The reason why His Royal Highness God King Dildenima brought Zhao Tiancheng was of course because he was the lord of the territory.

Having the same identity as Xiao Mo has aroused his great curiosity.

Even after Xiao Mo killed the two demons, one female and one male, from another world, the Ten Lords of Demons and the Dark Emperor had already targeted Xiao Mo.

What's more important is that Xiao Mo actually took in the other world.

Refine it into your own little world.

However, although the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor have a feeling about this, they are not yet sure.

But the reason why the Ten Lords of Demons and the Dark Emperor left two demons, one female and one male, in the other world was to let them rule the other world.

It will add a reserve force for the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor to attack the original continent in the future.

However, I didn't expect that the two demons, one female and one male, were about to succeed, but they were intercepted by Xiao Mo.

Therefore, this kind of hatred has always been kept in the hearts of the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor.

At the very beginning of the attack on Yuanchu Continent, the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor issued orders that Xiao Mo must be killed!

And His Royal Highness God King Diildenima is the one who most wants to improve his strength and then curry favor with the Ten Lords of Demons and the Dark Emperor.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to mention that he would arrive on the original continent first and explore the way for the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor.

That's why he will now take away Zhao Tiancheng, who is also the owner of the territory.

Seeing the arrival of the Elf Goddess, the female territory owner was very excited and shouted crazily:

"Your Majesty the Elf Goddess Temple, you came to save us!"

"I love you, Your Majesty the Elf Goddess!"

"You are simply our god, we love you so much!"

"Your Majesty the Elf Goddess, thank you very much for coming to save us!"

"Your Majesty the Temple of the Elf Goddess, do you want to come to our place for a trip and play for a while?"


The female territory owner who was out of danger became lively today, and good words kept coming out of her mouth.

They praised the Elf Goddess crazily.

The Elf Goddess Temple did not pursue Her Majesty God King Dildenima at all after she left, and did not care that Zhao Tiancheng was also taken away.

Even though Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, led his army to retreat the moment she arrived, she did not pursue him.

Instead, let them escape from here.

This is not what she did, but what Xiao Mo said for them and what Xiao Mo ordered.

But as for why Xiao Mo asked her to do that, she didn't know.

She didn't ask because she knew Xiao Mo's statement must be correct.

Now she only needs to follow Xiao Mo's orders.

The Elf Goddess did not realize at all that she, a super goddess who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, would now listen to the words of a small territorial lord.

And I still didn’t feel anything was wrong at all.

Now, when the elf goddess heard the praises of the little girls, she couldn't help but smile happily.

These female domain owners are really different from ordinary girls. They are more lively and energetic.

It seems to make people feel very good.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, the Elf Goddess refused the invitation of the female territory owner without hesitation.

"It was not my intention to save you. It was His Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, who asked me to save you! If you want to thank him, thank him!"

Hearing that it was Xiao Mo who asked the Elf Goddess to rescue them, the owner of the female territory instantly became excited.

Shen Qingqing even ignored his own image and shouted loudly:

"The boss is so handsome. I love him so much. I want to give birth to a monkey for him!"

"Hahahaha! Sister Qingqing, you usually say that we are nymphomaniacs, aren't you the same now?"

"That's right! You actually want to give birth to a monkey for the boss. You can't tell it when you see Sister Qing being so aloof and self-sufficient."

After Shen Qingqing finished shouting those words, her pretty little face turned red like a monkey's butt.

She said firmly:

"Hmph! Who wouldn't like a person like the boss?"

"Let me ask you, don't you like it? If you like it, why are you talking about me?"

"Huh huh huh~ Sister Qingqing is so angry. Of course we also like her very much, but we will all say it, but sister is different!"

"I always thought that my sister didn't like the boss, but it turns out she likes him very much!"

"At first, they kept saying that we were nymphos, but it turns out that my sister is also a big nympho!"

Shen Qingqing's face turned red when they talked about it, her whole body was about to bubble, and she was very embarrassed.

"You are so annoying, I don't want to deal with you anymore!"

After saying this, Shen Qingqing covered her face and ran away.

Seeing this scene, all the female territory owners smiled in sympathy.

After Shen Qingqing left the master of all female territories, she took her little hands off her red face.

He recalled Xiao Mo's heroic appearance in his mind, and then murmured:

"Who wouldn't like something like Big Boss?"

She just sent a message in the [World Chat Channel] at this time.

[Don’t worry, everyone, the boss has sent the Elf Goddess to save us! 】

【We are all very safe now! 】

After seeing that [Goddess's House] was now safe, the owners of the territory were very happy.

[It’s good to be safe, it’s good to be safe. It seems that the boss is really very reliable, and the speed is so fast. 】

[Yes, I was wondering why I am not a woman. If I were a woman, I would really have sex with the boss. 】

[The boss is so handsome that he can even invite the Elf Goddess over. Our character can't even touch the leg hair of the Elf Goddess. 】

[The leg hair of the Elf Goddess? The Elf Goddess should have no leg hair, right? What are you talking about? 】

【How can it be? Everyone should have fur! The goddess must have one too! 】

[Then what should we do next? The alien demon clan has now arrived. Should we just sit back and wait for death? 】

[Yes, yes, you have joined the alliance organized by the boss. Has the boss told you what to do now? 】

[Of course there is, but for the sake of confidentiality now, I won’t tell you! 】


On the other side, His Royal Highness God King Dildenima took Zhao Tiancheng and ran all the way, flying from one end of the continent to the other.

The speed was so fast that Zhao Tiancheng, who was being held in his hand, was about to be vomited.

"Dear His Majesty God King Diildenima, please take it easy, I can't help you being so high right now."

Zhao Tiancheng was mentioned all the way, and he was also scolded all the way in his heart.

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