Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Final remarks (and about the new book)

It's over.

Although I had been thinking about this day for a long time, I felt empty after actually typing the last word.

This book was released on April 12 last year, and it was completed today on April 11, exactly one year ago.

It also happens that today is Crazy Thursday, so, you know, V me 50...

Haha just kidding.

This book has a total of 1.78 million words. It took a year to write. I did some calculations and found that the average daily update is 4,800 words. It’s really salty.

Some friends and other authors have persuaded me to stick to two million words.

That's what I planned at the beginning.

However, after sorting out the outline and thinking, I found that the original outline design and complete plot could not support the remaining hundreds of thousands of words.

If you want to write two million words, you will undoubtedly need to fill a lot of water into the storyline.

But I don’t want to overflow with the plot, not to mention that it’s still near the end. At this time, the rhythm should be firmly controlled and the story should be told completely.

After actually writing a book, from digging holes at the beginning to filling holes later, the whole process also made me aware of many problems.

However, I am a person who is better at summarizing my own problems and learning experiences and lessons in order to make progress.

I believe that the next book will be better.

Thank you for your continued companionship with this book and me, thank you!

Finally, when it came to the end, I chose an open ending, which I had planned for a long time.

It’s not that I want to be the Riddler. I have filled all the holes I dug in this book. There is no need to dig another hole that may never be filled to disgust the readers.

The reason why I write this is to leave a blank space for this story.

The charm of an open ending is that everyone has a different interpretation of the story.

It's like I left two things in front of you.

One is fire, the other is fate, what will you choose?

The idea of ​​interpretation can be based on the title of my last chapter, and maybe you can have a better interpretation.

One is a door and the other is a story. Which one will you choose?

Thank you again for your company.

Finally, let’s talk about the new book.

If there are no accidents, the new book will be released within a week, without any rest time.

Stay tuned.

Thanks again! Thanks!

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