Looking up at the blue planet shrouded in black mist, Yang Yu's thoughts seemed to become empty for a moment.

A very weird feeling.

This hand is not fake, but the order of the top and bottom has been reversed.

Eucalyptus poplar seems to have left the earth now, but in a real sense, it is still in the earth.

This scene looks like people living on the earth will find their true direction in the starry sky and the universe after leaving the earth.

Just like being on the earth and looking up at the sun in the sky, in fact in the universe, the real position of the sun is below the earth.

But Yang Gu instinctively sensed something was wrong.

Because he suddenly thought of two key words.

One is shedding, the other is ascension.

It seems that it is no coincidence that the position of the giant hand corresponds to the upward movement and downward movement.

When inside the Earth, this hand is pointed downward.

And now free from the earth, the hand has turned upward.

Before he died, Minghe said intermittently:

"Without self...you...cannot transform...ascend...cannot stop..."

He didn't give Minghe time to explain, and Minghe wouldn't explain either.

So at this moment, standing on the palm of the giant hand, Yang Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

When he arrived here, the light had already begun to penetrate the black fog on a large scale, trying to remove the haze shrouding the earth, but it did not affect the existence of this giant hand.

So what is the significance of the existence of this hand?

The memory in Yang Yu's mind began to flow backwards, recalling the first time he saw this hand.

That was the scene he saw using the Eye of the World when he was surrounded by natural disasters in the original world.

"The eye of the world... the eye of the world?"

Yang Eucalyptus looked at the earth again, but she didn't see anything related to her eyes.

He shook his head.

"No, that's not right."

He suddenly realized that he had obtained the Eye of the World in the original world, not the earth.

Although Minghe has explained that the original world is actually the deep world of the earth, it is different from the earth.

If you substitute the landform of the original world...

"Outside the continent...outside the continent...forbidden sea...middle continent..."

"Outer Continent is a circular land area. Middle Continent is located within Outer Continent, separated by a forbidden sea..."

"Eyes! It's eyes!"

In his mind, the complete landscape of the original world appeared, and corresponding to it, it really looked like an eye.

This is the eye of the world!

So... seeing this hand from the original world is different from seeing this hand from the earth!

Yang Yu suddenly figured it out.

The highest level of the cultivation system in the original world is the transformation of human beings.

When the earth's cultivation system reaches the top, it is ascension.

This is the connection with this giant hand.

And this hand must be the opportunity for ascension and transformation!

Enlightenment! Yang Gu realized it!

The secret that Minghe deliberately concealed was the same as what he had guessed before.

This is a disaster for all living beings in the world, but for Minghe, it is an opportunity, the only opportunity.

This is the reason why Minghe has been planning for countless years, just because he wants to be one with him at this last moment.

He is indeed a tool, but he has become a tool that wants to subvert destiny, and finally turns over and becomes the one who laughs in the end.

It's a pity that Yang Yu also chose to betray the fate given by him and be the one who betrayed the control of fate.

Now, this hand is pointing upward, and the whole world is also pointing upward. In other words, the transformation from transformation to ascension has become an opportunity for ascension.

Yang Yu's sense of consciousness had enveloped his entire hand, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

This is like an ordinary hand, living in the universe. Apart from being very huge, there is nothing magical about it.

To untie the bell, one must tie the bell. Although Minghe is dead, there is still someone who may be able to answer his question.

Yang Yu thought of an existence, an existence that had never appeared from beginning to end.

His eyes were directed toward Earth.

"Tiandao, I know you are still here, come out."

Yang Gu did not make a sound, it was his spiritual sense that was calling at this moment.

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, a figure appeared behind Yang Yu.

The spiritual sense swept over, and Yang Yu also turned around at the same time, but there was nothing behind him.

Even so, if someone's eyes were fixed on Yang Yu, he didn't feel wrong.

Unless the way of heaven is invisible and cannot be checked.

"You are the winner. If you have any questions, please ask."

In the void, a strange fluctuation was transmitted into Yang Yu's mind.

It's like some kind of weird language that went through countless transformations and translations at this moment, and finally became this sentence.

This is the first time Yang Yu has faced the way of heaven, and truly felt the existence of the way of heaven, which is so strange.

"The winner? Shouldn't it be the one who jumps out of the chessboard?"

Yang Yu caught this word. In Tiandao's eyes, was he just a winner?

"Same thing."

Tiandao had a very simple reply and agreed with Yang Gu.

