Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 125: Golden egg food

How to resolve the grievances of Yuanshi Tianzun, Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai, Gu Hai didn't care. The main thing now is to become a golden egg.

An hour later, Gu Hai and his party arrived at the borderless sky capital. The ancient sea kept everyone waiting outside and went directly to the small courtyard where Dayu Rulai was located.

Da Ri Ru Lai is also waiting for the ancient sea.

"Mr. Gu, are you here for Yuanshi Tianzun just now? I have already seen this Yuanshi Tianzun, so capable!" Da Ri Rulai admired.

"No, it's not Yuanshi Tianzun, but Shangguanhen, please help me!" Gu Hai said immediately.

With that said, he turned over and took out the Dan furnace.


Dan Furnace landed in the small courtyard with a slight shock, and Da Riru stepped forward immediately.

"This Dan furnace is really strange. The runes above seem to be aimed specifically at the ground fire?" Da Riru wondered.

Gu Hai shook her head and smiled bitterly: "If you like it, wait to save Shangguan Hen, and this Dan furnace will be given to you for fun!"

"Oh?" Da Riru looked utterly and lifted the lid of the furnace.

Suddenly, the golden egg inside jumped.

"Shangguan marks, you are practicing eight or nine mysterious exercises! This method was created by a group of you, and it is a combination of the Buddha and the Devil and the Lich Law. What's wrong with Shangguan marks?" Gu Hai worried.

Da Riru grabbed his hand, and the golden egg caught in his hand.

The golden egg was beating like it was going to bite the flesh.

"Eight or nine mysteries? How much did Shangguan mark practice?" Da Riru frowned.

"Sounded by Shangguan marks, 800,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Xuanwu period gave Shangguan marks all their flesh and blood to practice, which helped Shangguan marks practice to the 70th level!" Gu Hai recalled.

"Cultivate with flesh and blood? Seventy?" Da Rirui's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, only the last time I repaired with flesh and blood. In the old days, I took him to the eighteenth floor of hell, all by training!" Gu Hai explained.

"Eight or nine mysterious exercises were cultivated by me and other leaders, but there is no one who can practice them successfully, because the later, the more difficult it is to practice, the Shangguan marks can be cultivated to seventy. It's a miracle! "Da Riru said.

"Then Shangguan marks are still alive?" Gu Hai worried.

"I don't know!" Da Riru frowned.

"What is unclear?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"In the later stages of the eighth and nine mysteries, they are not following the rules, but each has its own changes, each has its own good fortune, or in other words, each has its own number of robbers, which can be spent, and repaired to the next level. Such a golden egg forever! "Da Riru frowned.

"Is he experiencing robberies now?" Gu Hai frowned.

Da Riru nodded.

"How can I help him?" Gu Hai worried.

"It needs flesh now!" Da Riru frowned.

"Flesh?" Gu Hai said unexpectedly.

"Yes, the ancestors of Xuanwu provided him with flesh and blood and opened a path for him to cultivate with flesh and blood. But this path is too rugged. It is not a piece of meat that can be passed by two pieces of meat. Endless flesh and blood, if you let it go, it will kill and eat meat everywhere! "Da Riru frowned.

"Killing and eating meat everywhere? Didn't it become a demon? Everyone got it? And, the more you kill, the more evil you make!" Gu Hai worried.

"Yeah, it needs flesh and blood, let alone life and death, he has become a demon!" Da Riru solemnly said.

Gu Hai's face was slightly heavy.

"Mr. Gu, in the heart of Shangguanchen, you don't want to become a demon. Since he has become like this, if you give it to me, I will help him out, help him to be relieved, and let him reincarnate as soon as possible!" Sigh.

"No!" Gu Hai immediately took the golden egg and put it into the Dan furnace.


The lid of the furnace was closed.

"Here comes the big day, this furnace, I will give you tomorrow!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"You want to save him? Oh, by the way, the South China Sea, the South China Sea ’s billions of souls were beheaded and killed by Yuan Shitianzun, but they are 100 billions of flesh and blood. Those who have been trained too low in their lives and too low levels of flesh and blood, eat 10,000 ordinary people's flesh, it is better to eat a big demon flesh! "Da Riru worried.

"No, I know one, leave for the time being!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Da Riru came to see the ancient sea, and finally nodded, and did not stop.

Out of the small courtyard.

No one was born, Kong Xuan, Mosquitoists, Ao Sheng, Mo Yike, Chen Tianshan and others were waiting.

"Chen Tianshan, Ao Sheng has since replaced Ao Shun's position, and is the supreme representative of the Dahan Emperor's Dragon Clan. You must settle first!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Chen Tianshan answered.

"Ao Sheng, Kong Xuan, you have just passed on the inheritance, and you will definitely need to adjust your interest rate. You will stay for the time being, and break through the retreat!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The two responded.

"Mosquitoes, unborn, let's go to the corpse world again!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" The two responded.

No one waved his hand.


Suddenly, the underworld passage opened, and ancient seas, unborn people, and mosquitoes stepped in.


The underworld channel suddenly disappeared.

As soon as he entered the underworld, he suddenly appeared not far from a Bloody Garrison station.

In the distance, countless bats are fighting a group of skeletons.

