The vehicle drove in the wilderness for nearly three hours and finally stopped.

"Xueying, the road ahead is too difficult to drive. Let's get out of the car and walk."

Li Man glanced at Chen Mo, who was already sleeping in the back seat, and curled his lips disdainfully.

"This is in the wilderness. With such a sense of crisis, Xueying still expects him to protect our safety?"

Li Man, who grew up in Snow Dragon City in the Northern Territory, disliked guys the most who looked like pretty boys.

Snow Dragon City is located on the northern border defense line of the Xianqin Empire. It is the first level for the Xianqin Empire to resist monsters and ferocious beasts in the north.

There, you will often face attacks from strange ghosts and ferocious beasts from the northern wilderness.

Due to the influence of the regional environment, the people there are extremely martial.

They respect the strong and have a deep-rooted idea of ​​respecting the strong.

Because only strong professionals can protect everyone's safety.

There, people without strength will not be looked down upon at all.

Li Man grew up in that kind of environment and naturally admires powerful professionals the most.

She worships strength and has been working tirelessly in this direction.

She has been practicing martial arts assiduously since she was a child, and before she even awakened, she had no opponents in school.

Even the boys from the Transcendent family didn't dare challenge her.

After changing jobs and awakening, she even awakened the family's demon, Dragon Bloodline.

Changed to the rare Dragon Blood Warrior profession, Root Bone reached the Middle Grade Dao Level.

With such talent, Li Man was quickly specially recruited by Xianhua Academy and entered Apex Level Academy.

After enrolling, she used her strong fighting power to directly rank among the top ten freshmen in the freshman competition.

After that, she stayed in the wilderness for a long time, improving her level and honing her martial arts skills.

He rarely returns to the city and is called a fighting maniac.

Her level is far ahead, surpassing many High Grade Daogu level professionals, and ranking first in the freshman list of Xianhua College.

If I hadn't been cursed by the evil god in the Secret Realm copy later, I had to go back to the city to find a solution.

She should be level 20 now.

He was promoted to level 20 within one year after his job transfer. This record can be ranked among the best in the entire Xian Qin Empire.

So ordinary people couldn't get into her eyes at all, and she was so arrogant that she didn't bother to deal with those weaklings.

Only strong people recognized by her will gain her respect.

Therefore, ever since Tang Xueying invited Chen Mo to join the team, he had disliked this guy.

A newbie who has never been out of the city dares to charge two million in commission, licking his face to improve their protection.

I really don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is.

If Tang Xueying hadn't come to Yunhai City this time, it would be to help her solve the problem of the evil god's curse.

Therefore, she was a little embarrassed to refute Tang Xueying's decision.

Otherwise, Li Man would have scolded Chen Mo long ago.

What's the use of being handsome?

Can you kill monsters?

Ever since he entered the wilderness by car, this guy had looked curious and had no sense of crisis.

At first glance, he looks like an inexperienced rookie.

What was even more outrageous later was that this guy actually fell asleep in the back seat.

Who is going to protect whom?

I am a powerful Prodigy, killing countless monsters in the wilderness.

You really think of me as your driver, right?

Li Man glanced at Tang Xueying and resisted the urge to curse.

Chen Mo discovered during dinner yesterday that Li Man despised him.

He didn't say anything at the table, he just sat there with a bad face.

However, Chen Mo took on missions to make money, so he teamed up with them to come to Xize Mountain just for the sake of money.

He's not here to make friends.

So he didn't care about Li Man's attitude.

As long as you give money, it doesn't matter how bad the donor's attitude is.

If he really makes him anxious, the worst he can do is just slap his ass and walk away, since the deposit has already been paid anyway.

Money back? That is impossible.

Feeling the car stop, Chen Mo opened his confused eyes and glanced out the window.

The car had already driven outside the jungle in a mountainous area.

Further ahead is the mountainous terrain, with rugged and steep terrain and shrubs everywhere.

There is no road ahead.

When Chen Mo saw this, he opened the door and got out of the car.

"Classmate Chen Mo, we have arrived at Xize Mountain now. Walking in from the front is Xize Forest."

"It's almost dark. Let's find a place to rest today, and then go into the jungle to collect herbs tomorrow."

After hearing Tang Xueying's words, Chen Mo nodded in agreement.

Anyway, my mission is only to protect their safety, so it is up to them to decide the itinerary.

When Chen Mo heard that he no longer wanted to ride in the car, he opened the summoning space and directly summoned the skeleton soldiers responsible for the battle.

The black summoning space vortex opened, and ten skeleton soldiers wearing full body armor and holding weapons walked out of it.

After they walked out of the summoning space, they spread around, surrounding the three people and protecting them.

Chen Mo turned on the taunting halo of the skeleton tank and saw that the red halo had covered the three of them.

Only then did he wait with peace of mind for Tang Xueying's arrangements.

Chen Mo's attack aura and blood-sucking aura were always on.

However, after he enhanced his Assault Aura skill to the dark gold level, he no longer provided any boost to his teammates.

Instead, he only uses the aura skills to amplify his skeleton soldiers.

After all, the dark gold level halo skill is too amazing, so it’s better not to expose it.

Tang Xueying and Li Man also saw Chen Mo's skeleton soldiers for the first time.

Seeing these guys wearing novice equipment around them, the two girls were quite curious.

"Can these skeleton summons break Master Chu Xuanyue's leveling record?"

"Wearing this tattered equipment, can you have such strong combat effectiveness?"

Li Man looked unbelieving.

As a Taoist-level genius, she is also a powerful combat profession like a dragon-blooded warrior.

Moreover, she has been in the wilderness for a long time and has rich combat experience. She is very confident in her own strength.

So she has always been skeptical about Chen Mo's strength. After all, this guy is just a mortal bone level professional.

Li Man never believed that he really broke the record with his strength.

"He must have used some trick, such as using powerful magic props, magic scrolls, etc."

Li Man looked at Chen Mo standing among the skeleton soldiers and thought to himself.

She curiously assessed the combat prowess of these skeleton soldiers in her mind.

Li Man was a little eager to try and smash these skeleton soldiers directly so that Tang Xueying could recognize this guy's face.

After thinking about it carefully, she still pressed the impulse.

It’s better not to embarrass Tang Xueying.

Anyway, as soon as we enter the wilderness and encounter monsters and beasts, we will immediately know the true level of this guy.

After confirming his thoughts, Li Man no longer paid attention to the skeleton soldiers around him.

She waved directly and put the armored off-road vehicle into the backpack space.

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