Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 133: Heaven and earth, only I have the honor!

Holy mountain holy land, the entrance of Nobita treasure hall!

Jiang Rulai stood on the top of Jiupin Jinlian, and stood high, watching countless Buddhist and Taoist disciples standing around, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Arhat all stand in reverence, their eyes are full of piety, and the sky is very rich, and the sound of the Buddha sounds around the Daxiong Hall.

The face of the ten thousand Buddhas

Nowadays, who does not cultivate Buddhism, who doesn't yearn for Lingshan Holy Land? It seems to have become the ancestral home of the Buddha. Pride in entering the Western Lingshan.

With hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, now he can be regarded as commander of Jiucheng Buddhist disciples.

Wanfo dynasty? He is the Buddha of worship, the Buddha on Buddha!

Looking at the thick luck in the sky, Jiang Rulai's eyes changed strongly.

I still remember the moment when the Daemon sent himself into the sun. At that time, he was nothing, but now he has unified the Taoism.

In the past, monks in the world chanted ‘Mulitary Life Buddha’! But to this day, the immeasurable Buddha is just a legend. It is the legendary ancestor, and he himself is the current Buddha, the current Buddha, the current Buddha, the ancestor of the Buddha.

Countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats looked at Jiang Rulai strangely, and they didn't know what the Buddha was going to do, but everyone was a devout believer, so they would not bother.

However, after seeing that Jiang Rulai's eyes changed for a while, the decision was finally made. Stepping on the golden lotus, Jiang Rulai suddenly made a gesture slowly.

But I saw that Jiang Rulai has one finger and one hand!

"Is this the new seal of Buddhism?" Cried all the monks.

"On earth and in the sky, I alone!" Jiang Rulai said suddenly.

The sound was loud, spreading all over Lingshan, Lingshan holy land, and the clouds of fortune twitched for a while. Numerous Buddha sounds surrounded Jiang Helai's overbearing voice, echoing in the void. A sigh of anger was exuded from the surface of Jiang Rulai.

One finger to the sky, one finger to the ground, heaven and earth, but I have exclusive respect!

The sudden scene made everyone a meal. Be surprised. It's like playing a mystery, many people don't understand.

Some Buddha became enlightened, and suddenly his face changed, and then suppressed his surprise.

Then, all the Bodhisattvas also changed for a while.

Because they have seen the importance of the Buddha's preaching this time, not only about the devil, but it seems that there are bigger things to declare.

Heaven and earth, only I have the honor!

This is telling all monks their ambitions and power.

The Arhats became enlightened one after the other, and there was a cloud of uncertainty at the time of enlightenment.

Only the past Buddha, the first to follow, suddenly folded his hands, respectfully said: "Nanwuru comes to the present Buddha!"

'South without' means 'converted'. Conversion, such as Buddha now?

It used to be the Nan Wu Wu Shou Buddha, but now, is it the current Buddha?

This is to change the name of the Buddha in the world. Let all the people in the world practice Buddhism instead of reading ‘Wuliangshou Buddhism’, but ‘Rulai Now Buddha’!

This is a Buddhist revolution!

A difference in slogans is a rough sea.

Today, Jiang Rulai is the Buddha, who unites the Buddha's Taoism and can order the Buddhas in the world. Perhaps after many years, other Buddhas will unite the Buddha's Taoism. However, unification of Buddhism and chanting of 10,000 Buddhas are not the same thing.

In history, in addition to Jiang Rulai, Nalanda Temple also commanded the Buddhist Taoism, and King Kong Temple also commanded the Buddha Taoism, but no one dared to put his name into the Buddha's name like Jiang Rulai.

Is this a radical change in the Buddhist tradition? The world ’s cultivation of Buddhism no longer starts with Wuliangshou Buddhism, but instead changes to Rulai Buddhism?

In the past the Buddha chanted.

Suddenly, there were many monks reading along.

"Nan Wurui is now a Buddha!"

"Nan Wurui is now a Buddha!"




The sound of worship is endless, most of them are Jiang Rulai's disciples. At this moment, began to formally change the world's Buddhist traditions?

There are more and more Buddhas chanting Nan Wurulai now. At the same time, a special merits are flowing into Jiang Rulai's body. Jiang Rulai feels very comfortable.

Originally, everything went well. But suddenly a different voice appeared.

"Nan Wuru came to the present Buddha? Ridiculous, ridiculous! The disciples devoted themselves to practicing Buddhism, chanting the Buddha's name" Wuliangshou Buddha ", in order to remember the ancient Wuliangshou Buddha passed down the Buddha's Tao, which is respect in the heart, not by authority. The Buddha wants to change the sacredness of the Buddha in my heart. The disciples are afraid to agree, and they are even more afraid. This is not the original intention of the Buddha. The Buddha saves all sentient beings, not the sole esteem of the ego! Meaning? The disciples don't want to listen to the demon here and say goodbye! "A Bodhisattva suddenly exclaimed.

While drinking, the Bodhisattva suddenly stood up and was about to leave.

magic? This bodhisattva dare to say that the Buddha is a demon? So brave.


"Bold, dare you count the Buddha?"

"Do you dare to say that the Buddha is a demon? Your Buddhism was handed down by the Buddha!"




All the Buddhas, Bodhisattva, and Rohan screamed in anger.

Jiang Rulai was also gloomy.

On the one hand, the Buddha's expression changed: "Bunsheng Bodhisattva? I remember, you are old with Liansheng Bodhisattva? Then Liansheng Bodhisattva and the ancient sea of ​​the demon head are all contaminated. Do you also want to help the demon?"

In the past, the Buddha gave a cold drink and immediately identified the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva.

