Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 161 I am invincible in the world! Super genetic optimization with full defense!

Chapter 161 I am invincible in the world! Super genetic optimization with full defense!

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Su Chen's order blinded everyone at the scene!

"Su... Chief Engineer Su...'

Su Chen is the chief engineer of this optimized genetic engineering, so calling him Chief Engineer Su is naturally okay.

All the technical backbones are there, they want to see the last step!

This involves the secrets of the world, the core secrets of the biological world! They want to see how Chief Engineer Su works step by step, and how he uses technology to achieve that kind of medicine that permanently increases the pressure tolerance of living beings by 50%!

That's right!

Now Su Chen's Pangu project, the goal of the outer shell is still: a genetically optimized drug that permanently increases the stress tolerance of human beings by 50%!

Including Zhang Shaozhong, Zhang Yanghao and others, all thought that Su Chen was working hard for this goal,

No one doubts Su Chen,

Because the first phase of the injection to Jiang Feng is a one-month period...

In the thinking consciousness of modern human beings, it is amazing that Su Chen can accomplish this goal!

From a one-month potion to a permanent potion upgrade, even if it costs tens of billions, it is worth it!

They think it's a technical leap!

So everything Su Chen can do is understandable!


What they don't know is that

Su Chen's real goal is not at all!

From the one-month period medicine to the permanent medicine, they think there is a gap like a natural moat, but for Su Chen, it is very simple!

Right now he,

Just to create a big scene...

Makes people think that this chasm is hard to bridge... This permanent potion is hard to make....

And I will use this time to use this goal as a blindfold...

To develop a real super genetic optimization agent!

"The next technical means are too advanced to be displayed..."

Su Chen said seriously at this time,

"It's about state secrets, are you sure you want to watch it?"

"I will conduct a three-day closed experiment in the laboratory. During this period, no one can disturb you. You can't watch it. If you insist on observing, then you know what it means to know the most core secrets of the country."5

Everyone was shocked!

With great power comes great responsibility!

Everyone is an expert in biochemistry, and there are some things that you don’t know if you don’t know it.

There are also technical barriers in the same industry.

For example, in some aspects that this biochemical scientist is good at, the core technology will never be disclosed to the public.

It is also very taboo for other people to ask!

Moreover, Su Chen is the chief engineer,

He has the highest authority of all 210, and the people below must execute it!


"Chief Engineer, we will execute it!""

The group retreated,

And all the monitoring equipment, all were dismantled...

The recording state of all devices has been changed to a non-recording state.

Many high-end equipment in the laboratory has a log function, that is, the materials you input and the operations performed, the kernel core of the equipment will record...

Need to enter the key, etc., the operation to modify the device record state...

The shipping equipment records of the warehouse have also been revised and changed to a state of no record......

All laboratory personnel, all of which are not available,

Su Chen asked Zhang Shaozhong to intervene and isolated them in the rest area and living area.

In the test area,

Only Su Chen is left!

What Su Chen is going to do next, naturally cannot let another person know!

Not even Zhang Shaozhong!

He has explained to Zhang Shaozhong in advance, saying that the next experiment is very important, and it is best for him to know...

After the test is completed, you will complete the potion yourself, and you will make a detailed report, and will make a perfect long-term potion method that enhances the strength of human beings by 50%, and submit it to the public!

Since Su Chen said so, after the test is completed, the perfect data and technology will be presented, which is equivalent to publishing his own results and dedicating to the country a method of making a super genetically optimized medicine!

It's hard not to support Zhang Shaozhong!

During the whole process, no one doubted Su Chen, because in the eyes of everyone, making a permanent potion is the difficulty of the scorpion level! The difficulty of the hell level!

Thank goodness Su Chen can make it. Who would have thought that Su Chen, the sixth child, would have a more powerful backer?

It's like someone said he was going to make a dirt gun... Others didn't believe it, who knew that this guy was making a nuclear bomb under the guise of making a dirt gun!?

This is totally unreasonable, so no one doubts Su Chen at all!

As for those consumables...

