Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 131: Riot begins

Lingshan City, Donglin Fortune!

The owner of Donglin Wealth is the younger brother hosted by Donglin Temple. In the past few months, someone bought a waste mine in Donglin Temple and opened a wealth management shop. I heard that the business is excellent and the interest rate is very high. The most trusted brother went to apply for a job and to inquire about the situation.

Knowing that the flow of funds within the immense amount of wealth is extremely large, he was relieved to put all the savings of Donglin Temple into it.

This younger brother may be promoted very quickly in the infinite financial management. It didn't take long for him to become a treasurer.

Becoming a treasurer, watching the flood of spirits pouring in every day, and gradually getting jealous. I want to swallow this immeasurable money management. However, during this time, immense money management has been **** one by one because of many people's investment. Powerful people, especially Donglin Temple, will spend all their savings, but this brother will not be messed up.

The host brother found out everything, and resigned eagerly. He opened a Donglin Wealth and leaned on Donglin Temple. He immediately started selling wealth management products.

Although there are few people who come to invest because of its small name, it has a backing of Donglin Temple, and after a month, it also earns a lot of money.

On this day, the Buddha ’s birthday is coming.

Host brother and a group of Ji Ji playing in the house, pleased.

"Ha ha ha, money, money, money, money is a bastard. It turned out that it was so easy to make money? Bai Blind had tossed for so long before. Before, my eldest brother kept the Lingshi mine before giving me that pocket money. Look at me now, ha Haha, I will soon be able to build a mansion with a spiritual stone. The monks in Donglin Temple are so stupid that they are not allowed to partner with me. Hahaha, this is only the first month. Next, there will be more More and more money. "The host brother happily said.

"Master, my fat powder money is gone, and a batch of Donghai pearl powder came last time!" Ji Jimei whispered.


"Master, my bracelet is out of date, as if the gem shop in the front has a new batch of styles!" Another Ji Mei charmingly said.


"Master, your ugly and weird lady before, I came to see you again yesterday, and I let people get out of it!" A Ji Jimei whispered.

"That smelly mother-in-law, try to find me filthy. I used to have no money. I looked at her every day. Now that I have money, let her die, fight it out. "That brother's face didn't matter immediately.

"Master wise!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! I have money, and I want to enjoy the best in the world. What beauty can't get? You serve me well, I can give you everything, ha ha ha ha!" The brother laughed proudly.

"Yes, sir!" Ji Ji immediately tried his best.


Suddenly, the door was knocked open. The younger brother suddenly stunned, and then showed his face: "Who, who dares to spare me Yaxing? Seek death!"

"The shopkeeper and the shopkeeper are not good. Our shop is going to be smashed!" But the housekeeper kneeled anxiously on the ground.

"What? Who dares!" Said the brother excitedly.

"Really, a lot of people are robbing our shop and asking the master to pay money!" The housekeeper anxiously.

"What?" The younger brother immediately got up and ignored other things, and went straight to Donglin Wealth's shop after putting on his clothes.

The host's younger brother soon arrived at Donglin Fortune's shop. But outside the shop, the water that had been surrounded was leaking.

"Repay money, pay money!" There were hundreds of people noisily holding the contract. Numerous properties were also smashed in the shop.

"What are you doing, you are crazy!" Exclaimed the host brother.

"Treasurer, you're finally here!" The clerks were excited.

"Donglin shopkeeper is here! Ask him for money!" I didn't know who shouted.

Suddenly, a swarm of bees swarmed up.

Brother Donglin's face changed, and finally he crowded the crowd and went to the shop door.

"What are you doing, not investing well, and taking what money?" The host brother suddenly anxiously.

One or two want to refund money, this group of people want to refund money, where do you find money to return to them? You know, the money they put in has been spent by themselves.

"The contract is well written and can be exchanged at any time. Treasurer, now we work according to the contract!" One of the beginnings called.


"Did you be deceived by me? My Donglin Fortune will rely on you for a little money?" The host brother cried immediately.

"You do n’t care, the shopkeeper. I looked at the face hosted by Donglin Temple and gave the money to you for investment. You return the money now, and I do n’t need the interest. Liangqing. How about it? Money! "Cried the beginning.

"Yes, yeah, don't interest it, pay your money back!" The crowd clamored immediately.

Everyone was determined that they had to pay back money, but how could they still pay it back? I am not that wealthless, I have made a few months, and I have only made a month, and I have bought a large number of magpies and a lot of luxury goods, and I have no money.

"You don't believe me? My Donglin Wealth will lie to you money? But Donglin Temple behind me will care about this money!" The host brother anxiously said.

"Treasurer, won't you have no money?" One of them changed his face.

