In Jiangbei College.

As the governor of Jiangbei Base City, Sun Chengfeng stood with his hands tied.

At this time, he seemed to be no longer a noble consul, but just an ordinary sidekick.

Seeing the martial arts giants coming through the air, Sun Chengfeng's scalp felt numb.

In the sky, vast amounts of true energy are rolling in.

The true energy fell, and a white-haired giant descended from the sky and landed in Jiangbei College.

"This is... this is the old head of the Zhou family in Donghai. He is still alive and well." Looking at the white-haired venerable figure, Sun Chengfeng's heart beat rapidly.

Donghai Zhou family.

It was an ancient sect that had been passed down for more than three thousand years. Back then, the old head of the Zhou family had followed the Great Sage Long Yuan in his expeditions outside the territory and killed several martial lords from outside the territory.

After so many years, Great Sage Long Yuan has also passed away. Everyone thought that the old head of the Zhou family had passed away, but they never thought that he was still alive in the world.

"Unexpectedly, his old man actually got the news and came here in person. It seems that the ancient books of Emperor Wu are too tempting for this powerful man." Sun Chengfeng sighed with emotion.

The yard next to the old principal's house.

Today, it has become Tang Feng’s residence.

In the courtyard, the old dean and Tang Feng greeted these martial arts giants from all over the world.

"Younger generation, I have met Venerable Qingfeng." The old principal bowed and saluted when he saw the old head of the Zhou family.

Tang Feng stayed nearby and saluted with the old principal.

The white-haired old man strode over and stopped in front of the two of them.

In his old eyes, his gaze fell on Tang Feng.

A look of approval on his face.

"At the age of nineteen, the fourth level of the Martial Sect, he also understood the secret of a sword. Throughout the five thousand years of our country's history, only the Great Sage Long Yuan of that time can compete with you. It seems that our country's , another young saint will be born in the future." The old man looked at Tang Feng and said with a smile.

Sun Liangchen, who was staying not far away, looked horrified when he heard this praise.

Great Sage Long Yuan, what an existence that is!

In the history of the country, there have been three great sages, and among these three great sages, Longyuan Great Sage has the highest achievements and the greatest influence.

But now, this holy sage who once followed the Great Sage Long Yuan to conquer the outside world actually compares Tang Feng with the Great Sage Long Yuan. What a high praise this is.

Can Tang Feng really be compared with the Great Sage Long Yuan? ? !

Is it really possible for him to become a saint? ? !

Sun Liangchen was a little confused.

Facing the praise from the head of the Zhou family, Tang Feng just smiled slightly, unfazed by the honor or disgrace.

The old head of the Zhou family looked at Tang Feng who was calm and composed, and praised him more and more.

"Sir Qingfeng, the ancient book of Emperor Wu is in the house. Please help yourself." Tang Feng said neither humble nor overbearing.

The old head of the Zhou family smiled and nodded.

Before entering the house, the old head of the Zhou family threw an object to Tang Feng.

"Baby, little old man, I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare any decent gifts. This little thing is just a greeting gift."

As soon as the words fell, people had already floated into the house.

Tang Feng was stunned for a moment. He lowered his head and looked, only to find that there was a crystal jade bottle in his hand.

Just by looking at the color of the jade bottle, you can tell that it is not ordinary.

The old principal standing nearby glanced at it, and his eyelids jumped when he saw the jade bottle.

"This old Patriarch Zhou is indeed a sweetheart. Such a precious treasure can be used as a greeting gift." Looking at the jade bottle, the old principal sighed.

Hearing what the old principal said, Tang Feng chuckled.

He didn't open the jade bottle and stuffed it directly into his pocket.

How could the things sent by other beings be ordinary objects? Come to think of it, the things contained here are definitely of extraordinary value.

An unexpected surprise.

What an unexpected surprise.

During the whole process, Sun Liangchen was paying attention to Tang Feng. Looking at Tang Feng who was calm and calm, he had to admit in his heart that if he only talked about this calmness and calmness, he could not compare with Tang Feng.

Even though he didn't face Lord Qingfeng directly, he still felt strong pressure.

But as for Tang Feng, when he faced Master Qingfeng directly, he showed no fear of honor or disgrace and showed no trace of panic during the conversation.

Perhaps, this is the gap.

"I almost forgot, he saved more than one Martial Lord in Beimang Mountain, and even stayed in the same room with those Martial Lords. After a long time, he will naturally become immune to the powerful aura of Martial Lords." Sun Liangchen thought What, he muttered.

"Sun Liangchen, you have to remember, don't compare with him. If you compare with him, you are just looking for trouble for yourself." He warned himself in his heart.

Soon, he found that his mood suddenly improved again.

Not long after, vast amounts of true energy surged up from the sky.

Another martial arts giant has arrived.

The abyss-like true energy stretches for dozens of miles, which is spectacular.

This is an existence that is not weaker than the old head of the Zhou family.

It was a thin old woman with silver hair and a cane in her hand.

When he saw this female venerable, even the old principal was not calm.

He hurried up to greet her and bowed to salute.

"Student, I met the old principal."

Tang Feng was secretly speechless when he heard what the old principal called the old woman.

The old principal of the old principal, how old is this old woman?

The old woman coughed a few times and raised her arms.

Principal Zhou quickly walked up and supported the old woman's arm.

"Is this the child?" The old woman looked at Tang Feng and asked with a kind smile on her face.

Tang Feng didn't know the other party's name, so he could only bow and salute.

"Boy Tang, this is the principal of my college at that time, Venerable Yunyi. Like Venerable Qingfeng, she has followed the Great Sage Long Yuan, conquered foreign lands, and made great achievements for our human race. "Principal Zhou introduced.

"Junior has met Venerable Yunyi."

The old woman smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"He's a good kid."

"This time, it is a great kindness for you to take out the ancient book of Wucheng for the warriors all over the world to see. For this reason, all the warriors in our country owe you a great favor." The old woman looked at Tang Feng , said with gentle words.

Tang Feng smiled and said he didn't dare.

"You don't need to be humble. After this, you will definitely gain something. The royal family of the imperial capital will grant you any reward, so you can accept it with peace of mind." The old woman continued.

"Of course, today's imperial royal family is not what it used to be. Even if you are given a reward, it is nothing more than a title, which means little to you."

At this point, the old woman couldn't help laughing.

Sun Liangchen, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but roll his eyes, feeling sour in his heart.

Is it nothing more than a title? It is not meaningful?

Although the imperial royal family is not as big as before, it is still very stingy in granting titles.

Even his father was just a marquis.

And I, until now, am still white.

Among the younger generation of the empire, except for the children of the royal family, it is not known that there are many knights.

Now, Tang Feng, a young man from the countryside, is going to be knighted.

Comparing people to each other is so irritating.

There's really no comparison.

"I came in a hurry, and I didn't prepare any decent gifts. Just treat this little thing as a meeting gift. You can play with it." The old woman flipped her palms, and an ancient jade appeared in her palms.

He threw it to Tang Feng casually.

Tang Feng quickly caught it.

The old principal Zhou next to him glanced at the ancient jade and his pupils shrank slightly.

That baby is also considered a small gift!

This melon boy, I'm afraid he's going to make a fortune this time.

I am afraid that there are not a few gifts given to him by Wuzun who came to see Wuxun's ancient books, and each one is extraordinary.

After the failure of Bao Qi, this melon boy became richer than himself.


The old principal was completely sour.

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