Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 132: Cangjie's speculation

Rhubarb heaven, Xuanyuan City, in the study!

Ji Dihong sat behind the desk and stood in front of a group of trusted and respectful ministers. The ministers stood tall and respected. The needle drop in the study was audible. Only Emperor Kong stepped in front and reported carefully.

"Started?" Ji Dihong's eyes were frozen.

"Yes, exactly as Mr. Cangjie speculated, two thousand cities, almost at the same time, the treasurer of Jiucheng's wealth management shops all fled money! The news was like a plague. It took a very short time to pass it out, and Chen guessed In less than ten days, the whole city will be in chaos! "Kong Di solemnly said.

Ji Dihong looked to Cangjie: "Sir, do you think so?"

Cangjie was out of the ranks and shook his head slightly: "Chen guessed that the city would be in chaos before one day!"

Kong Di frowned, "How is it possible, Mr. Cangjie, there are so many people in the city, and the city is so big. How can this news be passed on one day?"

"Conte, if you don't believe me, read the newspaper tomorrow?" Cangjie laughed.

In the study, suddenly fell silent, one day? How is it possible to mess up two thousand cities a day?

"Notice, from now on, as soon as there is any abnormal news, report immediately!" Ji Dihong Shen said.


There was an official notice immediately.

Cangjie said that one day, everyone would have no intention to leave, so wait and see what happened on this day.

The time of day is not long.

Intelligence officials come in and out constantly consolidating news from everywhere.

The two thousand cities are progressing almost simultaneously. Ji Dihong and the ministers listened carefully.

Mess, Mess, Mess! Two thousand cities, all in a blink of an eye.

Even more, the people began to kill officials and rebel, setting fire to temples. The image of chaos is on.

One and a half days, mobs started hunting down monks, robbing monks of all their properties, and robbing spirits? Everyone seemed crazy.

There was silence in the study.

"Li Mu, at this moment let you lead the troops to capture the two thousand cities in the Holy Mountain Holy Land. How much can you win?" Ji Dihong looked at a man who looked like a general.

The general's face was strange for a while: "Holy Lord, the court felt that the two thousand cities were completely abandoned. The army went into battle and the two thousand cities and even the gates were not guarded!"

After Li Mu said, everyone in the study was shocked.

"In a day, the two thousand cities were all gone? What a terrible wealth management shop!" Kong Di said in shock.

Soldiers, Zhengzheng, Qiqisheng! Siege the city step by step, Zhenghe is the root, Qisheng is just the icing on the cake, but in front of it, only the odds are taken, and overnight, the two thousand cities are destroyed?

What a terrible strategy.

"Holy Lord, Chen is willing to lead the army now and charge the most Lingshan city pool!" Li Mu immediately respected.

"Holy Lord, I want to fight!"

"Holy Lord, the battle is willing!"




Suddenly, several generals shouted, this siege is almost to take, where to go, where to collect, where to fight? It's all about taking credit for it.

Ji Dihong did not open his mouth, but thoughtfully.

"The people behind this scene are terrible. Quietly, the two thousand cities in the Lingshan Holy Land were abandoned overnight, so terrifying commercial war! Soldiers without blood blades, all the roots of the soul mountain?" Kong Di surprised.

"Who the hell? So capable?" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

Looking at the two thousand cities, this moment's sinking, no matter who will be moved. If this commercial war appeared in my huang dynasty, what would happen? Thinking of that scene, Ji Dihong did not consciously explode his hair.

"Yes, holy, the minister also sent someone to check my rhubarb dynasty a few days ago. There are 16 cities in my rhubarb dynasty. Some people have started to open financial management shops. A group! "Cangjie said.

As soon as Cangjie spoke, almost everyone in the study changed his face.

Ji Dihong's face suddenly gloomy: "Catch up all the staff of the financial management shops. From now on, I am in the Huang Dynasty. Someone dare to open a financial management shop, or a similar shop, all caught up. Resist, destroy the family, no, destroy the nine! "

Ji Dihong immediately gave a death order. Obviously, even in the face of Yuan Shitianzun, Ji Dihong, who is not afraid, is starting to be afraid in the face of this small wealth management shop. Only fear will make such an order.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

Here are Ji Dihong's close friends, helping Ji Dihong to govern the country's government. If Ji Dihong has made mistakes, all the officials will join in, because Ji Dihong has never been self-employed, and I hope that these people will be with themselves Different voices, this will last for a long time. But at this moment, all the courtiers, who did not speak, recognized Ji Dihong's order to destroy the nine clans, and it was obviously frightened.

Everyone can imagine how terrible this country is in a day. Who dares to take risks?

"Holy, are we going to send troops?" Li Mu eagerly said.

Ji Dihong shook his head: "Wait a second, the situation of the opponent is unclear, who is behind this scene, we don't know yet, it should not be reckless now!"

"Yes!" Li Mu answered.

The generals no longer called for battle.

"Conte, let you send someone to check who is the black hand behind the scenes, have you found it?" Ji Dihong looked at Conte.

Conte smiled slightly bitterly: "Holy, the black hands behind this scene are too cunning!"