Not only the genes of demon beetles and ants, but also the genes of dozens of other animals and plants, Su Chen explained, these gene fragments are all to be added... so they must be used!

And what Su Chen said is true!

He took into account all the details, and the easily exposed parts!

In the first phase of the test, the medicine Jiang Feng injected only used the genes of the devil beetle and ants, and the other genes were not used at all!

If this test does not use other raw (cgfg) sample materials, it will inevitably be suspected...

Why do you need so many biological samples!?

And you still use it!!!?

Su Chen has long thought of this!

Therefore, Su Chen will indeed use all the biological perfect genes for the synthesis of the 50% gene medicine for the permanent enhancement of stress and stress resistance in the second phase!

All genes will be used...

But only a tiny bit of it!!

These little bits of the perfect gene of each creature, provide only permanent support!

Will not produce too strong effect, or 50% of the original effect!


Su Chen can freely use these perfect genes to develop his own medicine without being suspected!

. . . . . .

Everything is set up...

Su Chen recalled it carefully, there were no flaws, even if there were flaws, it was very small...

It is entirely possible to prevaricate the past with reasons...

in this world,

No one knows their true purpose!

Su Chen reconfirmed that there is no recording device..

"let's start!""

this time,

He couldn't have burned all the equipment and destroyed it, that would have gone too far,

Fortunately, there is Zhang Shaozhong who sits outside for him and tests by himself, so it won't arouse suspicion from others!


In his mind, Su Chen recalled the perfect method he obtained in the examination room at that time, and made sure that everything was fine...


He turned on all the devices in the main laboratory in turn, and dozens of devices were running at the same time!

After warming up....

Su Chen just opened his bullet-shaped pendant, and then took out a super-resilient blue pill from behind,

Swallow it in one go!

This trial lasted for three days. During the three days, Su Chen could not have any rest!

Every minute and every second, he must be conscientious and focused with all his attention!

He needs to perform tens of thousands of steps, and if one of them fails, he will lose the whole game!

Every second is the most perfect plan under the overall method, Su Chen can't be sloppy.....

This involves one's own rock plan, perfect human defense, perfect human god...

Su Chen fights with ten thousand spirits!

Therefore, it is necessary to take this super-resilient potion!

Under the super recovery potion, physical strength and concentration will be vigorously restored, and at the same time, there will be bonuses to the body and control.

More importantly, Su Chen is a jerk,

He didn't swallow the potion completely!

If you swallow it, the effect of the potion is only a few hours, and within a few hours, the recovery will soar, even if you break your hand!

However, Su Chen is in his mouth!

This makes the effect of the potion much smaller, but it is better for a long time! There is no problem with the peak state that lasts for three days!

With this potion in it, Su Chen's mind is very clear...

The state of the whole person has increased by 20%...

Then, get to work!

clap clap clap!

The whole person quickly brought up the afterimage, extracted from the perfect gene boxes in the warehouse one by one, put them in the delivery truck, and then came to the laboratory like a wind, and screened and tested these gene boxes again. Clean operation!

That's right!

Su Chen, the old gou king,

In order not to expose the technology and the real goal, the purification accuracy he gave the laboratory personnel was only controlled at the level that can produce 50% permanent pressure-resistant chemicals!

This precision is still not up to the level of producing a super-perfect defense gene medicine,

In this case, even other laboratory experts can't make a truly perfect one!

Su Chen needs a wave of repurification!

Make your genes more perfect!

This step alone took Su Chen a day and a half......

He was nonstop,

Put these perfect and perfect genes,

Start the step-by-step fusion!


Using a special instrument, he drew out a tube of his own blood! Moreover, his arms were in the most twisted and exaggerated posture, and he personally took his own spinal fluid from his back!

Ordinary people can't do this at all.

But Su Chen can, under the strong recovery force, does not need postoperative treatment at all!

blood samples, spinal fluid samples...

This is a must for Su Chen!

He has to extract his own genes..

Then use your own genes as a model and fill in other genes!

This can constitute the super genetic medicine that you use!

