"Tsk, which one should I choose?"

Ye Mo hesitated.

There are only these Shenyuan with many monsters, and the Mother Goddess's Love has been perfectly cleared by someone.

Although there are many monsters in the Endless Tube Building, there are also many nightmare monsters, which is a bit laborious.

That only leaves the Weird World and Hellfire, but Ye Mo heard that it is hotter in Hellfire, and he doesn't like it, so let's choose the Weird World!

After all, Hades is a perfect counter to the weird creatures!

At this moment, Ye Mo opened the information of the Weird World and checked it out.

What a coincidence that the Shenyuan of this weird world is actually in the Great Dream City!

You know, I just came back from the Great Dream City, and I have to go to the Great Dream City again!

But it doesn't matter, it's just right to take Wang Lin and Long Hai with me, and let the two of them team up to fight Shenyuan once.

After all, they are from the same organization and need tacit understanding!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo immediately informed the two of them, and then found time to set off.

At present, his strength has been known to the world. No matter how angry the people of the Nan Ke Church are, they dare not do anything to him. Even if other organizations want to have bad intentions, they have to think twice.

"Let's go to the Dream City tomorrow morning. There is a God's Abyss there that is very suitable for me.

In addition, you two also need to improve. It just so happens that there is a God's Abyss called Crazy Python in the Dream City that is very suitable for you two."

After hearing Ye Mo's words, Long Hai didn't say anything, but Wang Lin's face fell.

"Brother Ye, I have spent so much effort these past two days to reach level 30, why do I have to go to the Divine Abyss again?"

He said with a sad face.

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo curled his lips and said:

"The guild will have more members joining in the future. How can you, as a vice president, convince others if your rank is not high enough?"

This sentence directly suppressed Wang Lin. After all, what Ye Mo said was right. As a vice president, he really needed to have some strength.

"Okay, let's eat and sleep and then leave.

When we get to Wumeng City, there is a girl named Yao Susu who will challenge you together. Remember to take good care of her."

At this time, Ye Mo was no longer afraid of the threats from the Wang family. Yao Susu naturally joined his union, and no one would dare to cause trouble.

There was no conversation that night.

The next day, the three of them arrived at the gate of Shenyuan in Dameng City on time. Yao Susu was waiting at the gate.

"Brother Ye, you are finally here. I thought you forgot about me!"

Yao Susu said coquettishly

""Okay, now that everyone is here, let's go in."

Ye Mo led the way into the Shenyuan Hall.

But the moment he entered, he suddenly saw two familiar figures walking out of the lounge!

They were Zhu Quezi and Gongsun Jin!

At the same time, the two also saw Ye Mo, and their pupils shrank as they were about to return to the lounge.

However, Ye Mo did not give them a chance, but quickly came behind them and blocked the door of the lounge!

Seeing this scene, Zhu Quezi secretly groaned in his heart, but still said respectfully:

"Ha, long time no see, Ye Tiancai, it's really like a long time no see!"

However, Ye Mo did not answer him, but blocked the two of them with an expressionless face, like a ruthless stone statue.

At this moment, Gongsun Jin next to him was also hesitant.

He asked Zhu Quezi to come to the lounge of Shenyuan Hall to discuss some important matters, otherwise he would not have chosen this place.

Who knew why Ye Mo came! What bad luck!

At this moment, Zhu Quezi was sweating profusely.

Originally, he came here to discuss invading Longguo with the people of Nan Ke Sect and killing Ye Mo by the way. Who knew that Ye Mo was actually in front of him now!

You know, Ye Mo is now in the limelight. With the strength of level 40, he killed the 89th-level strongest with one arrow. He didn't even dare to think about it!

Let alone resist!

"You two shouldn't have anything to do with each other, right? Why are you together now?"

Ye Mo asked with interest.

As soon as these words came out, they hit the mark!

Zhu Quezi immediately broke out in a cold sweat and trembled as he said:

"Ye Tiancai, I just want to ask Senior Gongsun for some combat skills and talent questions, there is really nothing else to do!"

Ye Mo shook his head and chuckled and said:

"Humph, why would you, an SS-level genius, ask him for advice?

I think you two want to harm Dragon Country? Or are you two plotting something shameful!"

After these words came out, the two were completely dumbfounded!

How did Ye Mo see this!?

However, Zhu Quezi was still stubborn and insisted on making excuses.

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo simply waved his hand and said:

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm giving you two choices now.

One is to surrender to me, and the other is to die now!"

Ye Mo threatened, and then took out the Zhuxian Demon Bow and pretended to shoot it!

When the Zhuxian Demon Bow came out, Gongsun Jin was almost scared to death. Isn't this the bow that killed Bishop Dameng?