"So you are also one of the players?"

Yang Gu asked.

There are two ways to play chess, and Minghe can be sure of one of them, but there is no doubt about the other, leaving only the way of heaven.

But the answer from Tiandao that followed was unexpected to Yang Yu.

"No, I'm just the chessboard."


"It doesn't matter to me who wins or loses, but the winner has the right to choose."

"Choose what?"

"Choose to leave this game."

Tiandao's answer was unexpected, but very reasonable. Yang Yu couldn't think of any reason to refute it, nor could he think of any other explanation.

If the world is a huge chessboard, the original world and the earth, turbidity and aura, transformation and ascension.

The two sons, black and white, are clearly distinguished.

The chessboard represents the rules, and the rules are the way of heaven.

"So, who is the other player?"

"Isn't it you?"

Tiandao smiled at the reply.

"Is it actually me?"

"Since he is the winner, shouldn't he be a player?"

Tiandao asked back.

In Yang Yu's mind, like a flash of inspiration, it became completely clear.

Since his death and rebirth using candlelight, he has completely escaped his fate and the chessboard.

From the moment he mastered the power of fate, he became one of the players, no longer affected by the rules of this world, until he finally got rid of the fate crane and became the final winner.

But it was precisely because of this that Yang Gu suddenly felt creepy.

The heaven that is the world is actually just a chessboard.

In this game of chess, the one who comes out is the final winner.

Then a question arises.

"Who is the one who set up this game?"

It's neither him, nor Minghe, nor Tiandao, so who is it?

"You can't say it before the time comes. Maybe you will know later."

So mysterious?

If Tian Dao didn't tell, Yang Yu would have no way of knowing, there would be no clues at all, and he wouldn't be able to guess.

The only thing that is certain is that it must be someone outside the chessboard.


Tiandao began to urge, and it seemed that everything he could say had been said.

Yang Yu understood what he meant. The so-called choice was to leave this game of chess. There was no doubt that it would mean transformation or ascension.

So this is the opportunity.

Bound within the world, within the rules, as a chess piece on the chessboard, you will never be able to access this opportunity.

To transform or to ascend, there is no doubt about Yang Yu’s choice.

"What if I want them all?"

The existence of life energy is the reason why he can say this.

If it is a chess game, what makes him jump out of the chess game is life energy, and life energy must not be above this chess game.

In that case, why not.

"Do you want to lay out a new chess game and be the planner?"

Tiandao asked slightly surprised.

The boy who slayed the dragon eventually became an evil dragon, but Yang Gu was neither a dragon slayer nor wanted to be an evil dragon.


It doesn't matter to Yang Yu who is the next person to leave the chessboard and become a player.

But as a chess piece, he gradually became a player and the final winner, making him realize what was most important.

These are the rules of this game of chess.

It is not only the rule for all living things, but also the rule for spiritual ascension.

This journey has been too difficult.

If there is a slight mistake, it will be an abyss, affecting all living things.

Therefore, he does not want to be a planner, he wants to be a destroyer.

If this game is still there, then being on the chessboard is an endless game. One move affects the whole body, and one person's death affects the whole world.

You cultivate your immortality, and I go my own way. Practitioners seek immortality, and those in the mortal world seek to have no worries. The destruction of the world is too far away, and thousands of great avenues all go their own way. Isn't it good?

Without this game, no one would be a pawn anymore.

As soon as the thought came up, what followed was the terrifying light emanating from Yang Eucalyptus, as well as the huge and terrifying life energy, all poured out.

The light enveloped the entire world and swallowed up the giant hand in an instant.

Maybe Tiandao already understood what Yang Eucalyptus meant, but it was too late.

Although Yang Gu could not see the way of heaven, even the way of heaven could not block the light.

Under the light, everything will be invisible.

A huge energy was melted by the light and swallowed by the life energy. It was the power from heaven, and it was all integrated into Yang Yu's body at this moment.

At this moment, Yang Yu finally understood why there was no way of heaven in the original world and why Tianzong wanted to create way of heaven.

Although none of them broke the rules, broke away from the chessboard, or even thought outside the game to learn the truth, most of them, like him, wanted to seek a change, just hoping that all living beings would no longer be chess pieces.

It's a pity that losers have become the autumn wind of the past.

Fortunately, they are not alone on this path.

As chess pieces, no one is right or wrong.

People from Tianzong, people from the original world, people from the earth, Minghe, and Yang Gu himself.

So, who is at fault?

