At this moment, the Dark Lord's appearance slowly changed.

The black mist on his body quickly receded, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a melancholy British uncle.

With yellow hair and blue eyes, he looked like a harmless foreigner.

"Greetings, my master!"

Colin bowed.


Ye Mo nodded, then looked at his panel calmly.

【Dark Lord: Colin Tin】

【Level: Iv.40】

【Strength: 100000】

【HP: 120000】

【Speed: 90000】

【Defense: 120000】

【Mental strength: 100000】


「Gaze Judgment: Causes 540% of Judgment damage to all enemies within the sight.

(Judgment damage: cannot be offset by defense, will definitely hit)

「Greedy Devour: Devour any enemy to increase your own attributes」

「Dark Power: The attack power of enemies with a lower level than you will be reduced by 40%」

「Dark Hundred Kills: Attack the enemy 100 times, and each attack will increase the attack power by 5%."

Seeing his panel, Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

The skills and other things have basically not changed, the only thing is that the attributes have changed, and the level has become the same as his.

But fortunately, Colinxi's skills are all there.

The skill of Judgment of Eyes is similar to Lucifer's skill. Both are judgment damage, and cannot be offset by defense. It can deal with powerful enemies.

Vegeta, who has a very high amplification, is suitable for fighting monsters. The super high attack power and amplification are very suitable for breaking into dungeons.

Colinxi and Lucifer are more suitable for fighting other professionals.

"Okay, let's go fight next, it's time to leave this place."

Ye Mo waved his hand, and Colin Xi's figure disappeared from his body, and he slowly walked out of the Chaos Gate.

Soon, Ye Mo came to the strange world Shenyuan again, only to see that the people inside had not finished the challenge, so he could only wait silently.

According to Ye Mo's thinking, ordinary people should not have the strength to pass this purgatory-level strange world, and they will come out in a few hours.

Sure enough!

Just when Ye Mo was about to rest for a while, a wailing sound came from the gate of Shenyuan!

""Woooooo! It's so scary!"

The girl cried and ran away.

Then another white light came on, and a middle-aged man staggered out:

""Ahem, Shiratori!

I told you to be more stable but you didn't listen! Now you've angered the Red Prince!

There's no way to fight!"

The middle-aged man was furious, looking at the girl in front of him with anger.

The girl, who was directly called Shiratori, hesitated for a moment and said weakly:

"Brother Li, it's not that I'm scared, the ghosts in there are really too scary. You shouldn't have brought me to fight this purgatory-level abyss.

After all, I'm only an A-level talent, and you're only an S-level.……"

It wouldn’t have mattered if the girl didn’t say anything, but once she did, Brother Li became even more furious!

"Fuck your grandma! Do you know how many resurrection coins I spent this time? A full 30!

In the end, I know this result, damn it! It's all your fault!"

The middle-aged man cursed and left the abyss without looking back, without looking at Ye Mo, just sulking and leaving alone...

At this moment, the girl called White Bird looked innocent, looked at the uncle who left, and Ye Mo next to him, and ran away crying.……


Ye Mo was shocked. It was not easy to survive the Purgatory and the Abyss.

For ordinary people, passing the level is very far away. Just relying on an S-level talent is far from enough...

However, this is only for ordinary people. For him, there is no question of survival.

The problem is to conquer the Abyss and get the Conqueror Set!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo stepped into the gate of the Abyss and opened this Abyss!

In an instant, white light enveloped his whole body and disappeared into the gate of the Abyss.……


When he opened his eyes again, he found himself sitting on a bus stop...

The sky was gray, as if it was covered with a gray curtain, making people feel a little breathless.

The pedestrians next to him were even more incredible. They were still walking with half of their skulls broken, and some even got on the bus with half of their chests exposed.……

"Is this the weird world?……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, and the next second, a reminder sounded in his mind:

【You have entered a strange world where flying is prohibited!】

【When you can solve this problem, it means you are not far from opening up this world! 】

After the prompt sounded, Ye Mo felt a little interesting.

It was just a strange world, but flying was prohibited.……

【Ding! Start the mission!】

【The current task is to take bus No. 104 to the center of Magic City and check into the Red Building Apartment!】

"Hey, is the mission starting now?"

Ye Mo did not act rashly at this moment. No one had ever cleared the Divine Abyss in the Weird World.

It was said that the condition for passing the Normal and Difficult levels was to defeat a water ghost in the sewer of the Magic City.

But no one knew the conditions for the Purgatory level.……

"Let's take it one step at a time……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, and then walked onto the bus.

The entire body of bus No. 104 was rusty, and the driver had a cigar in his mouth. He was actually smoking while working!

However, a closer look revealed that the driver was holding a finger in his mouth! It was simply creepy...

And there were no good people to talk to among the passengers in the entire car.

Some were covered in bandages, some had only half a head, and there was even one whose lower body was all bones without any muscles...

At this moment, Ye Mo got on the bus and did not choose to put in a coin.

Instead, he found a seat by the window and sat down, ready to sit safely to the Magic City...

Although these ghosts looked ferocious, they didn't even look at Ye Mo, but were busy with their own things.

There are���Some were busy putting their intestines into their stomachs, some were smoking non-stop, and no ghost had any intention of causing trouble.

"If the task is just this, it is too simple.……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, but he didn't care. The strength of these ghosts was not enough to make him look sideways.

Soon the bus started slowly, and in a blink of an eye it drove away from the platform and began to rush towards the road to the Magic City.

At this moment, as time passed, Ye Mo finally found something wrong. As soon as the bus left the platform, the ghosts on the bus became eager to try, and some even drooled and stared at him...

But he still didn't care. These were just little ghosts.

At this time, Ye Mo just glanced at the ghosts in the car and found that these ghosts all had panels, but the data was very low.……

【Doll Ghost (Dangerous Level)】



【Skill 1: Crying"If you feel sad and cry after hearing this cry, you will lose 20% of your health every second.」】


The ghosts in the car were almost all dangerous, except for a burly ghost holding a kitchen knife. Ye Mo looked sideways because this was the only life-chasing ghost.

【Butcher"Chasing Life」】


【HP: 4222222】

【Skill l: Each attack with the kitchen knife in your hand can cause 120% damage to the enemy】

【Skill level: The intestines in the body can strangle the enemy, and if successful, it will consume 10% of the enemy's health per second.

Looking at the panels of these ghosts, Ye Mo could only say one word:

"Weak! Too weak!"

At present, Vegeta can deal 40 million damage with one Qi Yuan Zhan. How can this little ghost with only 4 million HP be his opponent?

At this moment, Ye Mo slowly closed his eyes. It would be fine if these ghosts were law-abiding. If they dared to have evil thoughts, don't blame me for being cruel!

However, what a coincidence was that as soon as he closed his eyes, the butcher ghost came over and said loudly:

"Boy, are you a human?

Obediently take out 10,000 ghost coins and share them with our brothers in the carriage, otherwise you can't get off the car today!

If you can't take them out, you can also share your internal organs with our brothers, and we won't do anything to you!"

The butcher said threateningly, with a smirk on his face, and the rotten meat on his body trembled along with his smile...

As soon as the butcher ghost said this, the other weird creatures in the carriage also laughed, looking at Ye Mo with ill intentions, as if they would swarm up and eat him up in the next second!

"Oh? What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly. Do you want this?"

Ye Mo pointed his finger at the butcher ghost's head and said softly:

"Demonic light-killing cannon!"

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