently, he had never thought of the identity of a free spirit.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, Yuanshi Tianzun, your ability really surprised me, but I don't know your strength, but what about it!" Tian Zihan said in a cold voice.

"You only have a godhead? I don't take advantage of you, and the door is wide open to let you get in, how?" Tianshi Tianzun said quietly.

"The empty door is wide open to let the free spirit Tianmo get into the body? He is crazy, and with a little carelessness, his consciousness is broken!" Weisheng was surprised.

More than just no one is born, all the strong people in the Quartet are embarrassed and let the other side be absorbed into the body. This is unreasonable to many people, because this is their own body as a battlefield, regardless of the outcome, they will be subject to It must be traumatic.

"Okay, you're asking for it!" Da Zizai Tianmo said coldly.

Suddenly, the black mist came straight to Yuanshi Tianzun, and Yuanshi Tianzun did not resist.


Wrapped with the **** spirit of great freedom, the fog rushed into the body of Yuanshi Tianzun instantly, and Yuanshi Tianzun stood quietly on the sea. He held on to the constant jade jade demon.

"Boom!" There was a roar of noise from Yuan Shitianzun, and a hint of black gas continued to emanate.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? No, it's impossible, you lied to me?" Yuan Shi's roaring voice came from inside Tianshi.


It seemed as if water dripped on the coals, and there was a loud squeal.

Eventually, Yuan Shitianzun sprayed a ray of dark air in his nostrils, and everything fell into peace.

"Oh, be at ease Devil, you should know my means just now. If you want to be a champion for Ziyu Heaven Demon, come on, Thirteen Peaks of Heaven Demon Holy Land, everyone comes, I don't care, I just want to tell you The life of the third child is more important than the lives of all the people in the world. If you dare to come, I will live with you, the demon holy land, endlessly!

That voice sounded cold to the heart.

Even the purple jade demon is desperate at the moment.

A ray of divine thoughts from the big free spirit, is it gone?

"Lord, save me, I'm wrong. I will listen to you in the future. Lord, I know you will definitely hear my voice, Lord, please, save me!" Ziyu Tianmo shouted.

Yuan Shi Tianzun waited patiently, Xiao Ban Ao Xiang passed, and Tian Zi Mo did not come.

"It seems that the free spirit Tianmo has given up on you!" Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at Ziyu Tianmo at this moment.

The Purple Jade Heaven Demon suddenly scared the three souls.

Gu Hai, Ji Dihong, Xi, Jiang Rulai and others were all silent for a while.

Just a little while ago, although the free spirit Tianmo and Yuanshi Tianzun did not have much confrontation, the calmness of this moment made people instantly understand the power of Yuanshi Tianzun.

That great free demon, commander of the demon holy land, more than a dozen heavenly palaces were completed. But he did not want to fight against Yuan Shitianzun. Even abandon this purple jade demon.

"Don't kill me, I'll listen to you later, don't kill me!" Ziyu Tianmo cried in horror.

"What's the use of listening to me? As long as the third brother can listen to me, that's enough, but you, just now, killed him!" Yuan Shi Tianzun's tone finally became cold.

The tone of ice is cold, and it seems that the death of Ziyu Tianmo has come.

Suddenly, the power in his hand poured in, and the purple jade demon's body turned into white jade, leaving only his head intact, but also in the process of rapid jade. Once all jade was jade, the purple jade demon was completely finished.

"Zizhu field!" Ziyu Tianmo cried in horror.


Suddenly, countless purple bamboos appeared from the Quartet of Void, as if to counterattack Yuan Shizun.

However, is Yuanshi Tianzun's strength at this moment comparable to Ziyu Tianmo? I saw that in the field of purple bamboo, all the bamboos suddenly turned into jade. Only in an instant, all the bamboos turned into white jade, surprised and clear, settled in the void.

The domain is completely invalid.

At this moment, the eyes of Ziyu Tianmo are full of desperate regrets. Most of the head turned into white jade, and the whole person was completely drowned by the white jade.

