"Seriously injured?"

Ye Mo was stunned.

According to the power of Dark Lucifer and Dark Vegeta, the weirdness in this world is not capable of causing them serious injuries.

What kind of existence can do this? At this moment, Ye Mo's eyes narrowed slightly. Now he couldn't find the location of the two summoned beasts, so it was not easy to go over to support them.

But at this moment, a Dark Lucifer next to him seemed to see Ye Mo's doubts and said:

"Master, maybe there will be news on these weird TVs!"

"Yes! Hurry up and find that TV, let me see it!"

Soon, a dark Lucifer appeared in front of Ye Mo again, holding the TV.

At this moment, the TV was playing a blind date show in a strange world.……

""Change the channel, change to Guigui TV13!"

Lucifer quickly changed the channel.

The TV screen instantly changed and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a beautiful host again.……

「According to our latest news, we have discovered two powerful alien species in Territory 34.」

「At present, these two alien species have slaughtered nearly thousands of citizens, but the good news is that they have been controlled by the great lord!」

「At present, the king has completely controlled the two alien species under the cross of the Tower of Babel, and will be executed tomorrow!"

As the female host finished speaking, a towering tower suddenly appeared on the TV screen, and on the two crosses below the tower, Lucifer and Vegeta were tied respectively...

At the same time, there was an old man with a strange appearance guarding on the side.

This old man has a strange appearance, and there are six eyes on his face! It looks extremely weird, and even the breath is very strong, which makes people feel a sense of oppression for no reason.

At this moment, Ye Mo saw his two summoned beasts tied to the cross, and the anger in his heart was self-evident...

Although these two summoned beasts are only summoned beasts of summoned beasts, they are still his Ye Mo's people.

Kill them, and put them on the cross and tie them up, which is really too much!

He smashed the TV with a gloomy punch, and then took out the parchment map to check it out.

He was in the No. 10 country, and the TV said it was the No. 34 country, which was only 300 kilometers away from here.……

"Everyone, head towards this location!

Once you see that old thing with six eyes, kill him with all your might!"

""Yes, sir!"

All the summoned beasts said in unison.

Since flying is prohibited in the strange world, everyone can only grab cars from the street and rush to a place 300 kilometers away.

Hundreds of people drove dozens of cars to the 34th country.

At the same time, the five professionals who descended into the strange world were also quietly watching from a hill in the 34th country.……

"Look at what those two people are doing under the Tower of Babel?

They look so strong, but they were caught!" said the elf-like Sophia in surprise.

At this moment, the captain with the eye patch narrowed his eyes and looked at the tied Lucifer and Vegeta and said:

"���According to my prediction, these two should be professionals from other worlds, and they are definitely not weak.……"

""Captain, look! It's that catastrophic weirdness!"

Sophia exclaimed, pointing at the white-haired figure under the Tower of Babel.

The six-eyed old man walked slowly under the two crosses, seeming to be saying something.

The five professionals who saw this scene took a breath of cold air.

They had heard from their predecessors that the catastrophic weirdness was something that must not be provoked!

Because even a nightmare-level weirdness would require an entire team to do its best to deal with it, not to mention this catastrophic weirdness, which must be a world-destroying existence that they could not reach!

"Captain, let's go quickly. If we are discovered by that catastrophic weird, it will be over.

This is the supreme existence in the weird world, and we can't provoke it!"

Sophia said timidly, with fear on her face.

Unexpectedly, the man with the eye mask ignored her and said lightly:

"As a professional, you have to have an adventurous spirit. As the saying goes, fortune comes in danger. Don't forget what we are here for."

Hearing this, Sophia said no more and just followed the team cautiously.


At the same time, Ye Mo's convoy was rapidly approaching the No. 34 territory.

The weirdness encountered on the road could not withstand the skills released by the summoned beasts in the car.

When passing through some cities, they basically killed people while driving.

Killing all the way!

Ye Mo's experience value soared rapidly, but he was not in a very good mood.

After all, his two summoned beasts were tied to the cross. This was a naked slap in his face.

He couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand it at all! Besides, Ye Mo was not a good-tempered person!

At the same time, the convoy had arrived inside the No. 34 territory.

From this direction, the tall Tower of Babel could be seen from afar...

With their arrival, the six-eyed old man far below the Tower of Babel seemed to notice something, and looked at them from afar...

The moment he saw Ye Mo and the others, Ye Mo felt an inexplicable pressure!

At this moment, Ye Mo's eyes suddenly lit up. This six-eyed old man seemed to be not simple. He seemed to be a higher level than nightmares and weirdness!

""Who is coming?"

The old man with six pupils shouted.

His words didn't matter, but they frightened the team of professionals hiding in the mountains!

""Oh no, Captain! He has found us, run away!"

Sophia said in horror.

Although the man with the eye mask was a little confused at the moment, he did not act rashly, but comforted him:

"Don't be so nervous, it doesn't seem like they're talking about us!"

Ye Mo's expression was calm when he heard this, and he led hundreds of dark summoned beasts to the bottom of the Tower of Babel.

At this moment, he saw Lucifer and Dark Vegeta on the cross, and a surge of anger surged in his heart for no reason.……

"Did you do this?"

Ye Mo stared at the old man with six pupils and asked.

At this moment, the old man with six pupils opened all four pairs of eyes that were originally closed.

He looked at the hundreds of summoned beasts behind Ye Mo with some surprise and said:

"Although you are powerful, you are no match for me.

Your two companions have injured too many people, so it is only natural for me to capture them!"

The old man with six pupils said with a sinister look, and his panel also appeared in front of Ye Mo:

【Six-eyed Immortal】

【Level: lv.49】

【HP: 35000000】

【Attack: 12000】

【Skill I: Celestial Phenomenon"Change the weather as you wish, unlimited」】

【Skill II: Flower pupil: The unit being stared at will be under the illusion for 10 minutes. If the unit is not free from the illusion within 10 minutes, it will continue to be controlled for 10 minutes, and so on.」】

【Skill IIV: Fear"Units that are stared at lose 1% of their health per second.」】

""Interesting, it seems that you are the first person under the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother.

Come, prepare a pot of peony flowers for this old man!"

Ye Mo said with a smile.

The dark Lucifer behind him was holding a pot of peony flowers in his arms, and walked to Ye Mo with a calm expression. The moment he saw the pot of flowers, the old man with six pupils changed his face wildly!

His face changed from green to white, and finally he pointed at Ye Mo with a trembling finger and asked:

""Why do you know the secret of the Ghost Mother? You bastard!"

He cursed and rushed towards Ye Mo frantically, with boundless murderous intent in his eyes!

However, Ye Mo waved his hand, and a Dark Vegeta rushed up directly, ready to release the Ultimate Flash to instantly end this six-eyed immortal!

But in the next second, one of the six-eyed old man's eyes released a purple light, which instantly covered the eyes of Dark Vegeta, instantly making his movements stagnate, and he stood stiffly in place!

This was obviously an illusion, but Ye Mo sneered, and then continued:

"Everyone, go up. I want to see if you can control everyone. What is the name of this disaster-level weirdness?"

At this moment, all of Ye Mo's summoned beasts swarmed and surrounded the old man with six pupils, with ill intentions in their eyes...

The old man with six pupils was very anxious and had to release illusions continuously in an attempt to break through the siege.

This scene happened to be seen by the five professionals on the mountain, and their eyes were instantly terrified.

""Captain, did you see that?

That man actually dared to fight a disaster-level supreme weirdness!"

Sophia said, swallowing her saliva.

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