Your own genes are like a big tree, the trunk must be your own,

On the basis that the trunk has not changed, then make improvements in branches, leaves, flowers, etc.!

Make your branches thicker and denser, and make your leaves and flowers more lush!

"Different from Jiang Feng's primary genetic medicine,

This super defense genetic medicine of mine must be tailored according to one's own genes...

"Different human genetic individuals will have different experimental fusion methods. 35

"Only in the sample stage, the modification of my genes is carried out, and then the finished product is formed. After being injected into my body, the gene will be continuously transcribed and copied, so as to achieve the effect of modifying all the genes in my body."5

"That's not going to go wrong.

There is another benefit here,

That is, even if others get Su Chen's super gene optimization agent, they can't use it, and they have to inject it rashly, only under the constant transcription and replication of genes, the body is filled with two or even multiple genes, and the gene chain collapses and die!


"Pressure tolerance!"


"Radiation tolerance!


"Hazardous substances, including poison tolerance!"


"Cold Endurance!"


"High temperature tolerance!"


"Low pressure!


"Hypoxia tolerance! 35


"Hunger tolerance..."


"Time Passing Endurance! 35

. . . . . .

Su Chen lists the goals.

Then follow this framework as a whole and start populating the perfect genetic fragments for each biological sample!

He is like a very precise surgeon..

A genetic and molecular level experiment is underway.

All kinds of equipment are in his hands like arms and fingers.

after all,

Under the state of God in the college entrance examination, Su Chen has perfectly learned how to use these equipment...

Leafcutter ants, ants, demon beetles, tigers, unicorns, lions, giant elephants...  

Gene segments representing strength and stress tolerance,

Substitute, copy, fill in Su Chen's own gene chain bit by bit...

"Heat resistant Pompeii..."

"Hard-tolerant Antarctic cod genes....

"Radiation-tolerant tardigrade genes...

"Horse stamina, camel stamina...Snake venom resists..."

"Time Tolerance of Eastern God Millennium Turtle and Galapagos Tortoise....

0. . . . . . .

Su Chen's fusion and transformation at the genetic level!

In the human body, there are many useless genes, such as tail genes that were once expressed but abandoned with evolution, these Su Chen have carried out deletion and replacement work,

There are also genes that have not been developed and used in God's forbidden zone....

Su Chen also integrates biological perfect genes and awakens them.

The human gene pool is a huge treasure, a huge labyrinth!

The genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees is as high as 96%, the genetic similarity between humans and Abyssinian domestic cats is as high as 90%, and even chickens in our daily life are about 60% similar to human genes!


There are many similarities in the gene pool of the entire earth!

Possibly the same origin!


There really is a god or a creator god who created these countless species!

Only 1.5% of the sequence in the human genome is responsible for protein coding, and the remaining 98.5% of the sequence is not encoded. …

What does this 98.5 percent represent, it is impossible to know now...

Even if Su Chen has the knowledge of the perfect genetic optimization agent, he doesn't know many genes in God's forbidden zone!

Su Chen will not replace these unknown parts, because he does not know whether this represents an unknown ability that human beings have or will have in the future!

Like super powers or something!

These abandoned codes, with a little expression, may represent the improvement of human ability. For example, some people have particularly good eyesight and can even control their own pupils; some ears are particularly sensitive and can hear sounds that others cannot; Very sensitive to taste!

This may all be the result of the expression of this abandoned restricted area!

Su Chen does not move this part of the gene, what he does is to fuse the perfect gene of the organism, and awaken part of the ability of this part of the gene,

Also remove some known genes that are absolutely absolutely absolutely useless!

Do not affect your own genetic treasure trove!

. . . . . . .

He is like a construction worker, without affecting the main body of the pyramid, he is constantly on top of the pyramid, removing the damaged and decaying masonry and replacing it with real gold bricks...... those unknown The bricks and stones used, he did not move at all... The works are delicate and huge,

Every step can't be wrong, and the order of perfect genetic integration of every creature can't be wrong!

Time, one minute and one second passed,

Su Chen felt the unprecedented pressure......

As time goes on, the pressure is increasing!

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