Swallowing the way of heaven, the light melted the turbidity that enveloped the world faster and faster, and the life energy also turned into countless tentacles at this moment, deeply piercing into the giant hand where Yang Yu was.

An even greater force was constantly being swallowed up by Populus eucalyptus.

Seen from a far distance in the universe, the giant hand slowly disappears visible to the naked eye, and the earth has begun to regain its light.

But at this rate, it might take a long time.

One month later.

The natural disasters on the earth have disappeared, the turbid air has completely disappeared, and everything has returned to calm.

In Kunlun Mansion, many tombs were erected somewhere, but there was nothing in the tombs.

In the human world, a huge tree grew out of an old-fashioned residential building. It was entangled with vines and bloomed with bright flowers.

Peace on earth.

More than half a year later, a cry was heard in the delivery room of a certain hospital.

On a sunny day, a woman was holding her child on the bed, looking at the sun in the sky. The rays of light shone on the mother and child, making them warm and welcoming.

"Dad will be back soon."

The crying baby seemed to understand and quickly fell asleep peacefully.

Four years later, a man with a smile on his face picked up his son from kindergarten on his first day of school.

"Dad, you have to continue telling me that story when you get home."


On the way home, the man hugged his son and agreed.

Another two years passed.

Tongtong, who was already five years old, desperately wanted to know an answer. He stayed in bed and refused to sleep, waiting for his father's answer.

"Dad, in the story you told, Superman defeated the big hand. After the big hand disappeared, what was in it?"

"Do you want to know that much?"

"Yeah! I think so!" Tongtong nodded heavily, eyes full of anticipation.

“Then I’ll tell you, listen!

Actually... there is a door inside. "

"Door? What's inside that door?" The child was still full of curiosity.

"Well, I don't know either."

"Did Superman enter that door?" the child continued to ask.

"Not yet."

"Why don't you go in and have a look?"

"Because he still has unfinished business."

"Then what else has he not finished?"

"I guess, Superman must also go home to tell stories to the baby and put the baby to sleep."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The cheerful laughter of children rang out in the room.

It's late at night, in the bedroom.

As usual, Yang Yu input life energy into a broken metal ghost face, feeling the remaining breath getting stronger and stronger. He seemed to hear a familiar voice in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face.

On the soft and clean bed, Luo Yu quietly hugged Yang Eucalyptus, nestled in Yang Eucalyptus's arms, and rested on Yang Eucalyptus's arms, with a happy smile on her face.

"Are you really not going to learn?"

Yang Yu, who had closed her eyes, asked softly and gently.

"Not learn."

"Sooner or later I'm going to walk through that door."

"I will stay with you until you leave. That's enough." Luo Yu smiled.

"Fool, I won't leave so soon. What if it's a hundred years later or a thousand years later?" Yang Yu gently touched Luo Yu's hair.

"Why? Don't you want to see what's behind the door?" Luo Yu asked in confusion.

"Probably, there is still a question that I haven't figured out yet." Yang Yu thought for a while and replied.

A few years later, one afternoon.

Tongtong, who came back from school, happily took something home and put it on the dining table during dinner.

"What is this? A globe?"

Yang Yu walked out of the kitchen carrying the dishes, put the plate down, and asked with a smile on his face.

"I bought it with my pocket money."

Tongtong replied happily.

"What are you buying for? Is the teacher asking for it?"

Yang Yu asked with slight interest.

Tongtong shook his head, his face looking a little angry.

"The teacher didn't ask for it, I bought it myself. I told my classmates the story about my father, but they didn't believe me."

Having said this, Tongtong seemed to remember something, left the dining table, ran back to the children's room, and soon ran back in a hurry.

Yang Yu looked at him with a smile and was about to go to the kitchen to bring out the soup made by Luo Yu.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped and looked at the globe on the dining table. To be precise, he looked at the hand above the globe, a young and immature hand.

In that hand was a small bottle containing ink.

The mouth of the bottle tilted, and black ink flowed out, splashing on the globe, and then flowed along the round sphere on the dining table. In the blink of an eye, the small globe was dyed black.

"Dad, look, is that what that hand does?"

This seemed to be the only plot in the story he could simulate.

Tongtong looked at his father excitedly, but Yang Yu's expression had frozen at this moment. The scene in front of him made countless thoughts flash through his mind.

In a daze, he suddenly understood something.

At this moment, my spine felt chilly and my hair stood on end.


It’s over…

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