"Yes, yes, otherwise, this would be too outrageous."

Although that day, when the evil camp blocked the Immortal and Demonic Empire, many gods came to eat.

But most of the gods still stayed in their own realms and did not watch, so they did not know these things.

At this time, someone immediately said: "Of course it's true news. I saw with my own eyes that day that the leader of the Immortal and Demonic Empire had become the Lord of God."

"And they are so powerful that they beat the leader of the Glorious Empire very badly in one fell swoop!"

"That scene was very exciting. It's really a shame that you didn't see it!"

"Yes, the current king of the Immortal and Demonic Empire has really reached the level of a god-lord, and he is very powerful."

"Not only is he powerful alone, but the God Lord around him is also particularly powerful."

"Several of them have reached the level of God Lord!"

"Really or not!? Didn't I remember that the lord of the territory only came to Yuanchu Continent for a month?"

"It developed so quickly!"

"If what you are saying is true, then the evil camp has gone too far."

"In this situation where manpower is already needed, it is not easy for the fairy and demon empire to develop."

"There are several gods who can resist the evil demons from other worlds, but they still target the fairy and demon empire. Do they only have their own personal grudges in their eyes?"

At this time, the local gods were actively attacking the evil camp and expressing their disgust towards them.

Suddenly all the gods started to hate the evil gods.

However, the evil god who came out was originally planning to say something to other gods.

When they came out and met the gods, they just wanted to greet them with a smile.

But he was noticed by the god with whom he had a good relationship before, and then the god walked away without looking back.

The evil god who was given a blank look was very puzzled. Why did those good friends suddenly become like this?

At first he thought it was just an isolated situation, but when he went to find other gods for help.

But he found that all the gods were particularly indifferent to him.

At this moment, he finally knew that someone was targeting him.

Then after asking other evil gods of the same kind, I found that those evil gods all encountered the same situation.

They are all hated by others, and many gods are unwilling to pay attention to them.

Then it was discovered that these gods already knew that the news that spread rumors and slandered Xiao Mo came from the evil camp.

And now, the Elf Goddess has made her attitude clear and is completely on the side of the Fairy and Demonic Empire.

That's why these gods spontaneously took sides and hated them evil gods.

I have to say that the influence of the elf goddess, the goddess of nature, is really great.

She didn't do anything at all, she just expressed her attitude, but all the gods began to consciously stand on this side.

At this time, many evil gods encountered the situation of being ignored by other gods.

Moreover, the situation at this time was already very serious, and many evil gods wanted help from other gods.

However, something like this happened at this time, and many evil gods were angry.

Because they felt aggrieved, they did not do anything excessive.

Or they simply didn’t know what the God of the End, Jesse Jones, and the God of Annihilation, Blood Butcher, had done, yet they were beaten to death by those gods.

Therefore, out of grievance and anger, they felt dissatisfied with their leader, the God of Annihilation, Blood Massacre.

Among them, some people felt that the God of the End, Jesse Jones, and the God of Annihilation, Blood Massacre, had gone too far.

Obviously the situation was so serious at this time, but these people still stirred up trouble.

He simply has no regard for the overall situation and only has his own concerns in his eyes.

In some evil camps, the more senior evil gods have begun to feel dissatisfied with the Lord of Nirvana.

Occasionally, at some high-level meetings held by the God of Annihilation, Blood Slaughter, people would say something strange about him.

The Lord of Annihilation, Blood Tu, was furious, but due to the serious situation now, he did not want to take action against these old stubborns for a while.

I can only stand there half-to-death angry.

But knowing that the source of all this was Xiao Mo, he resented Xiao Mo again in his heart.

You even feel that the Elf Goddess is hateful, and secretly you are determined to give them a good look.

However, he was also a little dissatisfied with the God of the End, Jesse Jones, because this bad idea was the idea of ​​the God of the End, Jesse Jones.

And he also handed this matter over to Jesse Jones, the God of the End.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not hurt Xiao Mo, but his reputation once again reached the lower limit.

However, on the other side, Jesse Jones, the god of the end, also threw a cup angrily.

He scolded his subordinates sternly, "What on earth did you do? Why did you find your traces so easily?"

"A bunch of losers! Useless at all!"

In the tall and majestic palace, the gods were kneeling on the ground. They were all very frightened after being scolded by the God of the End, Jesse Jones.

But vaguely, I still felt a little aggrieved.

In fact, they were as careful as they could be, but they couldn't bear to have so many gods picking on them at the same time!

That's why they were exposed in just a few hours.

"His Royal Highness Jesse Jones, the God of the End, please forgive us for our ignorance!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked out by Jesse Jones, the God of the End.

"Get out! Don't tell me nonsense here!"

The war is just around the corner, and Jesse Jones, the god of the end, is busy himself.

Although they also occupy an evil character, their own fighting ability is completely incomparable with that of the evil demons from other worlds.

During the last holy war, they were able to survive on a large scale.

It was because of being a tortoise that he made his fortress very strong, and all the gods did not dare to go out.

That's why they were able to retain most of their strength during the last holy war.

Then over these hundreds of thousands of years, it slowly grew and gradually became one of the strongest divine systems in the Origin Continent.

Therefore, whether they are from the evil camp or the extinct gods, they are no different from other gods in the Origin Continent.

They were all very afraid of this holy war.

Time is very urgent now, and Jesse Jones, the God of the End, is also nervously repairing their fortress.

Prepare to be like the last time, being a coward again and letting others take the lead while they hide and conserve their strength.


Jesse Jones, the God of the End, showed a touch of sadness on his face. Now that he has become a god at the level of a god, he doesn’t know if he can escape unscathed...

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