The territory lord who joined the Glorious Empire was named Zhao Tiancheng, and he was a golden territory lord.

He originally felt proud of joining the Glorious Empire, and even mocked him for being forced to join the Alliance of Territory Lords organized by the Immortal and Demonic Empire.

Because he always disliked Xiao Mo, when he first came to this world, he was ready to show off his skills.

Thinking that he is the first person in this world!

However, he didn't expect that he didn't even have time to show off his abilities.

He couldn't lift his head up after being crushed by Xiao Mo, so he silently hated Xiao Mo in his heart.

Only then will he join the glorious empire that is hostile to Xiao Mo!

But now he regretted it so much that he wished that time could go by and go back to that day when he accepted the olive branch from the Emperor of Glorious Empire.

How could he know that the leader of this glorious empire was so spineless.

It would be a shame to make the decision to turn to the devil.

However, at this time, he actually pushed himself out as a shield, which made Zhao Tiancheng very angry.

Although he didn't know what the reason was, Zhao Tiancheng could also feel that His Highness God King Deildenima hated Xiao Mo very much.

It seemed that His Highness God King Diildenima already had some hatred towards Xiao Mo.

However, this glorious empire leader is pushing him out, who is also the owner of the territory, and is simply forcing him!

But even if he was reluctant, he had to bow his head in the face of such a powerful force.

I could only pretend to stand up very respectfully.

"Dear His Majesty God King Diildenima, I am the lord of that territory. Why do you call me out?"

His Royal Highness God King Diildenima waited until Zhao Tiancheng stood up and looked him up and down with great disdain.

"Oh? Is he the lord of the territory? What is this castle in front of you? Is it very powerful?"

Zhao Tiancheng didn't want to have anything to do with this evil spirit at all, and he just didn't like Xiao Mo.

But I never thought that I would betray the original continent!

So at this time, he was hesitant to ask, not to tell His Highness God King Dildenima the name of this castle.

His Highness God King Diildenima seemed to see his hesitation, then his face darkened and he kicked him without hesitation!

"I'm asking you something. Tell me quickly. Who made you hesitate so much? If you want to die, then die quickly! Don't find it difficult to be in front of me!"

Zhao Tiancheng was kicked and flew out like a kite with its string broken.

It flew dozens of meters away before stopping.

Zhao Tiancheng held his chest, feeling that a few of his ribs might have been broken by the kick.

He had no idea that His Highness God King Diildenima would suddenly attack, and the feeling of regret grew deeper and deeper in his heart.

At this time, he also became more aware of how dangerous his current situation was.

So he hid the hatred in his eyes, and then crawled to the feet of His Majesty God King Diildenima very respectfully.

He put on a very respectful look on his face.

"His Majesty the Great God King Diildenima! You have misunderstood me. I was not hesitating just now, but I was thinking about what kind of castle is this castle?"

"But I just got kicked by you! I suddenly remembered in my mind, what is the name of this castle? This castle is the base of [Goddess House]!"

"The base?"

His Royal Highness God King Diildenima looked at Zhao Tiancheng, who was so bad-tempered, with growing disdain in his heart.

He felt that the two god-level demons in the center of the underground were able to be defeated by a mere territorial lord because they themselves were too weak.

"What is the base? And what is the [Goddess's House]?"

Zhao Tiancheng said very respectfully:

"This [Goddess House] is an alliance of female domain owners, but they are not that powerful, and their relationship with Xiao Mo is not good, so there is no challenge."

Although Zhao Tiancheng hated Xiao Mo very much, he now hated these demons who bullied him even more.

So even if [Goddess House] is Xiao Mo's number one fan, he still tells some information half-truth and half-falsely.

His Royal Highness God King Dildenima did not have the slightest doubt.

He was a very arrogant person, especially when faced with these spineless gods, he became even more arrogant.

He never thought that Zhao Tiancheng would lie to him.

"No challenge?" He looked at the castle that was very in line with female aesthetics, with an evil emotion flashing in his eyes.

"And it's also an alliance formed by a group of female territory owners. That's really interesting!"

Now this is the first alliance formed by the lords of the territory that His Highness God-King Diildenima has encountered, so he is very curious.

Then I heard that these alliances were actually composed of female guys, and I suddenly became even more excited.

Because they worship the mother goddess Mirsilina, and their favorite thing is the worship of reproduction.

So when a male demon faces a female, there is always a kind of conquest.

"Then let me tear them apart and make them my slaves, serving me forever!"

"So, charge me! Tear them all into pieces!"

Zhao Tiancheng raised his head in disbelief and looked at His Highness God King Diildenima in shock.

I didn't expect that even after I said that, His Highness God King Diildenima would still pursue the [Goddess House].

So isn’t this just a beast! ?

Zhao Tiancheng was very angry, but the moment His Highness God King Dildenima looked over. He immediately lowered his head, hiding the hatred in his heart.

His Royal Highness God King Diildenima also knew that Zhao Tiancheng did not like him, but he felt that it did not matter.

Because of his power, there is no need to worry about whether such a weak god likes him.

He did not hesitate to let the evil demon control Zhao Tiancheng, fearing that he would pass on the news.

But what he didn't know was that Zhao Tiancheng could pass his information through the [World Chat Channel].

【It’s not good, it’s not good! I was discovered by God King Deildenima! 】

[And they are now going to attack [Goddess’ House]]

[Come and save them! 】

【What! ? 】

Soon someone replied that they recognized this as the territorial lord who joined the Glorious Empire.

[What's going on? What's going on? In the end what happened? Why does it become like this? 】

[Why are they so fast? The aggression is really too strong! 】

【It’s really scary! 】

[The Goddess House is full of cute girls! 】

[If you are injured, I will feel very sad! 】

[No, we must come to rescue them now. If they are injured, I will feel very sad! 】

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