Thinking of this, Gongsun Jin gritted his teeth and trembled:

"Ye Tiancai, don’t be impulsive! Isn’t it okay for me to surrender? ?"

After these words came out, Zhu Quezi beside him was dumbfounded.

He was thinking about breaking out of the encirclement, what the hell was this brother Gongsun doing?

What should he do now that he is alone? He can only surrender!

"I... also surrender!"

As they spoke, the two bowed their heads.

At that time, Ye Mo took out the remaining two slave stars and threw them in front of the two, saying calmly:

"Use it. If you resist, you can die."

Seeing the slave star in front of him, Zhu Quezi gritted his teeth instantly!

He knew that once he used it, he would become a slave completely!

But at this moment, when he looked up, he saw that the bowstring in Ye Mo's hand was already taut, and it was about to shoot in the next second!

He originally wanted to ask,"Do you really dare to kill people in the Shenyuan Hall?"

But after thinking about it, this guy might really dare!

Without any accidents, both of them used the slave star willingly and immediately joined Ye Mo's Apocalypse Guild!

At this time, the number of people in the Apocalypse Guild had reached six, which was a new high.

Ye Mo generously gave Gongsun Jin the position of vice president, because he was the oldest and more suitable for managing the guild than anyone else.

The next step is to form a team. The current members of the guild are:

【Leaf ink,「SSS」Summoner of All Worlds Level 40」】

【Wang Lin,「A」Warrior Level 30」】

【Yao Susu,「S」Undertaker Level 31」】

【Longhai,「A」Holy Grail Master Level 32」】

【Suzakuzi,「SS」Fire Master Level 37」】

【Gongsun Jin,「S」Thunder Mage Battle [Level 52]

Only he was in the 49th level, and could only play the 4th level Shenyuan alone.

There was no need to mention Gongsun Jin, the 52th level old man.

The other four were in the 30th level, and could only play the 3rd level Shenyuan, but fortunately, Zhu Quezi, the SS-level genius, had just been subdued, and he could lead the other three to play the 3rd level Shenyuan.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo asked:

"Zhuquezi, the faceplate you showed that day must have hidden something, right?

Show me your real faceplate now."

"Yes, Master."

Then, Suzakuzi's panel appeared in front of everyone:

【Name: Suzakuko】

【Occupation: Fire Master】

【Talent: Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix SS

「Killing a feather-type monster can permanently increase its attributes」

「Killing featherless creatures will accumulate divine fire points. Each point of divine fire point can increase your own strength by 100 points."Effective time 5 hours」

【Level: Iv.37】

【Strength: 5999+1900】

【HP: 8888+5200】

【Speed: 6555+600】

【Defense: 5333】

【Mental strength: 6522+2999】


「Phoenix Fire: Releases endless flames to burn the enemy, causing 320% damage"

Phoenix of Nirvana:"Resurrects with full health after death, causing 1200 points of true damage to enemies within a range of 20,000 meters, and increases its own attack by 120%, lasting for one hour" (24-hour cooldown)

「Skyfire: The bigger the fire, the higher the attribute, up to 500%」】

【Equipment: Conqueror's Ring, Conqueror's Boots]

Looking at Zhu Quezi's panel, Ye Mo nodded and said:

"It seems that your SS-level talent is indeed very useful. Next, you can lead these three people to upgrade. It is up to you to decide how difficult the Divine Abyss is."

Hearing this, Zhu Quezi nodded and said:

"Okay, Master. Considering the levels of these three people, I will choose the difficult difficulty.~"

At this moment, after arranging everyone's duties, Ye Mo came to the front of the strange world Shenyuan to check it out.

But just as he was about to enter, Ye Mo actually found that there were people inside challenging the Purgatory-level strange world!

"Huh? There's someone inside?"

Ye Mo was a little surprised, and then stepped aside to wait.

But considering that it would take many hours or even a day or two to defeat the Purgatory-level God Abyss,

Ye Mo arranged for everyone:

"Zhuquezi, you lead the three of them to fight first, Gongsun Jin will go back to Nanke Sect first, and keep me updated."

"Yes, master!"

""Yes, sir!"

After arranging the tasks for several people, Ye Mo went to a lounge to prepare.

There have been no tasks on the system for a long time recently. Apart from the previous task of gaining favor with the Outer God, there is no benefit for him.

Although the summoned beasts are enough, he doesn't think too much is enough.

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the column of the Chaos Gate on his panel and fell into deep thought.

"I don't know what the Dark Lord's current state is. If he is seriously injured by Sothoth, I might be able to take him in!"

Thinking of this, Ye Mo locked the door of the lounge and decisively summoned the Chaos Gate!

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