At this moment, the five professionals who saw this scene couldn't help but show a solemn look on their faces.

The Supreme Weird Six-Pupil Immortal, that was an existence that their predecessors had repeatedly warned not to provoke, and the young man in the distance actually dared to fight against such a strong man. What kind of strength did he have to be so brave?

Or did the young man not know the Six-Pupil Immortal at all, so he was so bold?

The eye mask captain couldn't guess, and didn't want to guess.

The other team members also had solemn expressions, with some disbelief in their eyes.

Because according to their thinking, Ye Mo should have died the moment he provoked the Six-Barrel Immortal, but he was still standing there intact, and even had a calm face!

"Who is he? Check the information of the professionals in the city for me, why have I never seen this person before!"

The man with the eye mask said in a low voice.

He had a vague bad guess in his heart at this moment, but he didn't say it out loud, so as not to dampen the morale of everyone.

At the same time, the battle between Ye Mo and the old man with six pupils was about to come to an end.

Nearly half of Ye Mo's summoned beasts were controlled by the old man with six pupils, standing stiffly in place and unable to move.

The old man with six pupils obviously didn't look well either. His six eyeballs all shed tears of blood, and his body trembled constantly.

It seemed that he had reached the limit of what he could achieve and could no longer perform illusion control.……

"Cough cough...cough……"

The old man with six pupils coughed, pointed his finger at Ye Mo and said:

" and I shake hands and make about that?"

However, Ye Mo sneered when he heard this, and said with some nonchalantness in his eyes:

"Is this all the Disaster and Weird can do?

If you can't win, just surrender? Really?"

Ye Mo sneered, then he slowly walked towards the six-eyed old man.

【You have shared the attributes of Summoner Vegeta!】


The next second, Ye Mo accelerated suddenly and instantly appeared in front of the six-eyed old man.

He punched him in the chest and directly knocked the six-eyed old man out and hit the already crooked Tower of Babel!


The originally crooked Babel Tower slowly fell down, and suddenly fell to the ground, raising a lot of dust!

This scene was clearly reflected in the eyes of the five professionals on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, none of the five people spoke, and the atmosphere was frozen to the extreme...

The sound of swallowing saliva was heard, and Sophia said with a trembling face:

"Captain...why don't we just leave?

This guy doesn't seem easy to mess with.……"


"Everyone, don't move!

He has already discovered us. Moving now will only anger him and cause him to come after us!"

The eye mask man suddenly spoke, with a strong fear in his eyes.

The four team members who heard this were all shocked and stood still, not daring to move, for fear that Ye Mo would chase and kill them!

However, this was just a guess by the eye mask captain.

He heard from his predecessors that if they left in the middle of the battle between the two strong men, it would probably cause the disgust of the predecessors, so they would resort to this bad idea...

However, the fact is that Ye Mo did not notice the five people on the top of the mountain at all, and even if he noticed it, he would not care.

At this moment, the six-eyed old man was knocked down by Ye Mo under the Tower of Babel with a punch. He stood up from the dust with a trembling body, his face full of weakness...

At this moment, the two summoned beasts tied to the cross were also put down, and they clasped their fists at Ye Mo with shame. Ye Mo nodded. Facing such an elite-level big boss, it was understandable that the two summoned beasts could not cope with it. He did not mean to blame them, and even felt a little sorry for them.

At this time, Ye Mo came to the six-eyed old man, with cold eyes and said:

"Aren't you very good at controlling yourself? Keep going."


Ye Mo moved his arm and inserted two fingers directly into the eyes of the six-eyed old man.

In an instant, blood gushed out and the six-eyed old man screamed!

""Oooooh!! Spare me! I won’t dare to do it again!!"

However, Ye Mo turned a deaf ear to his pleas for mercy.

The arm on the fingertips moved again and inserted into the other pair of eyes of the six-eyed old man again!


The six-eyed old man screamed in pain, but it was useless.

He looked at Ye Mo with his only remaining pair of eyes, pointed at the sky with hatred and shouted:

"You forced me to do this... Wild winds and rain! Heavenly thunder, help me!"

The six-eyed old man roared in despair. At this moment, the whole world suddenly changed! The whole sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and lightning dragons flashed! It seemed that thunder would fall in the next second!

"Changing the weather? It’s a little late to use this trick."

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