Every Day He Does Good Deeds, His Diary Was Exposed By His Green Tea Girlfriend

Chapter 042 Good Fortune And Misfortune Depend On Each Other, The Decision Of The Big Guys

Just as the old principal expected.

All the martial arts giants who came here gave Tang Feng a greeting gift after meeting him.

Moreover, the things brought out by these martial arts giants are all treasures of terrifying value.

At this moment, Tang Feng's hand cramped just to accept the gift.

Sun Liangchen and the old principal next to him were both jealous.

Especially Sun Liangchen swallowed hard.

You know, any of the things those martial arts giants casually threw to Tang Feng could be sold for a sky-high price.

In such a short period of time, Tang Feng's family fortune has become extremely rich.

If coupled with the millennium accumulation of the Su family and Zhu family that Chen Feixuan gave him, his current family wealth is even richer than that of many aristocratic families that have been passed down for two thousand years.

A giant of martial arts came through the air.

On the first day alone, ten people came, and every one of them was a strong martial artist.

And this number is still increasing.

That Wucheng ancient book seemed to really record the great secrets of heaven and earth. All the martial arts giants were completely attracted to it when they saw it for the first time.

The old head of the Zhou family was the first to read the ancient Wucheng book.

When he came out of the house again, the dark aura was rising faintly, as if there were signs of breaking through.

Seeing this scene, the martial arts giants waiting outside the house became more and more eager for the ancient Wuzhen book.

This Venerable Qingfeng has been stuck in a small realm for many years. Now, after reading the ancient book of Wucheng, there are signs of breaking through. It can be seen that the ancient book of Wucheng does have great benefits for martial arts experts. s things.

The head of the Zhou family came out of the house and took a deep look at Tang Feng.

Shi Shiran bowed his hands.

Tang Feng quickly got out of the way.

He did not dare to accept the thank-you gift from this venerable person.

"This time, the little old man and the Zhou family owe you a huge favor. From now on, if you need anything, just ask, the Zhou family will do their best."

The old head of the Zhou family left, leaving these words before leaving.

Watching the figure leaving in a hurry, everyone knew that the old head of the Zhou family was rushing back to break the situation.

A few more hours later, the old principal's principal came out of the house.

The breath in that thin body fluctuated erratically.

Like the head of the Zhou family, she looked at Tang Feng with that deep look in her eyes after walking out of the house.

Shi Shiran bowed his hands.

Tang Feng could only avoid it again.

"Child, remember that grandma owes you a big favor. In the future, when you go to the imperial capital, remember to visit grandma." Venerable Yunyi looked at Tang Feng and said kindly.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded in agreement.

Venerable Yunyi left.

She comes in a hurry and goes in a hurry.

Although she only stayed at Jiangbei College for a few hours, these few hours made her break her bottleneck.

It can be seen from the fluctuating aura in her body when she left that it won't be long before she will break through the realm and advance further in her cultivation.

The waiting martial arts giants are filled with more and more expectations.

In the next few days, a martial arts giant came in a hurry, and then left in a hurry.

There were even martial arts giants who broke through on the spot when they read the Wucheng ancient book.

At the same time, a powerful aura rose into the sky in the East China Sea Base City. The aura rippled for hundreds of miles and could be clearly felt even in Jiangbei.

The old head of the Zhou family is in trouble.

Another day.

In the imperial capital, there is a powerful aura rising straight into the sky.

All the transcendent beings in the imperial capital looked sideways.

After the old head of the Zhou family, Venerable Yunyi also broke through.

And at Jiangbei College.

In the past few days, there have been three Martial Lords who broke through on the spot.

As for the strong men in the Martial King Realm, so far, they are all waiting in the courtyard and have no chance to see the ancient book.

Counting Dean Zhou, Chen Feixuan's brother and sister, in just one week, there are eight martial arts giants in the country who have broken through the current small realm.

And these eight people, without exception, all broke through after reading the Wucheng ancient book.

Suddenly, the small room in Jiangbei College became the center of attention.

More martial arts giants rushed towards Jiangbei Academy.

At this time, the imperial capital.

In that ancient college.

The old man was sitting on a chair sipping tea. Opposite him, a cold middle-aged man stood.

"Unexpectedly, that silly boy actually gave me such a big surprise. A volume of ancient martial arts books has allowed the martial arts experts in our country to collectively improve. After this, our country's national strength will usher in a new wave. Big leap." The old man was filled with emotion.

After listening to the old man's words, the cold man nodded in agreement.


In just a few days, the eight Martial Lords of the * Kingdom broke through the bottleneck and were promoted to higher levels.

The improvement of high-end combat power will directly affect the national strength of the * country.

At present, it is only the strong ones in the Martial Master Realm. Next, when those strong ones in the Martial King Realm also read the ancient book of Wuxun, they will also usher in a collective promotion.

It is even possible that one or two Martial Lords will be born.

*The national strength of the country will greatly increase.

"This matter needs to be kept secret. Send someone to erase all information about the ancient Wucheng book. At the same time, we also raise Tang Feng's personal identity information to top secret level and minimize his role in this matter. "The old man said leisurely.

The cold man looked at the old man suspiciously.

He still didn't quite understand why his old principal, the imperial master, paid so much attention to the young man named Tang Feng.

It seems that the old principal has known Tang Feng for a long time.

However, it seems that the old principal has not been out for many years. How did he get to know the wild boy living in Beimang Mountain?

"Is the principal afraid that someone will do something bad to the child?"

The old man nodded and sighed.

"The war in the north is raging, and the Dongsang Kingdom is also ready to make a move. At this time, if they know the existence of the Wucheng Ancient Book, they will definitely react violently. I am worried that the Dongsang Kingdom and the Northern Barbarians will unite. I am even more worried. Worried, these two countries will take action against that child.”

Today's * country seems to be peaceful, but in fact, there are constant wars on the border.

The Northern Barbarians and the Dongsang Kingdom were so ambitious that they always wanted to destroy the * Kingdom.

Before this, the Dongsang Kingdom was still holding back, but once they knew about the existence of the Wucheng Ancient Book and the collective promotion of the country's high-end combat power, they would definitely take action.

Neither the Northern Barbarians nor the Dongsang Kingdom will watch the * country's national power increase.

If the Northern Barbarians and the Dongsang Kingdom unite and invade the * Kingdom, the * Kingdom will face the most brutal war.

In that battle outside the territory, the great sage Long Yuan died, several sub-sages fell, and the country's national power was greatly damaged. Even after hundreds of years... the country's national power still failed to recover.

Today's * country is in its weakest period in history.

Without the Great Sage, the entire empire was supported by a few of these minor saints.

Once the Northern Barbarians and the Dongsang Kingdom jointly send troops, the * country will be in danger.

Thinking of this, the old man sighed in his heart.

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