"It's none of my business, please, let me go, it's Ji Dihong, Ji Dihong is going to kill the Master of Heaven, I've been cheated by him!" Ziyutian Demon roared.

"Huh!" Yuan Shitianzun looked cold.


The purple jade demon completely turned into a white jade statue. From beginning to end, all jade was jade, and the whole was settled in the void, without a trace of sound.


With a shot from the explorer of the Yuanshi Tianzun, the purple jade demon together with the entire purple bamboo field suddenly burst into pieces and turned into numerous powders, which spilled into the entire South China Sea.

"Dead?" The mosquito horrified.

This is the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace. In the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, it was so easy to kill?

"No, she still has three souls?" Weiren was surprised.

Gu Hai suddenly covered the whole body with yin, and suddenly saw the ghost in his eyes.

It is the palm of Yuanshi Tianzun, as if holding a group of shrinking ghosts, it is the terrified purple jade demon.

"Will I let you die so easily? Ha, ha ha ha, you still have the three souls? Don't worry, I keep your three souls in order to take care of you slowly in the future!"

While talking, I turned my hands and closed the soul of Ziyu Tianmo.

The hearts of the people were so cold that the revenge of Yuanshi Tianzun was too terrifying.

Yuan Shitianzun killed the purple jade demon, but suddenly turned his head and looked coldly toward Shenzhou.

"Ji Dihong? Jiang Rulai? Oh, before the death of Ziyu Tianmo, but mentioned the two of you, the death of my third brother, you also have a share?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

Divine Land.

Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai all changed their faces. This Yuanshi Tianzun report?


Sex, it's not just horror, it's a pervert, this is the rhythm of the Jiu Jiu tribe?


Yuan Shitian Zun's figure flickered, and he rushed to the land of Shenzhou in an instant, and went to the two to confirm that his grievance had gone.

In the blink of an eye, only one person from Guhai was standing alone on the surface of the South China Sea, watching a deadly South China Sea.

"Your Majesty, will Yuanshi Tianzun and Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai fight?" Kong Xuan shook.

"I don't know! We leave here at once!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


With a wave of the ancient sea detective, he will be fragmented by Yuan Shitianzun's ‘Mystery Fairy Sphere’, which has been collected into the ancient fairy sphere.

Xu carefully put away the four swords of Wuxian.



In an instant, the crowd disappeared above the South China Sea.

Jiang Rulai didn't come to chase Gu Hai, because at this moment he encountered more trouble than Gu Hai. Yuan Shi Tianzun, the lunatic, came to the door-

Gu Hai and his party, after half an hour. Arrive outside Wanshou Taoism.

Wanshou Taoism ’s fortune has collapsed almost half, and countless Wanshou Taoist disciples are mournful.

"Guhai, thank you for sending me!" Ian said weakly.

"Well, you still want to stay in Wanshou Taoism? Why not go to my Dahandi Dynasty?" Gu Hai advised.

He shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, but I am a Wanshou Taoist disciple after all, and the leader has passed all my sword intentions to me. I will not leave!"

"But, do you know why the Master of the Heavens finally gave you everything?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

看了 Deeply glanced at the ancient sea: "I know, my previous life was jealous!"

"Oh? Have you recovered your memory?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Not yet, but I can analyze it, and my past life memory is a little loose, as if not far away from knowing the past!" 铩 solemnly said.

"Your past life ...!" Gu Hai was about to tell.

"Don't tell me, no matter who I was in the previous life, in this life, I'm a Taoist disciple of Wanshou! I'm Aunt!" Aunt shook his head.

"Okay, take care!" Gu Hai nodded.

At this moment, many disciples of Wanshou Taoism suddenly flew in.

"Master Qinglian?" The disciples were surprised.

"Thank you!" I nodded in front of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai and his entourage handed the puppet to the Taoist disciples of Wanshou, and immediately headed for Wudu Tiandu.

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