"In the past six months, they have continuously enabled people related to Lingshan Holy Land to become shopkeepers and shopkeepers of wealth management shops, but their people have disappeared one after another. Obviously, they have long wanted to retreat, and those recruited people related to Lingshan It is also stupid. Although the salary is very high, but the spirit stone is not handy, but it is only sloppy, just for today, to help the people to transfer hatred to Lingshan Holy Land. Financial management shops were originally commercial activities, but they cleverly turned into policy behaviors. It became the backing of thousands of temples, and it became the backing of Lingshan Holy Land. They ran the monks and could n’t run the temples. Everyone was taken by them, and their people have all quietly retreated. , Took away all the spirit stones, all are gone, there are no traces! "Kong Di smiled bitterly.

"It's terrible not to hurt a soldier!" Feng Bo said ugly among officials.

"What a meticulous plan, a vicious strategy!" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

"This person is too terrible. There is no trace behind the scenes!" Kong Di shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Ji Dihong looked at Cangjie. Cangjie never spoke, as if thinking about something.

"Mr. Cangjie, what do you think?" Ji Dihong asked.

"This time the wealth management shop is only for the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Therefore, I think we should start from the enemies of the Holy Mountain Holy Land. So organized, at least the imperial dynasty and the Zhongzongmen forces!" Cangjie analyzed.

"Yes, the enemy? Although the Holy Mountain Holy Land has always said compassion, but the expansion of its spiritual power is bloody. The two thousand cities were also the territory of the major powers. Although those powers were destroyed, but Their descendants also re-opened up new forces and have always hated Lingshan Holy Land. "Conte looked aside.

Ji Dihong nodded: "Let ’s not mention the enemies of the Holy Mountain Holy Land, Dasong Dynasty and Wanshou Taoism. In this world, there are eight emperor dynasties and nine Zhongzong gates that are their deadly enemies! Mr. Cangjie said, this time Behind the scenes is the master of these 17 forces? "

Cangjie was silent for a while and said, "Holy Lord, this time the commercial battle, in fact, it has happened in the past, and you have seen it before, and the minister has focused on seeing Holy Lord!"

"Oh? Similar to this commercial war?" Ji Dihong frowned.

Such commercial warfare can be described as extremely horrible. In one day, two thousand cities were completely destroyed. For everyone, it was the first time to see such a thrilling battle. Cangjie said that it had happened before, how did I not know?

"Remember the ancient sea of ​​Emperor Dahan in the Holy!" Cangjie solemnly said.

"Ancient sea?" Ji Dihong narrowed his eyes.

"It's impossible. Although the ancient sea and Lingshan holy land are hostile, the Dahan Emperor's dynasty is right in the north of Shenzhou, separated from the Lingshan holy land by countless forces, so far away, how can it be so great?" Emperor Kong was surprised.

Cangjie did not bother with Conte, but went on to say: "The Holy Lord let the ministers know about the ancient sea, and the minister paid attention to all of it. He stepped up step by step. He did make it once before, but the situation was different, but the result It ’s all the same. During the mortal period, he used the Shangdou country to call it a god. He almost cost a soldier and killed a great Song country in the mortal period with commerce! "

"Mortal period?" The ministers were surprised for a while.

Ji Dihong suddenly remembered: "It was because of the commercial war that the ancient sea stepped into the practice world? Do you remember, the Song Dynasty plan?"

Cangjie nodded: "This ancient sea is extraordinary business, such a large-scale war, so easy to use, so terrible!"

There was a moment of silence in the study.

Can it be scary? This is Mr. Cangjie's evaluation. Mr. Cangjie rarely evaluates people.

"This time in Lingshan's two thousand cities, the ancient sea is the black hand behind the scenes?" Ji Dihong's eyes flashed a dignity.

"He has major suspicions, and the Holy Lord may wish to focus on the ancient sea!" Cangjie solemnly said.

Cangjie did not use an affirmative tone, but since Cangjie mentioned him, he clearly had identified him.

"Confucius, to inform all the spies of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty and Lingshan Holy Land to investigate the matter with all their strength, I don't want to hear anything that is unclear!" Ji Dihong commanded.

"Yes!" Kong Diying said.


Holy Mountain Holy Land.

When the chaos broke out in the two thousand cities, the day of the Buddha's birthday also arrived.

Da Lei Yin Temple, outside the Noble Hall.

Countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats stood reverently in the four directions, chanting the slogan of Wuliangshou Buddha, all with smiles, looking at the entrance of the Great Hero Palace, Jiang Rulai slowly stepped out of the hall.

"Meet the Buddha!" ​​All monks worshiped respectfully.

Jiang Rulai nodded slightly.

A golden lotus suddenly appeared at the foot of the step, which was the twelfth magic weapon of ancient times. This was the twelve grades of golden lotus. Later, the mosquitoes secretly ate three grades and nine grades of golden lotus!

Stepping on the top of Jiupin Golden Lotus, Jiang Rulai radiates a Buddha light all over his body, letting everyone feel an infinite glory.

"The Buddha opened the altar and preached, all my Buddha disciples, please sit down and listen!" The Buddha said in the past.


All the monks immediately gave a ritual, and then all the Buddhas sat down with a flower of golden lotus. All the bodhisattvas sat down on a white lotus platform, while all the arhats sat on a futon. Listen to the Buddha. Create a grand event!

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