The majestic Chaos Gate opened, and in the endless corridor, in the far depths, a dark shadow curled up on the ground, trembling constantly...

Seeing the trembling figure of the Dark Lord, Ye Mo's eyes lit up.

"Could it be that this guy is really seriously injured? That would be good!"

Ye Mo was overjoyed, and then he quickly walked to the depths of the corridor and came to the side of the Dark Lord.

The entire black mist figure of the Dark Lord was shaking constantly, and some of the black mist revealed a gray body with cracks all over it, which looked very miserable...

At this moment, he seemed to be aware of Ye Mo's presence, so he looked up at Ye Mo and said:

"The one favored by the world's will... What are you doing here?"

When saying this, the Dark Lord was a little nervous, even a little flustered!

Seeing him like this, Ye Mo's heart became more determined, so he opened his left hand to reveal the purple 001 mark on the back of his hand.……

"Dark Lord, we are in the same camp now. I am sequence 001, stronger than you, so you have to listen to me!"

The moment he saw this sequence number, the Dark Lord couldn't help but tremble, curled up and took two steps back, saying in fear:

"Impossible! How could that beast Sothoth hate you to death and give you a mark! ? This is absolutely impossible!!"

Hearing this, Ye Mo sneered and said:

"Who told you that it was Sothoth in his youth who gave me the mark?

The Sothoth I met was over level 500, in his prime!"

As soon as these words came out, the Dark Lord's body trembled even more violently, and at the same time, his eyes were filled with fear and disbelief.……

"No, no, I will never obey you. Although you are favored by the world's will, you are too weak! You are just a reptile!

I am the Dark Emperor, I am the ruler of darkness! I will never obey you, you bug!"

The Dark Lord retreated while the black air on his body grew, as if he would pounce on Ye Mo in the next second!

Ye Mo obviously realized that something was wrong at this time. The Dark Lord's mood was extremely unstable, and it seemed that he would attack him in the next moment.

So Ye Mo clapped his hands and took out the Zhuxian Demon Bow directly!

"Dark Lord, you dare not deny this mark, but you still don’t acknowledge this weapon?"

"I'll give you a chance. Sign a master-servant contract with me now, or I'll make you review Sothoth's super god-level equipment again!"

As he said that, Ye Mo pulled the bowstring to its full length and aimed at the Dark Lord!

At this moment, the Dark Lord was really dumbfounded.

At this moment, he really regretted it. If he had known earlier, he should not have troubled the young Sothoth, but should have eliminated the people favored by the will of this world first, otherwise he would not have fallen into this situation now!

"you you……"

The Dark Lord was furious, but he was speechless.

Not only did he underestimate Sothoth when he was young, he also underestimated the young man in front of him.

Two consecutive wrong assessments of other people's strength have led him to this point now...

At this moment, the Dark Lord wanted to resist, because he still had more than 300 million HP left, which was enough to wipe out the young man in front of him.

But Ye Mo happened to be holding the Dark Lord's Zhuxian Demon Bow in his hand.

This bow and arrow brought him too much pain back then.

It was like a nightmare, often waking him up from his sweet dreams...

Besides, Sothoth couldn't have only given him a Zhuxian Demon Bow. He must have other means, but he just hasn't taken them out yet...

The two were in a stalemate for a long time.

Finally, the Dark Lord sighed and said:

"You are Sequence 001. Sothoth may not have his reasons for giving you this mark.

I will not resist you. Let's make a contract!"

After these words came out, the Dark Lord sat quietly on the ground without any movement... and Ye Mo narrowed his eyes, then summoned a summoning array under his feet and began to accurately summon the Dark Lord!

【Summoned beast detected, summoning started! 】

Instantly, blue ripples flowed around the Dark Lord.……

【The summoning was successful, and the quality of this summoned beast is mythical!】

【Your summoned beast has synchronized your level!】

【Colin Tin has appeared in this world! 】

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