[As I listened to the mistress’s low voice, I felt mixed emotions in my heart. 】

[Perhaps, this farewell is an eternal farewell. 】

[Not only am I thinking about why, after the Tianyuan War, Master did not return to Shili Taoyuan, failed to fulfill his original promise, and also married another woman and gave birth to a daughter. How could a person like Master become a What a disloyal person. 】

[There must be something hidden in this. 】

[Master’s Wife is still sitting in front of Master’s grave, still telling every detail of the past. 】

[Her words are ringing in my ears. 】

[I didn’t expect that it would be a hundred years since you left. By the time I learned your information, the war outside the territory had already ended. Although the human race won the war outside the territory, it was a tragic victory. Long Yuan died in the battle, and Bei The Great Sage Wang died in the battle, the leader of Daxia Kingdom died in the battle, the head of the Jiang family died in the battle, and my aunt, the Great Sage Zixiao, died in the battle. The human race has lost five great sages, dozens of martial saints and thousands of martial lords, and you, as a heavenly being, have died in the battle. The commander-in-chief of the Origin War was also sent to the ancestral court and punished by the ancestral court. 】

[When I learned that you were sent to the ancestral court of the human race, I just felt that the whole world collapsed. I don't believe that a stable person like you would make such a mistake. I believe that they must have wronged you. 】

[I was anxiously waiting for you, waiting for you to come back and tell me everything in person. However, I waited and waited, and waited, year after year, but I didn’t wait for you. 】

[You seem to have disappeared from the world and never appeared again. 】

[I asked everywhere for news about you, but found nothing. 】

[Another five hundred years, you left for six hundred years, and I waited for you for six hundred years. 】

[In the year 37,000 of the New Calendar, I finally got news about you. They said that you got married to a mortal and gave birth to a daughter. When I learned the news

I feel like they are lying to me, yes they are. 】

[But the reality gave me a hard blow. They didn’t lie to me. You were indeed married and had a daughter with another woman. 】

[At that time, I went completely crazy and rushed out of the house desperately to find you, but was stopped by my father. 】

[He told me to forget about you and not to have any more entanglements with you. At that time, I was so angry that I could not listen to these words. I cried and begged my father to let me see you, but My father didn't agree with me and forced me into a secret realm. 】

[My father trapped me in a secret realm for two hundred years. During these two hundred years, I cried all day long. I learned to drink and began to give up on myself. 】

[After two hundred years of drunken living and dreaming, when I came out of the secret realm, the whole world had completely changed. 】

[Those dynasties I am familiar with are falling apart one by one. The human race and all the nations are fighting against each other. The four human regions are full of wars. Looking at the devastation, I am not only confused. Long Yuan and the others fought desperately and gave their own lives. Life had just repelled the alien race. Now that the alien race has just retreated, the human race has begun to fight among themselves. Is Long Yuan's sacrifice worth it? 】

[Two hundred years of drunkenness, dreams, and death have completely calmed my heart. I am no longer young, innocent and naive anymore. The so-called love can no longer make my heart turbulent.

I think I have given up. Even at this moment, when I see you again, I can treat him as a passerby passing by my house. 】

[In the year 37500 of the New Calendar, I traveled around the world. On this day, I passed by the former Great Xia Kingdom. The former Great Xia Kingdom no longer existed. Instead, there were dozens of small countries. The capital of the Great Xia Kingdom had long since turned into a There was a ruins, and the once majestic palace was covered with weeds. I walked in this familiar ancient city, and in my mind, bits and pieces of that year came to mind. 】

[My heart was in turmoil again. I thought I had let go of everything, but in the end, I was deceiving myself. I could not let go after all, and I could never forget you. 】

[In this former capital of Daxia, I met an acquaintance, Qingtian. 】

[He must have come to see me specially. He looked at me for a long time, and then spoke. He told me that you went to Beimang Mountain. If I can't let you go, I can go to Beimang Mountain to find you. 】

[I just smiled sadly. Since it is over, why bother bothering me anymore, which makes me sad. 】

[Qingtian hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing. 】(cgaa)

[Qingtian came and went in a hurry. When he left, my peaceful heart could no longer be calm. 】

[I'm thinking, how about taking a trip to Beimang Mountain and seeing you one last time. No matter what, there must be a result, and it can't end in such a muddle. 】

[I finally convinced myself. 】

[Five hundred years later, I returned to Shili Peach Grove and never left again. Two hundred years later, my father could not withstand the power of time and finally left. Another two hundred years later, my mother also left. This year, I have made a breakthrough in my cultivation and entered the sub-holy realm, but this does not mean anything to me. 】

[Actually, from that day on, my life has been meaningless. What is the use of my cultivation level and my life span? 】

[A hundred years ago, when I was pruning peach branches, there was a strong fluctuation in the distance. When I felt the fluctuation of the true energy, my whole body felt like being struck by lightning. My calm heart was once again disturbed. That was your breath. , even if a thousand years have passed, I can already clearly judge it. 】

[The powerful aura fluctuations are more than ten times stronger than before you left. You are still so good and you have become the most powerful saint. 】

[Your aura fluctuated for a month, and I stood in the air in the ten-mile peach garden and watched Beimang Mountain for a month. 】

[Eventually, your breath fades away, and I can no longer feel your presence, just like before. 】

[It seems that you have never appeared. 】

[Decades later, your aura reappeared, but compared to a few decades ago, your aura was much weaker. It seemed that you had entered your twilight years, and I felt a little worried. 】

[I really want to know who you are fighting with, why you went to Beiman Mountain, and why, as a great sage, your aura is getting weaker and weaker. 】

[I have been fighting in my heart for fifty years, and finally made the decision to come to Beiman Mountain to visit. 】

[On the way here, I saw Qingtian again. He is still the same as before, as majestic and powerful, without a trace of aging. However, your breath is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that it will be extinguished at any time. 】

[I asked Qingtian what happened that year. 】

[He was silent for a long time, and finally told me everything. 】

[When I listened to everything he said, I was angry like never before. In my anger, I slashed him with a sword, but he didn’t hide. I took a blow from you, and he was injured, but his face showed a smile. Smiling, he told me that after receiving this sword blow, he could finally feel at ease and no longer feel so guilty. 】

[Qingtian left, leaving with a smile. 】

[I rushed towards Beimang Mountain like crazy...]

[I came and saw you, but you became like that. I didn’t dare to show up. I could only watch you secretly in the dark. I know that a proud person like you would definitely not want to let go. I see how you look. 】

[Now that you are gone, everything has disappeared. Although you have not fulfilled your promise back then, I don't blame you, I really don't blame you. 】

【You idiot. 】.

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