"I was really scared to death. But then again, how could such a ghost-killing maniac come to my house?

It seems that I haven't drunk enough human blood these days, which has caused my mental weakness. I need to replenish more!"

The vampire count said as he walked downstairs, but when he saw Ye Mo and the others on the first floor stairs, his gentle expression froze instantly, and turned pale in the blink of an eye...

The vampire's face was already pale enough, and he was even paler at this moment, like a white wall covered with putty!

He wanted to say something, but he just felt his throat dry and couldn't speak...

Instead, Ye Mo greeted him after seeing him, and said with interest:

"You are the owner of this castle, right?"

However, the vampire lord couldn't hear a word at this moment. His eyes were fixed on the faces of Hades and Lucifer, and he was shaking all over.……


The vampire lord knelt directly on the stairs, and then slid in front of everyone, still kneeling...

Everyone was silent...

Ye Mo laughed a little hard and said weakly:

"Um...is it Chinese New Year? Look, I didn't bring much.……"

""Don't kill me, I'll tell you everything!" the vampire lord shouted.

However, Ye Mo clearly realized that this vampire lord was at least a nightmare level, how could he be so useless? Didn't he even resist?

"Well, do you have any maps at home? Take out a few copies. Also, if you have any ancient books about this world, you can take them out and have a look."

Ye Mo said lightly.

Hearing this, the vampire count was as if he had been pardoned.

Then he quickly went to the upper floor of the castle, found all the books and brought them to Ye Mo.

"Take a look. These are all ancient books about the strange world. I don't have any maps here because I don't like to go out. I have spent almost my entire life in this castle.……"

The vampire lord put his hands behind his back and said respectfully.

But at this moment, Ye Mo noticed something was wrong.

"Have you been here your whole life? Have you been here since you were born? When was the castle built?"

"I... I forgot who I was before. Anyway, I woke up in the castle, and no one else dared to come to my place, so I stayed here. It was pretty comfortable anyway.……"

""Oh, I see."

Ye Mo replied, and then continued to look at the ancient book in his hand. However, from the words of the vampire count, he had already made some guesses about this world.

At this moment, as he opened the ancient book, he became more certain of his thoughts.

【God said,"Let there be light," and there was light. God said,"

Let there be night," and there was night.

God said,"Let there be life," and there was me.】

【My name is 095】

【My mother's name is Eve, and she often calls me Sequence 095】

【But I prefer her to call me 095, because it seems more intimate.】

【Because my mother said that this world needs life, she sent me here.】

【The world already has both light and darkness. Now the only thing we need is life.】

【I said that life is me, and I am enough, but Lady Eve said that this is not okay.】

【So I had no choice but to start creating children one by one】

【At first I used clay to create them, but I found that their lifespan was too short. They dried into statues in almost a day and could not be moved.】

【I then created them out of sand, but after a few hours they were scarred and unable to move.】

【I created them with water, but they were too fragile. Every step they took would evaporate a little, and death would soon befall them.】

【I started thinking of ways, and finally one day, I came up with a brilliant idea!】

【I cut off a piece of flesh from his body and placed it on the ground. He soon turned into two cute little people.】

【One of them only had half a head, and the other had a broken chest. But fortunately, they would not die easily, as tenacious as cockroaches.】

【I was very happy to see them survive, so I started to create】

【Sometimes I cut my skin, sometimes my toes, sometimes my fingers, sometimes my fat】

【The little people cut out are also different. Some of them look cute, while others are extremely ugly, like a piece of rotten meat, but their vitality is still tenacious, and it seems that they can live forever.】

【I kept creating like this until one day when I was left with only an arm and a head, and

I realized that doing this would probably lead to my own death.……】

【But somehow, I have a feeling that

I am everywhere……】

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