Now he hates everyone so much that he hopes to go back in time and return to the day he joined the Glorious Empire.

He would definitely hug Xiao Mo's thigh tightly and never join the Glorious Empire.

But without the existence of a time machine, Zhao Tiancheng could only be carried away like a bunny by His Highness God King Deildenima.

After hearing Zhao Tiancheng's plea, His Highness God King Dildenima ignored him.

When he reached a safe place, he threw him to the ground without even looking.

"Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of my concern?"

"His Highness is willing to take you away, which is the most benevolent thing."

"You should be thanking me now, not blaming me!"

Zhao Tiancheng: Your uncle! !

He was so angry that he didn't want to be taken away by this man. If he left him there, maybe he could repay the favor of the Elf Goddess.

Getting back on track, ah, but now being taken away by this damn demon, it is really unlucky.

But he didn't dare to show it on his face at all.

Zhao Tiancheng knelt on the ground and said very respectfully:

"Thank you, His Highness God King Diildenima. I am so grateful to you. Thank you for taking me away. I am not you. I may still fall into the hands of the Elf Goddess Temple."

"If that's the case, that's really too bad!"

"I would rather die than leave a great demon like you."

Hess Adam, the late leader of the Glorious Empire, felt his teeth sore after hearing what Zhao Tiancheng said.

This grandson is actually better at licking than me. It's really shameless.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, would also feel unlucky for the sudden escape of His Royal Highness the God-King Deildenima.

I didn't expect that this guy would be such a trash, and she was just an elf goddess.

He wouldn't even run when he met him, but His Highness God King Diildenima ran so fast.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was completely speechless, and he doubted his decision for a moment.

"His Royal Highness God King Diildenima, when exactly are you going to attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire? Didn't you say that as long as I follow you, you will attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire?"

"But it has been so long now, and we are still wandering around in some small countries and gods, which is not interesting at all."

The leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, was dissatisfied, but His Highness God King Dildenima looked arrogant.

"What's the rush now? This is just a part of our alien demon clan. Most of the alien demon clan haven't come here yet."

"We just need to create some small disturbances now. The great Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor have not really arrived here. Everything is still uncertain."

Although His Highness God-King Deildenima has already explained it, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, still feels very unhappy.

"We also hope that His Highness God King Dildenima can abide by our original promise and attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire as quickly as possible."

At this time, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, had already recovered from the promise that made his heart beat.

His sanity has also returned.

Therefore, he felt very regretful about his hasty promise to His Highness God King Diildenima.

He shouldn't have been so hasty at the beginning. He originally thought that the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor had also descended on his territory.

But I didn't expect that only one god-king-level demon would come here.

Moreover, his temper is so bad, and he doesn’t feel like he will keep his promise.

His Highness God King Diildenima still said:

"You just need to believe me. I will definitely attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire."

"So just don't worry!"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, suppressed his displeasure and said:

"Then please tell me, when will the ten evil masters and the dark emperor of the alien evil clan come over?"

"If it's too late, do we have no chance now?"

"I think it is most correct for us to work together and destroy the Fairy and Demon Kingdom directly!"

Even now, he must have spared no effort in urging His Highness God King Deildenima to attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, has already thought that as long as Xiao Mo is defeated, he will defect in the face of battle and return to the embrace of the original continent.

Then follow the footsteps of the Elf Goddess and drive out those alien evil spirits.

Anyway, the original mainland has always been short of manpower. As long as he sincerely repented, he believed that he would still have a chance.

In fact, His Highness God King Deildenima has never understood why Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, hates Xiao Mo so much.

But he doesn't want to understand, because he just needs to listen to the arrangements of the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor.

At this time, Xiao Mo looked up at the 11 thrones in the moonlit sky.

No matter what he was doing, he could feel the demons on the eleven thrones above always staring at him.

"When can you come?"

Xiao Mo looked at the dark emperor in the middle and expressed his doubts seriously.

Xiao Xiaoxiao sat on the ground and looked at the Ten Evil Lords and the Dark Emperor in the sky.

After hearing Xiao Mo's words, he couldn't help but hold his little face in his hands and asked strangely:

"Dad Xiao Mo, who are you asking?"

It didn't matter to Xiao Mo that Xiao Xiaoxiao kept calling him daddy.

He said: "I'm talking about those alien demons in the sky. When will they land here?"

At first, like the gods on the original continent, he thought that the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor had also arrived here.

But he soon discovered something was wrong, because the evil spirits that descended were not that powerful.

Moreover, they only dare to attack some small gods far away from the big gods, which does not fit the brutal image at all.

So he knew everything through Xiao Xiaoxiao.

"Why? Wouldn't it be better if they didn't come?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao was very puzzled, because neither the goddess of fate nor her good friend Dou Xiaodou wanted the alien demon clan to come.

Xiao Mo's father didn't seem to be like this. He seemed to be very much looking forward to the arrival of the evil spirit.

This is so weird.

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