Professionals have a map interface, which is unlocked at Level 10, but this map function needs to be explored by yourself.

When a professional walks through a place, that area will light up on the map and be displayed on the map.

Moreover, the wilderness terrain is complex and monsters and beasts move erratically, so the map must be updated regularly, otherwise it will be inaccurate and affect travel safety.

Maps explored by other professionals, marked monster information, and map information can be shared with other professionals.

Professionals who receive the shared information can update their maps based on the new map information to ensure the accuracy of their maps.

That's why a second mission is released, and most of these missions are only accepted by new professionals.

Experienced professionals will not take on such a task. It takes a long time to complete the task and the pay is low. It is better to go directly to kill monsters, so it is not cost-effective.

New professionals follow the team into the wilderness. Their role is limited and they can just do some map tasks.

Chen Mo just watched it for a while and then accepted the second map task.

Anyway, we are going to Xize Mountain to explore the road, and completing this task is just a matter of convenience.

After Chen Mo waited for a while, a tall and powerful gray armored off-road vehicle stopped in front of him.

Chen Mo looked up and saw that it was Tang Xueying and two people sitting in the car.

Li Man was driving, and Tang Xueying greeted Chen Mo from the passenger seat.

"Get in the car. Let's drive directly out of the city and go near Xize Town first."

Chen Mo took a look at the heavy and sturdy armored off-road vehicle, opened the door and got in from the back door.

Seeing that Chen Mo had already gotten into the car, Li Man stepped on the accelerator without saying anything.

The engine roared and the car rushed towards the west gate of Yunhai City.

After Chen Mo got into the car, he looked at the decoration inside the car with some surprise.

I didn’t expect that for such a tough armored vehicle from the outside, the interior decoration would be girly pink.

And the seats are wrapped very softly, making it very comfortable to sit in the back.

I saw Chen Mo looking around behind with a curious look on his face.

Tang Xueying said with a smile:

"Do you like it? This car was customized in the academy and modified by a life-related mechanical professional."

"The armor of this vehicle can resist the attacks of Azure Bronze Level monsters, and it has strong off-road capability and amphibious function. With it, we can be much more relaxed in the wilderness."

After listening to Tang Xueying's introduction, Chen Mo also liked this car. It was indeed much more comfortable than his own rickshaw.

"This car is really nice."

Chen Mo nodded in response. It seemed that he had one more goal to strive for in the future.

Chen Mo didn't ask about the price, and it was useless to ask. Anyway, it was impossible to afford it with his current account balance.

Li Man's driving skills were very good, and the car quickly drove to the west gate of Yunhai City.

The guards guarding this place checked the professional identity certificates of several people and confirmed that they were correct.

Then he respectfully handed back the certificate and opened the door to let people go.

The gray armored off-road vehicle rushed out of the city gate and drove into the wilderness.

The guard glanced enviously at the off-road vehicle rushing into the wilderness, and then closed the city gate.

After leaving the city gate, you have entered the wilderness, and you may be attacked by monsters and beasts at any time.

However, this place is very close to Yunhai City, and few ferocious beasts will appear here.

Chen Mo lay in front of the car window and looked curiously at the wilderness outside.

The plants in the wilderness are indeed very lush, and the plants on the roadside must be at least nearly one meter high.

There are few traces of human activity in the wilderness on both sides of the road, and most professionals have fixed locations for killing monsters.

They don't wander around in the wilderness. Not only are they highly dangerous, but they also run the risk of being attacked by surprise.

Moreover, the chance of encountering monsters is relatively small, which is a waste of time.

It is better to explore the map directly, find the monster's lair, and clear the monsters outside the lair.

There are dense monsters there, and the chance of encountering high-level elite monsters roaming and hunting will be much smaller.

Monsters have their own territory, especially high-level monsters, which have a strong sense of territory.

They usually don't enter the territory of other monsters at will.

As for the scattered monsters wandering in the wilderness, professionals will usually only clean them up when they pose a threat to the safe area of ​​the town.

After driving along the main road in the wilderness for nearly an hour, Chen Mo and the other three drove to the outside of a tall city wall.

Arrive at Xize Town Front Station Camp.

Chen Mo lay on the car window and looked around. The camp covered a large area and the end could not be seen at a glance.

The walls of the camp must be five or six meters high, with guards standing guard above them, and the steel gates are thick and strong.

This is the outpost of Yunhai City's third line of defense in the west direction of the city. It is responsible for monitoring the movements of monsters and protecting the safety of the city.

Of course, this is also the starting point for professionals to hunt monsters in the West Lake wilderness.

Professionals can eat and rest in the camp, sell materials, trade medicines, repair equipment, etc.

Li Man drove around the perimeter of the camp and continued deeper into the wilderness.

It was still early, so they did not plan to stay at the Xize Town camp and drove directly to Xize Mountain.

The car drove past the high camp wall.

Chen Mo saw a building ruins not far behind the Xize Town camp.

The ruins have been covered by tall and lush vegetation, but from the broken walls exposed, it can still be seen that the scale of this ruins was not small.

"The ruins were the former Xize Town. They were invaded and occupied by monsters shortly after the disaster."

"The people in the town were forced to retreat to the safe zone of Yunhai City."

"Although the monsters were defeated later, it was too far from Yunhai City."

"Furthermore, this place is on the outskirts of the main city circle, and it is difficult for monsters to defend it, so it will no longer be reclaimed and developed."

"In the wilderness outside the city, there are many abandoned towns like this. They are all places where humans lived before the disaster."

"But now they are all occupied by monsters."

Tang Xueying was very curious when she saw Chen Mo leaving the city for the first time and explained.

Chen Mo had studied the history of the Xian Qin Empire in books when he was in school and knew these things.

But when you actually see these ruins with your own eyes, you will still be deeply shocked.

Seeing the ruins now, one can already imagine the brutality of the fighting back then.

The ruins of Xize Town were quickly passed over by fast-moving armored vehicles and disappeared from sight.

Chen Mo withdrew his gaze and asked Tang Xueying.

"Is Sister Tang also from Yunhai City?"

Tang Xueying was a little funny when she heard Chen Mo's question.

"Of course, I'm still your senior. I'm only one year older than you."

"I just participated in the transfer ceremony last year and was admitted to Xianhua College. I am still a freshman now."

"I also graduated from Yunhai No. 1 Middle School. The two of us went to the same school for two years. Junior brother, you don't even know me?"

"Back then, I was the president of the student union at school. I didn't expect that I would be forgotten by my juniors just one year after I left school."

Hearing Tang Xueying's words, Chen Mo felt a little embarrassed.

He really wasn't very interested in these things when he was in school.

I only think about learning and training every day, and I want to change my job and enter Transcendent.

Chen Mo doesn't socialize much either. As time goes by, the news will naturally be blocked.

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