Every Day He Does Good Deeds, His Diary Was Exposed By His Green Tea Girlfriend

Chapter 043 An Unexpected Gain, Deducing The Demon-Slaying Sword


Of course Tang Feng didn't know what happened in the imperial capital.

He was busy receiving all the giants of martial arts in the country, but he had no idea that his identity information level had been set to the highest SSS level.

Looking at the entire * country, there used to be only ten people with SSS level identity information, but now, there is one more.

In the past few days, powerful warriors from the * country arrived one after another.

These martial arts giants came and went in a hurry. Although they didn't stay long, they gained a lot.

Some people broke through on the spot when they looked at the Wucheng ancient book, and others broke through one after another after leaving.

When all the strong Martial Masters left, those Martial King masters who had been waiting for a long time finally had the opportunity to read the ancient book of Wuxun.

At this time, there were more than sixty strong Martial Kings in Jiangbei College.

It can be said that half of the powerful Martial Kings in the * Kingdom are here.

It is extremely rare in the history of * country that so many powerful Martial Kings gather in one place.

As a King of Martial Arts entered the room and looked at the ancient Martial Arts Book, people broke through one after another.

Among them, there was even a quasi-Martial Lord of the ninth level of the Martial King. After reading the ancient book of Wucheng, he broke through his shackles and stepped into the realm of Martial Lord, becoming the most powerful lord.

In the * country, another young Martial Lord was born.

*The national strength of the country has been improved again.

When the martial kings from all over the world were looking at the ancient book of Wu, Tang Feng was not idle either.

"Ding... Due to your kind deeds, Venerable Qingfeng has made a breakthrough in his cultivation. Venerable Qingfeng is grateful to you. You have gained three thousand points of merit."

"Ding... Due to your kind deeds, Venerable Yunyi has made a breakthrough in his cultivation. Venerable Yunyi is grateful to you. You have gained three thousand points of merit."

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, system prompts continue to appear.

That posture is very exciting.

Listening to the system prompts that kept appearing, and looking at the increasing merit in his body, Tang Feng could hardly close his mouth in laughter.

He did not expect that he would receive objective merit rewards just for taking out the ancient Wucheng book and showing it to those martial arts giants.

An unexpected surprise.

Absolutely unexpected.

Twenty martial masters.

Each person contributed two thousand merit points to him, which is 60,000 points of merit.

This was much more merit than he had collected in many years before.

These are just the twenty Martial Lords, there will be sixty Martial Kings next.

Come to think of it, these Martial Kings can also contribute a lot of merit to him.

"One hundred and ten thousand merits, how can I have the illusion of getting rich overnight?" Tang Feng muttered while sitting in the practice room, looking at the merits in his body.

There is food in the house, so I don’t feel panic.

After receiving this massive amount of merit, it is natural to turn it into one's own strength.

Tang Feng's eyes first fell on the Zhu Xian Sword Jue.

He is fully aware of the power of the Zhuxian Sword Technique.

The first demon-slaying sword was just a phantom. It was already so terrifying before it was completely solidified. If it were completely solidified, wouldn't it be possible to cross realms and conquer?

He was full of expectations for this.

Without much hesitation, he poured a huge amount of merit into the Zhuxian Sword Art.

The illusory demon-slaying sword, driven by merit, is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The four swords of the Zhuxian Sword Technique are to kill monsters, shock gods, kill immortals, and human beings.

These mysterious four swords are suspended on the basis of Tang Feng's martial arts. The three swords of Jing Shen, Zhu Xian, and Human World are dark and have not yet been unsealed. Only the Demon Slaying Sword has been unsealed and appears in an illusory form.

A massive amount of merit poured into it, pushing the Demon-Slaying Sword toward reality.

The illusory sword body became more and more clearly visible after absorbing a steady stream of merit.

The color of the sword body is also rapidly deepening.

Tang Feng watched coldly.

At this time, he became a bystander, watching quietly.

The color of the demon-slaying sword became darker and darker, and the sword intention on the sword became more and more fierce.

Mysterious meanings surround it, with the potential to break the heavens.

Every minute and every second, the power of the demon-slaying sword is increasing.

There is a trace of mysterious things imprinted on the sword body, making the sword body more and more obscure.

The aura of killing and the aura of ancient vicissitudes became heavier and heavier.

After pouring in 50,000 merits, Tang Feng paused for a moment.

After absorbing 60,000 merits, the demon-slaying sword is no longer as erratic as before, and the whole body of the sword shows that deep black color.

Countless obscure lines appeared in the vicissitudes of the sword.

This sword, which contains mysteries, just floats above the foundation of martial arts. The sword intent falls down and falls on the foundation of martial arts, creating a subtle connection between the two.

Looking at the increasingly solid demon-slaying sword, Tang Feng smacked his lips.

The fierce sword intent was more than twice as strong as before.

This sword alone is enough to kill an ordinary great master.

His eyes fell on the other three swords that were in a dim state, and his heart was filled with anticipation.

The demon-slaying sword is already so powerful, how powerful are the three subsequent swords?

Could the Jing Shen Sword really be able to scare ghosts and gods?

And that Immortal Killing Sword, could it really be able to kill the legendary immortal!

The last sword, the human sword, must be so terrifying.

His eyes narrowed.

Looking at the merit that had been reduced by half, and then seeing the demon-slaying sword that was more than twice as powerful, he felt that the merit was well spent.

The sword intention of the demon-slaying sword falls on the foundation of martial arts and blends with the foundation of martial arts.

The foundation of martial arts is undergoing some subtle and slow changes.

The entire foundation of martial arts is blended with the sword intent, ready to move.

Tang Feng has no way of knowing where this change will eventually develop, but it will definitely have great benefits.

At this time, Jiangbei base city.

The top of a tall building.

Zhao Wuming, who was almost killed by Tang Feng's demon-slaying sword, stood on the edge of the building.

Opposite him, two people stood.

"The ancient book of Wucheng, so to speak, recently, a large number of martial masters in the country have broken through one after another, all thanks to the ancient book of Wucheng!" One of the men shrouded in a black mist asked in a hoarse voice. road.

"That's right, those martial masters who have broken through the realm have all read the ancient book of Wuzhen." Zhao Wuming said with great certainty.

The masked man next to him took a step forward.

Standing on the edge of the building.

"This time, the national power of the * country will be greatly improved. If those old antiques read the Wucheng ancient book, some of them will break through. Once some of them break through to the sub-holy realm, the situation will be unpredictable. direction." The masked man stood there and said.

"I would like to advise you to send this news back to your Dongsang country as soon as possible and send troops as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have no chance to destroy the * country in the future."

Zhao Wuming looked slightly startled, with a hint of hesitation.

"Second uncle..."

Before Zhao Wuming could finish speaking, the masked man interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"You only need to keep an eye on Tang Feng. As for other matters, your father and I have already decided, so you don't need to say anything."

Zhao Wuming hesitated to speak.

He hated Tang Feng and wanted to kill the bastard who had made him so embarrassed. However, he was not a traitor.

For him, the * country is, after all, his mother country.

He didn't want to see his country destroyed by Dongsang Kingdom.

He didn't understand why his father and second uncle wanted to collude with the Dongsang Kingdom and intend to destroy the * Kingdom.

"That Tang Feng must be eliminated, and the ancient book of Wuzhen must be obtained." The man shrouded in black mist said hoarsely.

The man whom Zhao Wuming called his second uncle nodded.

"I will use my connections to get the ancient book of Wucheng. As for Tang Feng, you need to find a way to get rid of it in Dongsang Kingdom."

"Within five days, this person will no longer exist in this world." The man shrouded in black mist nodded.

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