"Huh? Bloody Guards and the skeletons of Wanguyinshan will fight?" Weiren was surprised.

However, countless blood races are preventing the skeletons from entering the valley where the blood shines.

"Let's go, let's search!" A skeleton yelled.

In all directions, countless skeletons rushed forward.

"Protection command to make adults!" A group of blood-covered guards immediately stopped in front.

Wars are intertwined.

The Mosquito man's face sank and he immediately stepped forward.


Mosquitoes shot, almost instantaneously, a large number of skulls exploded.

"Who are you, dare to stop me from doing so!" Roared the skeletons.

"Your Majesty!" The blood-stained guards exulted suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai frowned.

"During the retreat of the commander, the movement may be too great, and the blood is so high that it attracts these skeletons. Naturally, we cannot allow the skeletons to disturb the commander and the adult to practice, so ..." A Bloody Guardian respectfully said.

Gu Hai took a look and waved his hand.


The whole valley, along with the Changming in the valley, was immediately included in the ancient fairy dome of the ancient sea.

"Well, Changming is here, you first find a place to settle yourself, and Changming will go out and let him come to join you!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" The blood-stained guards suddenly answered.


The blood cloaks flew away immediately.

"Stop!" Roared the skeletons.


When the mosquitoes waved their hands, the skeletons suddenly flew out again.

"Don't worry about them, let's go!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Gu Hai disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

There were a lot of skeletons and depression.

As the skeletons were depressed.

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, the void trembled a little, and then a burst of blue light appeared, and there seemed to be a huge ghost in the blue light.

"Meet the bone god!" Countless skeletons suddenly worshiped.

"My **** just sensed that there is a residual ancestor of the bone ancestor here, and now it is gone? What happened before?" The ghost of the bone **** was light.

"Ah?" The skeletons startled.

"All of you, go back to the Bone Temple, and tell me clearly!" Bone God said in a shadow.

"Yes!" There was a tremor in the voices of the skeletons, as if they were very afraid to go to the bone temple, but they had to go—

In the ancient sea, mosquitoes and unborn people flew quickly. Two hours later, the three arrived outside the corpse.

Outside the corpse mound, a large number of troops have been stationed at the moment, but for the three of the ancient seas, they easily sneaked into it and no one found it.

Once in, it was a battle of thirty-five days. For ancient seas, it is like flat ground.

Before going to the eternal stupa to disturb the ancient Han, Gu Hai and his party directly arrived at the center corpse.

Outside the corpse pit, there were a few spiteful grievances shouting, but they could not hurt the ancient sea at all.

"Under this corpse is the battle of the ancient Lich, where all the corpses of the demon and the witches died?" Gu Hai asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this pit looks small, but there are infinitely more corpses inside, and, perhaps, the grievances are too strong, and there has been no decay!" The mosquito Taoist explained.

"That's good!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Between the words, Gu Hai turned his hands and took out the Dan furnace.


Opening the Dan furnace, the golden egg suddenly jumped out.

Gu Hai dropped the golden egg into the corpse below.


The golden egg fell into the corpse, and there was a tremor.

"Crumbling humming ...............!"

A series of swallowing and biting sounds came from the bottom of the corpse pit, but it was the golden eggs transformed by Shangguan marks, and they were extremely happy to swallow the immense amount of ancient demon king and big witch flesh.

"Roar!" "Oh!" .........

A few spiteful spite spirits rushed down, but the golden egg could not be hurt at all, and the golden light on the surface of the golden egg came out. To the spiteful spirit, it seemed like a fiery flame, and the burning spiteful spirit kept running away.

"Shangguan marks, eat corpse?" Mosquito said in surprise.

"Eat, as long as Shangguan marks can be recovered!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Yes!" Mosquito and unborn people said nothing.

The bottom of the pit is dark, but the ancient sea can still be seen clearly. It does have countless demon corpses. The golden egg just ate a huge cheetah demon corpse, which is constantly being swallowed.

Exhaling slightly, Gu Hai was also relieved of Shangguan marks.

The detective waved.


Suddenly, Chang Ming appeared in front of the ancient sea.

"Thank Your Majesty for protecting the law, just now it is dangerous!" Chang Ming immediately respectfully said.

"Good danger?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, the minister was refining the blood witch **** before, but he didn't want it. It still had a trace of resentment, and wanted to capture the consciousness of the shechen. If he was disturbed, the minister would almost be robbed of consciousness. Now! "Chang Ming thanked.

"The God of the Blood Witch? I remember, the God of the Blood Witch has been hanging on the lips," I am so good for death "?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, just refining this resentment, and also got some memories of him, he did die injustice!" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.


"He is a blood elder elder of the Wu tribe. He fought against the demon tribe and won hundreds of battles. According to his memory, the mo tribe can completely destroy the tribe and completely defeat it, but in the end, the officials did not know what to draw. , Actually ceased the armistice, this blood witch was unwilling and wanted to resist, but was killed by the generals! He died in the hands of the commander of the tribe of the tribe, generals, so he did not stare, and he was so angry! "Chang Ming explained.

"Oh? He killed him? Why?" Mosquito surprised.

Chang Ming shook his head, saying he didn't know.

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