"It was originally a friend of the demon head, and would you dare to mess with me?" The Buddha suddenly yelled.

"Buddha, this Bodhisattva Bodhisattva has fallen into the demon path, and the disciples are willing to drop the demon and demon!" Some Bodhisattva sang immediately.

"If you come to Buddhism and Buddhism now, you are not worthy of being a bodhisattva. This is the devil's head. Get it quickly!" Another Buddha cried.

The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva has flown into the air, watching a crowd of Jiang Rulai dog legs counting themselves, snorting humbly: "Huh, I am waiting for the Buddha, but I am the only one? I do n’t miss the king and I am the king? "

"Where to go!" The Buddha hummed in the past.

In the cold hum, the candle lantern suddenly flew out, and a fire suddenly enveloped the Bodhisattva.

"Ah!" The Bodhisattva screamed.

"The chaos of my Buddha is no different from the devil, when he is a demon!" The Buddha sang in the past.


The fire was incinerated, and the Bodhisattva was about to be destroyed.

"Devils, you demon heads, buddha practitioners, compassion for the sake, here to exclude aliens, independent monarchs are demon heads, Lingshan holy places, for the devil's cave, Jiang Rulai? Are you a devil, you are demon, demon , Ah ~! "

Screamed. The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva was immediately burnt.

In a blink of an eye, everyone at the entrance of the Daxiongbao Hall was silent for a while, and those who were still swaying before, suddenly showed a hint of panic.

"Nanwurulai is now a Buddha!" ​​All the monks suddenly worshiped.

At this moment, Jiang Rulai's face looked better.

Wanfo admits that although the **** suppression was used, as long as Wanfo admits it, as long as the Buddha's name is changed to Nan Wurulai now Buddha, then everything will be enough. Now the blood, who will remember it later? The king is defeated. Most things in the world, just look at the results!

Jiang Rulai watched all the disciples stand obediently, whether willingly or secretly resentful, but as long as the obedience on the surface is enough.

"The deity wants to open up a world of Buddhism and Taoism, only a world of Buddhas. Those who enter this world will turn everyone into a Buddha, immortal, and uphold our Buddhism!" Jiang Rulai said.

"Everyone becomes a Buddha? Immortality is immortal?" The monks who had just returned to their hearts suddenly blinked.

Buddha, who doesn't like it? To become a Buddha requires self-awareness, which is weird to other spiritual practice, but this is the case with Buddhist practice, because as soon as you become conscious, the practice can go straight up. Sometimes, the cultivation of the Buddha is in one thought, the so-called ‘put down the butcher ’s knife and stand on the ground’ is like this, once you realize yourself. A mortal ascetic monk can instantly cultivate into the sky. Who doesn't want to become a Buddha?

Everyone's eyes lit up, especially one more sentence, immortality? Immortality is impossible, but reincarnation after death, like Jiang Rulai, 800,000 years, if the ordinary practitioner died early, but he can continue to the present, is it immortal?

Is this to teach all disciples?

All monks looked eagerly at Jiang Rulai.

Jiang Rulai gave a small smile, and he used both powers and enemies. The violent suppression just now, and then give a little sweetness, these disciples will die.

"This world of Buddhism and Taoism is called‘ The World of Mother-in-law '. Everything has been prepared. It could have been opened thousands of years ago, but ... ”Jiang Rulai sighed slightly.

"Buddha, why is it delayed so far?" The Buddha was puzzled in the past.

Everyone looked at Jiang Rulai.

"Because one of the most important external frames in the world of mother-in-law is stolen!" Jiang Rulai said.

"Ah? Who dares to steal the frame of my mother-in-law's world?" Everyone suddenly stared.

"Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, Dragon Warring States, stole the Buddha's immortal dome. Now, the Buddha's immortal dome has fallen and fell into the hands of the ancient sea!" Jiang Ru said.

"Ah? Celestial Dome? It turned out that the former Celestial Dome of the Warring States Period of the Dragon Warring States was made by the Buddha, and now it is the head of the ancient sea devil? That is the treasure of my spiritual mountain?" A Buddha's face sank.

"The demon head, you must drop the demon!"

"Destroy his demon dynasty, get back my Buddha's fairy dome!"




Faced with the opportunity to become a Buddha, many monks screamed.

However, some monks showed doubts and expressed a hint of doubt.

Jiang Rulai said in a hurry: "The Buddha already has the reincarnation pool, but the reincarnation can be recreated in the Buddha's immortal dome, and there are eighteen layers of hell, which form the foundation, and the disciples of Buddhism and Tao can realize the world between reincarnation. Reason, you can be conscious of chaos and become a Buddha! "

"Buddha, we must get back the Buddha's immortal dome!" Suddenly, many Bodhisattva Luohan shouted with excitement.

On the one side, the Buddha once again said, "The demon dynasty has repeatedly disturbed my spiritual mountain, and there are countless disciples. It is a worldly demon. In the past, for the practice of magic, it killed 200 million people in Sanshan City and a city. Mouth, also this monstrous murder, marry my Holy Mountain Holy Land, the great devil ancient sea, everyone can take it! "

"Big devil ancient sea, everyone has to sacrifice it!" Countless Buddhas suddenly angered with red eyes.

Only a few people know the truth about Sanshancheng and naturally understand that the Buddha was slandering the ancient sea in the past, but this few people dare not interject. Now the sentiments are exciting, and at this time, do you want to end like the Bodhisattva just now?

"To speak at the altar today, the deity will discuss with you how to destroy this peerless demon and recapture the immortal dome of Buddhism and Taoism, and return the world to a bright future!" Jiang Rulai solemnly said.

"Yes!" Countless disciples answered.

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