As soon as the protagonist was mentioned, these territorial lords became even more shaken.

Because the protagonist has great prestige in their hearts!

"So what do you think about this?"

Mo Youyou looked at the expressions of the territorial lords and knew that this time they were sure of success.

"I won't force you. If you are willing to follow Mr. Xiao Mo, you will definitely get corresponding rewards."

"But if not, it doesn't matter, as long as you stay here, we will protect you!"

"However, for the same thing, you can't get the corresponding reward!"

After hearing these words, some people are still reluctant.

Because they know they will be protected if they stay here, then there is no need for them to venture out.

After this wave of evil spirits recedes, they can go out to look for resources for advancement.

"We're not going!"

"It's good to stay here!"

"I'm very satisfied with my current level, even if it's slower!"

"I don't want to go out either. I just need to stay here. Come on!"


However, more territorial owners are willing to go out.

Because no one who is a territorial lord is without ambition.

Their ambitions are big or small, not small.

At this time, the owner of the territory said very excitedly:

"If we go out, we will definitely get a reward, right?"

"I definitely want to go out. I believe that as long as we have the protection of the goddess sister, we will not fail!"

“I also feel that as long as I can go out, that’s success!”

"The women in the Goddess House are all willing to go out and hunt down those demons that are more powerful than them!"

"And as men, how can we be so stupid?"

"I don't want to stand behind Mr. Xiao Mo and be laughed at by so many people!"

"Yes, evil spirits are originally outsiders. In fact, we are also forced outsiders in a certain sense!"

"Although the local gods didn't show it, I know they must look down on us."

"If we can drive the evil spirits out, they will definitely regard us as their companions!"

"Then our ability to obtain resources and increase our strength will become stronger and stronger!"


Suddenly, everyone in this huge castle was discussing this matter enthusiastically.

Some people still insist on staying here and are unwilling to go out.

And a large number of people are willing to follow the protagonist's footsteps and go out to hunt evil spirits.

Their strength is not strong, but they are more than enough as bait.

Mo Youyou watched the reactions of these territorial lords with satisfaction, and then reported to the protagonist.

"Your Majesty the Great Holy Lord, these territorial lords have agreed to everything we said just as you said!"

"Then we just need to love what you have done, and that's it!"

The protagonist was not surprised by Mo Youyou's reply, as he was sitting on the throne at this moment.

Behind him stood countless immortal and demon soldiers, with Jin Liuer and Xianer standing on either side of him.

He looked at the army of immortals and demons that had been assembled and prepared, and then felt the increasingly strong aura of demons.

The murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

"Then let's start the war!"

His words fell to the ground lightly, but those immortal and demon soldiers were instantly inspired.

At this moment, His Majesty God King Diildenima is leading the army of demons to wreak havoc on the Origin Continent crazily.

Even though he had heard how powerful the protagonist was from Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, His Highness God King Deildenima still didn't take it to heart.

Because at the beginning of the last holy war, their great lord of the alien territory faced these weak gods and it was like killing a chicken.

It's easy to kill them!

Even the last million or so nature goddesses paid the price of intoxication, and the earth goddess Helena Tis died as a medium.

This reluctantly allowed the lords of the alien territories to withdraw from the Origin Continent, and allowed them to regenerate without completely wiping them out.

Therefore, His Royal Highness God King Dildenima does not look down on the indigenous gods of the original continent from the bottom of his heart.

Regarding the protagonist Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, he only thought that Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was exaggerating.

The owner of the foreign territory burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of evil in Yuanchu Continent.

It feels like a Japanese invader has entered the village.

Except for a few larger gods and countries, they dare not move for the time being.

Those countries and gods with smaller strength were abused by them wantonly.

Those countries and gods faced the powerful lords of alien territories and had no power to resist at all.

It could only persist for a while before being destroyed.

Some pantheons or countries even gave up resistance and allowed them in.

The lord of the foreign territory swept away very quickly, and there was a traitor named Hess Adam, the lord of the Glorious Empire.

Then the understanding of Yuanchu Continent has gone one step further.

Soon they came to the [Goddess's House] and saw this magnificent castle.

His Highness God King Diildenima felt a strange aura, which he had never felt before.

So he asked Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, strangely:

"Is this a resurgent pantheon of gods? Why don't I know? Tell me!"

Seeing this iconic castle, Hess Adam, the lord of the Glorious Empire, knew that he was the master of the territory.

But there were so many castles, and he didn't like the owners of the territories before, and he looked down on them.

Therefore, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, did not know which castle this was.

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for a moment.

His Royal Highness God King Dildenima did not receive an answer after asking.

I couldn't help but look at it strangely.

"What's the matter, Lord Hess Adam of the Glorious Empire? Why don't you tell me where this place is?"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, really didn’t know, but I couldn’t show my incompetence, and I was still a little anxious for a while.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought that he seemed to have recruited a territorial lord to come in.

"His Royal Highness the Great God King Diildenima, this should be a building for the lord of the territory."

"But although I don't know the name of this castle, I once recruited a territory lord to come in, so he should know."

Hearing that Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, also recruited a territory owner, His Highness God King Dildenima couldn't help but feel very surprised.

"Oh? Come here and let me take a look!"

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