The host brother didn't hear what ‘ye’ meant, only he felt suddenly broken.

"It's just a little money. What are you anxious for, Donglin Temple, my brother has it!" The host brother showed a little worry.

"Then go, get the money, and pay us back!" Everyone clamored, seemingly to be hands-on.

As soon as the host brother got excited, he suddenly found out that his wealth management shop is making money fast, but the money is not to be repaid. One or two people are asking for debt. It ’s nothing, but everyone comes together. The money is too hot.

Wealth management shops, like usury in the opposite direction, everyone is their own creditor, and now it's time to urge the account. Why didn't I run away?

"Catch him, let's go to Donglin Temple and ask the Donglin Temple host to ask for debt. If the Donglin temple host doesn't pay it back, we will go to Da Leiyin Temple and ask the Buddha to decide for us!" One growled.

"Catch it!"

Even if they were blocked by a group of shop assistants, where could they stop this group of creditors like wolf-like tigers?

"City guard, city guard, come on!" The host brother exclaimed.

But at this moment, the whole city is in chaos, and all the wealth management shops are violent. Someone came here.

The host brother was caught by a group of creditors in an instant and escorted to Donglin Temple, the largest temple in the city.

The host brother suddenly panicked. After the panic, there was a madness, and he said silently: "You wait, wait until Donglin Temple, I invite the monk in Donglin Temple, I want you to look good, don't want to run!"

A group of people had their own thoughts and soon went outside the Donglin Temple.

But outside the Donglin Temple, thousands of people have been surrounded at the moment, one by one, and they are still increasing.

"Return my hard-earned money!"

"Donglin Temple, repaying debts is justified!"

"Donglin Temple, pay back the money, I only bought Donglin Temple face before I bought financial products!"

"It's been hit, the monk at Donglin Temple has been hit!"

"Repay the money, rush in with me, that's our hard-earned money, it's all ours!"




Donglin Temple presided over to the Great Heroes Hall. At this moment, no one is in charge. Some elders want to stop it. They can't stop it, and they are instantly broken by countless mobs.

The host brother looked dumbfounded: "Diaomin, Diaomin. You're done!"

Outside Lingshan City, in a lonely restaurant.

The ancient Qin and dragon gods looked quietly outside the distant Donglin Temple.

"The person who started the trouble is Jin Yiwei? I seem to have seen him before?" Dragon God frowned.

"Master Dragon has a good memory, yes, the chaos in a city requires not only the accumulation of public anger, but also a fuse to mobilize the city's fire, so that it can explode. What I do is still not secretive. If my father is here, Well, he certainly can't make a trace of it, even Lord Long can't see it, it's Jinyiwei. "Gu Qin drank the tea ceremony.


"In the beginning, we sold financial management products. We have given customers a psychological hint. Where does this financial management product come from? This group of people know that their financial management products are used to mine the Linglin mine in Donglin Temple. They can't find us, they will definitely go to our spiritual stone mine to recover the losses. Other financial products correspond to other places. All the temples in the city, even the city's main house, should be surrounded by the people at this moment. As long as there is a fuse , Then this anger will not come down! "Gu Qin solemnly said.

"It's a fuse, but have the people been stunned? So violent?" Dragon God frowned.

"My father once told me a little about the nature of human nature. When a person is an individual, he can be elegant, gentle, gentle, and humble, because he is only one person. But when this is a group, they are kind and respectful. , It will be torn up, and the remaining barbaric, bloody, and violent will all erupt, and it is still unconstrained. You can look at history, which riot, which group is calm under the riot? No It may be calm, this is not an individual, but a group. The group is fainted. One or two want to calm down, they ca n’t stop. As long as one fuse, a terrible chaos can erupt immediately! ”Gu Qin flashed in the eyes Cold light.

Sure enough, a partial courtyard in Donglin Temple started to catch fire after being snatched and beaten.

Not only Donglin Temple, the entire Lingshan City, but also large and small temples were in chaos, and several fires were set on fire.

City guard? City guards have also bought financial products. At this moment, they can't wait. The city's main house is guarded by reason, but at this moment, it is guarded by burglars and in chaos.

The people, the army, and the city guards could not tell each other. They were in the middle of snatching. They had a fuse line arranged by the ancient Qin Dynasty and could not calm down at all.

Burst, burst, burst ~!

The entire Lingshan City rioted. For a while, the thick smoke billowed, and the smoke rose up.

Lingshan City is just one of the two thousand cities. The other cities also staged this scene, and they were all messy. Whether it was the financial management shops opened by the ancient Qin, or the financial management shops started by 'smart guys' such as his younger brother, everything was messed up. Everyone, all industries stopped, just to get their money back.

Don't return your own money, this anger will never stop.

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