[At dusk. 】

[Master’s wife still didn’t show up. I was a little worried and decided to go to Master’s grave. 】

[The little girl seemed to see what I was thinking and told me, if you are not worried, just go and have a look. I will go with you. 】

[Beimang Pass, in front of Master’s grave, the white figure sits there, like a stone sculpture. 】

[In my ears, I can vaguely hear the whispering voice. It is the voice of the master's wife. She is talking to the master, recalling every bit of the past. 】

[Five thousand years ago, I met you for the first time in Shili Peach Grove. At that time, you were in your prime. The first time I saw you, I was deeply attracted to you. Maybe, that is It was love at first sight. From then on, your figure has been imprinted in my heart, and I can never drive you away. I am like a girl in love with you, always looking for you, wanting to see you. Now think about it, at that time Me, it's quite funny. 】

[It was also the same autumn, under the peach tree, when you told me that you liked me. At that moment, my whole body was wrapped in endless happiness. I wanted to reveal my true feelings to you immediately, but I remembered that my mother had said that women Children should be reserved, otherwise others will think you are casual, so I did not agree to you immediately. 】

[When you saw my silence, you just said one sentence, it was just wishful thinking, bothered you, and then left without saying a word. At that time, I was anxious and angry. I was angry about why you, such a smart person, were so emotional. You are so stupid, don't you feel my feelings for you? Can't you just hold on a little longer?】

[At that time, I was really angry and said that I didn’t want to deal with you anymore. Later, I thought about it. At that time, I was actually better and more arrogant than you. Emotionally, I was just as stupid as you. 】

[I remember that night, I cried, very sad and sad. I decided to ignore you for the rest of my life. But the next day, I still couldn't help it and wanted to find you, but when I went to find you , but I learned that you had already left Shili Peach Grove. I chased you like crazy, but in the end I still couldn’t catch you. I stood by the Wuding River and looked at the vast plain.

I cried again, heartbroken. 】

【My little pride made me lose you. 】

[From that day on, I never smiled again. I spent the whole day in numbness. The whole world was dim, without a trace of color. I swore that I would never marry in this life. 】

[When I heard about you again, it was already May 15, 36000 in the New Calendar. Two hundred years have passed since we first met. Some people said that you followed your cousin Long Yuan to the outside world and killed Many foreigners have made many meritorious deeds, and you have also become a Martial Lord. I am very happy to know all this, and I am happy for you. It turns out that I have never been able to let you go. 】

[In the year 36550 of the New Calendar, it was another autumn. My mother took me to the Eastern Region of the Great Xia Dynasty. At the palace banquet of the Great Xia Dynasty, I saw you again. When I saw you for the first time, I almost lost control. I couldn't control myself and wanted to rush forward and tell you all my feelings, but I didn't do that. I was afraid that you already have someone you like. 】

[When I was struggling in my heart, you saw me and walked towards me. When you stood in front of me with a smile on your face and asked me to dance, my heart that had been sealed for two hundred years once again made waves. I told Myself, this time, I must hold on tightly and not let you leave me again. 】

[That was the happiest night in my life. At the end of the night banquet, we walked side by side in the imperial garden of the Great Xia Palace. In that tree-lined path, it felt like a naughty little cat had crawled into my chest. The little rabbit jumped up and down. 】

[You stopped and just stared at me. This time, I no longer avoided. I told you that I like you. I liked you when I first saw you. When I said these words , the overflowing joy on your face is like a child who gets a favorite candy. 】

[When you held me in your arms, great happiness enveloped me again. At that moment, I felt that I was the happiest person in the world. 】

[I am finally with the person I like. I once thought that we could spend our lives happily like my father and mother, but I did not expect that happiness is always short-lived and you still decided to leave. 】

[The battlefield outside the territory has begun, the alien army is approaching, and the human race is in danger. When the battle report from the front came, you didn’t dare to tell me that that night, you sat in the peach forest, just sitting there alone, silent, the whole night , but you don’t know that I stood in the distance and watched you all night. 】

[I know that you want to go to the battlefield outside the territory and fight for the human race, but you can't let me go. I really don't want you to leave me, but how can we have an affair with our children when the race is in danger. 】

[You finally made a decision. I am not sad about your decision. On the contrary, I am a little proud. My man is a true man who is upright and a true hero with a big heart and righteousness. I have packed my bags for you. , personally send you to the battlefield. 】

[Just outside Ten Miles Taoyuan, at that intersection, you hugged me and said in my ear, let me wait for you to come back. After the war outside the territory is over, you will come back. From now on, you will never leave again and stay with me for the rest of your life. 】

[You left, I stood at the intersection, watching your retreating back, and stopped for a long time. 】

【I'm waiting for you to come back and follow me. 】

In Nangong Xue's live broadcast room, the audience was silent.

In everyone's mind, they are recalling the soliloquy of the woman named Bai Su.

In that sentence, there is a girl's yearning, sadness, and a wife's good expectations for her husband. (Zhao Hao)

The righteousness of family and country.

When the race encounters a crisis, they no longer have an affair with their children. The wife packs her bags and they go to the battlefield together.

At that time, the same scene was played out in every city and every village in the four domains and hundreds of countries of the human race.

Countless human warriors bid farewell to their wives, children, and parents, and resolutely embarked on the journey.

When these people came together, they transformed into an indestructible Great Wall of the human race, safeguarding peace for their tribe, their parents, wives and children.

Without them, there would be no peace for countless human races, nor would there be peace in the world today.

But now, the once united human race has become a piece of scattered sand. Countries are conquering, strong countries are annexing weak countries, and countless human warriors have not fallen on the battlefield fighting against alien races.

The fifth is a feuding minister who fell to his own clan.

It's so sad. .

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