It’s no wonder Jesse Jones, the God of the End, is so worried, because the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor are really too powerful.

There is no one who is not afraid of him.

And what's worse is that when the alien demon clan came to the original world from another world, they tore open the rift in time and space.

Landing in a random place, no one knows whose territory they will step onto. This is what everyone is most worried about.

Because once those alien demons land, they will directly start a fierce killing.

For example, the last time a clan of alien demons descended on a high-level pantheon of gods, the pantheon of gods was completely slaughtered in less than half a day.

Moreover, that god system is not a third-rate god system. In every aspect, it is more powerful than the current extinct god system.

But even so, it would lead to the demise of the entire god system.

At this time, there are also people paying attention to this matter.

That was Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, who suddenly changed so drastically about this matter.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, expressed his shock.

He is now sitting on the throne of the main hall, with a condensed look on his face, feeling that the empire of immortals and demons is developing too fast.

"This damned territorial lord is really lucky to have become the God Lord in such a short period of time."

Now he is really angry to death, because he did not expect that originally he only regarded the Immortal and Demonic Empire as a small opponent.

However, he just stretched out his claws and his arm was chopped off.

How could he endure this sudden change?

At this moment, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, seemed to suddenly think of something.

He now put his hands together, his expression was very pious, and he said sincerely:

"I swear by the laws of the world, I hope that this time when the alien demon clan comes to the Yuanchu Continent again, the first place to land will be the Immortal Demon Empire!"

His very pious attitude was not so sincere even when he once wanted to be promoted to God Lord quickly.

It seemed that he really hated Xiao Mo.

Then at this time, Xiao Mo was commanding the army of immortals and demons, starting to form troops and thinking about how to fight against the alien demon clan.

Suddenly, his nose felt a little itchy, and he sneezed hard.

Xiao Mo rubbed his nose and said with some confusion:

"That's weird, why did you suddenly sneeze?"

His sudden sneeze was definitely not due to a cold, because he was already a god, so how could he still catch a cold?

So he murmured: "It seems that there must be some villain scolding me behind my back!"

He was just about to continue arranging his army of immortals and demons, but at this time, a "ding!" sounded in his mind.

【Ding! 】

[You have received an email from Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory. Please accept it.]

Xiao Mo was a little confused at this time, because no one had sent him an email for a long time.

He originally wanted to ignore it, but when he saw that the person who sent the email was actually Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, he couldn't help but hesitate.

He still has some memories of Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, and he once spoke for him in the [World Chat Channel].

He has certain organizational skills and is the strongest among the territorial lords.

I just don’t know what Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, wants to do with him now.

Xiao Mo was a little curious, and then agreed to receive the email from Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory.

I only saw a series of words written on it, which meant that the master of their territory was now very weak and wanted to rely on the Immortal and Demonic Empire.

Xiao Mo frowned, he was really confused at this time because he really didn't know what to do.

At the beginning, he really wanted to gather the power of these territorial lords.

But now after such an [Exorcism Exorcism Activity].

He discovered that although the abilities of these territorial lords were indeed quite good, some of them were very arrogant and did not cooperate at all.

If they are forcibly gathered, a basic effect may be achieved.

So Xiao Mo gave up this idea.

However, at this time, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, suddenly proposed this meaning again, which made him a little moved.

However, this kind of thing needs to be considered in the long term, so he also replied to an email.

Let the lords of Kuangtie Territory, Shi Tianqi and others, discuss a person in charge and see if they can form an alliance of territory lords.

If an alliance can really be formed, let the person in charge come and talk to him.

In fact, the development speed of the territorial lords is really fast. Although most of their strengths are above the god level, the highest ones are only at the peak of the god level.

But they also have something that even the local gods don't have, and that's arms.

The utilization value of these arms is much higher than that of the territorial lord.

Now that the Holy War is about to begin, many territorial lords are not strong enough because of their own strength.

So they tried to find ways to rely on the current local pantheon.

But not all territorial lords can find reliable gods.

Because some local gods really hate the arrival of the territorial lords.

I feel that they have usurped their own resources and think that they are just alien species, completely different from the local gods like them.

So sometimes you don't see them at all.

What's more, not everyone has a special ability like Tang Weiwei.

Will receive favor from local gods.

At this time, the territorial lords can only think of their own solutions.

On the other side, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was sitting with several powerful territorial lords and were seriously discussing this issue.

They are all struggling to death now, because if they, the territorial lords who are not accepted by the local pantheon, don't find some turning point.

Maybe they are really going to die on the day when the alien demon clan invades the Yuanchu Continent.

However, at this time, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, suddenly heard a "ding" in his mind.

【Ding! 】

[Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, you have an email from Xiao Mo, the leader of the territory, please check it! 】

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, didn't react for a moment, but then he was ecstatic when he saw Xiao Mo's name.

"Damn it! Boss Xiao Mo, he actually wrote me a reply?!"

He originally just tried to send a message to Xiao Mo, without expecting Xiao Mo to reply to him.

However, Xiao Mo's message was immediately replied to, which surprised Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory.

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