At Ye Mo's command, the dark Hades began to clean up in groups of three.

Although they were called groups of three, in fact, three Hades summoned three Lucifers, and then summoned three hellhounds.

Without Ye Mo's supervision, Hades was embarrassed to order Lucifer, who was three times stronger than himself, so he could only summon the hellhounds to deal with some ordinary weirdness.

But if he encountered a nightmare-level weirdness, Lucifer would definitely take action.

After all, in general, he was one level lower than Pluto, and it was impossible for his subordinates to order the leader.

At this moment, as the dark Hades scattered one by one, Ye Mo also came to a cafe.

He leisurely asked Vegeta to kill the weirdness inside, and then asked him to make a cup of coffee for him to taste.

Outside the window, countless hellhounds chased and bit the weirdness one by one, and in the skyscraper in the center of the city, a white-haired and white-robed weirdness clenched his fists!

"Damn it! Why is this human so strong?

Even those old guys make me feel unbeatable! Where does he come from! ?"

The white-haired weird roared, but there was no strategy that could ease the current situation.

He could deal with those huge three-headed dogs, but they were just those people's pets.

A feeling of powerlessness surged in his heart, and the white-haired weird heart was bleeding.

As the mayor, he could only watch his citizens die tragically one by one. It was a really uncomfortable feeling.

At this moment, the weird people in the city cried and fled, and the whole city became more dilapidated.

A little girl sat on the ground with tears and snot, and the three-headed dog rushed over and bit her head to pieces!

Such horrible scenes were played out, and the weird world seemed to have reached the end of the world.

At this time, a dark Lucifer came to the cafe where Ye Mo was.

"Master, this is what we found in a villa, please take a look."

Lucifer took out a roll of parchment, and Ye Mo took it without hesitation.

He slowly unfolded the parchment, and it turned out to be a map!

Unfortunately, this map only showed the topography of the five surrounding cities, not the world map.

At this moment, Ye Mo slowly checked and found that the city he was in was one of the most prosperous cities in the world. Logically, there should be at least five nightmare-level weirdnesses here!

But the strange thing was that he had only met the Red Wedding Dress, and she was killed by Lucifer before they met.

""Did they know that I have the power to kill nightmare-level monsters?"

Ye Mo said to himself. Now he has killed at least half of the monsters in the city.

Although there are few monsters in this city, there are at least hundreds of thousands of them.

Among these hundreds of thousands of monsters, most of them are non-threatening.

For example, butcher ghosts and bus ghosts are rare, so his experience has only increased by less than 20 million, but it is enough to upgrade to level 1.

But at present, Ye Mo has no plans to upgrade.

He thinks about upgrading when he goes to Shuanglong Mountain, and then catches others off guard!

This is his idea.

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the map again and found that in addition to some weird high-rise buildings in the city, there are also some places that are special and weird territories, such as a black castle, a manor and a cemetery. These three are special places and worth exploring!

So, Ye Mo prepared to take two or several summoned beasts with him.

At this moment, Ye Mo waved his hand, and Uncle Colinxi appeared in front of everyone.

""Um, hello?"

Colin said weakly.

At this moment, the other three looked at Colin with a strange look, just because Colin did not look like a summoned beast, but like a living human being!

Lucifer, suave, dressed in white, with silver hair, and silver pupils full of sacred meaning.

Hades, surrounded by demonic energy, wearing a black robe, exuding supreme majesty.

Vegeta, with a super killer hairstyle and a super middle school battle suit, looks hard to mess with.

Of course, there is also Xuanwu, who is a summoned beast and does not need to be explained.

On the other hand, Colin is a melancholy British uncle at first glance. How can he be a summoned beast?

Everyone has this doubt in their hearts, but no one dares to ask.

After all, the master may really have some special hobbies, such as taking a beautiful boy as his summoned beast, and it is understandable to use it for other purposes.……

"Hello colleagues, I am the master's new summoned beast, you can call me Colin"

"Oh? Corinthian, huh?"

Vegeta walked up to him nonchalantly and slapped Corinthian's butt hard!


""Hey, it's quite flexible, it has great potential to be a summoned beast!"

Vegeta said teasingly.

At this moment, Lucifer and Hades really couldn't hold it back, so they laughed out loud.

This laugh didn't matter, Colin was stunned.……

"How could this master's summoned beast be like this?"

He regretted being Ye Mo's summoned beast at this moment, but there was no way, the contract had already been signed, and it was useless to regret it...

At this moment, Ye Mo noticed Colin Xi's embarrassment, so he directly summoned Xuanwu and appeared in this small coffee shop.……

"This is Xuanwu, whose presence is relatively low. You can get to know him so that you can have more tacit understanding in future battles."

"Hehe, they are all familiar faces, what do you know or not?

If it were me, I would let Xuanwu carry this pretty boy, otherwise he might not be able to walk, haha!"

""Okay, Lucifer, you have to be moderate when joking!"

Hades said righteously, but his expression was still smiling...

At this moment, Ye Mo understood that these people treated Colinxi as a vase, but it didn't matter. When he got the next summoned beast evolution card, Colinxi would be on the same level as these people...

Soon, everyone robbed a car from the street and drove directly towards the black castle.

Don't ask why they robbed, because if they had no money, of course they would rob, otherwise they would steal, which was not Ye Mo's style.

Everyone robbed a van and sped through the city. At this moment, you can see that there are dark Lucifer and dark Hades everywhere, constantly chasing one weirdo after another, but everyone didn't take it seriously and continued to move towards the castle...

Three hours later.

Everyone got off the car, and in front of them was this huge castle.

Covering an area of about 1,000 square meters, the entire castle is as gloomy and terrifying as a fortress.

At this moment, there was a bloody breath blowing in the wind, which made people feel a little sweet in their throats.

"The people living in this castle should be vampires, otherwise no one would have the mood to build such a castle."

Lucifer said leisurely.

For a super evil fallen angel like him, vampires are just a bunch of noobs, so naturally he didn't take them seriously.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and capture the owner of the fortress and interrogate him, then we will continue to the cemetery 50 kilometers away."

Ye Mo said slowly, and then walked directly into the castle.

At this moment, at the top of the castle, a handsome white-haired vampire was watching his TV in shock, his hands were shaking unconsciously.

【According to the latest news from our station, extremely powerful humans broke into our city and carried out a massacre.

So far, more than 200,000 weird people have died and more than 30,000 weird people are missing. Please try not to go out, stay at home and close the doors and windows. Don't go out unless you have to! 】

After reading this news, the vampire count felt his scalp tingling!

Killing more than 200,000 weird people, is this tnd still human?

""Someone! Someone!" the vampire lord shouted.

Soon three or four servants came to him, waiting for his orders.

"You guys, quickly close the doors and windows of the castle, and nail them shut with wood!

You must not let any strangers in, especially humans, understand?

Don’t buy any more goods recently, I plan to go on a hunger strike for a while!"

At this moment, the vampire Count felt a little more relaxed after giving the order, but one of the girls said with a melancholy look:

"My Lord, a guest has just entered the castle.……"

As soon as these words came out, the vampire lord felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Who are they? Are they two men and a big dog?"

"No, Count, it's a bunch of men, and a big turtle."

Hearing the girl's words, the vampire count breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it wasn't the two murderers on TV, it would be fine!

He felt a little more relaxed, so he stood up gracefully and walked downstairs with a cat-like step.

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