Ye Mo flashed out with a sneer, instantly pinched the six-eyed old man's neck, and then blasted out a magic light cannon from his fingertips, which instantly pierced his chest!


With such a serious injury, coupled with the backlash caused by the previous control to the limit, this catastrophic weirdness could no longer support such a large consumption.

The old body slowly fell down, his eyes blurred...

At the moment he fell, his body suddenly rioted!

The body of the six-eyed old man was like a huge meat ball, and it instantly attracted all the corpses within hundreds of kilometers to swarm towards him!

Black gas! Endless black gas continued to emerge from his body as if the night was falling, and rolled up into the sky like a beacon fire and smoke, attracting countless corpses around!

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo's pupils shrank fiercely, and he spoke loudly:

""Quick! Bring the flowers here!"

A few seconds later, Dark Lucifer came to Ye Mo with a pot of peony flowers and placed it directly on the body of the six-eyed old man.��…

The moment the peony flower touched his body, all the black air disappeared instantly, and the corpse's wriggling stopped and instead became calm!

"Phew, luckily I brought enough flowers, otherwise it would be dangerous this time!"

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief, then looked around and seemed to have found the five people on the top of the mountain.

At the same time, the five people on the top of the mountain were completely numb, none of them dared to move a step, and everyone's eyes were full of fear!

The strange world of Shenyuan, their world has also experienced it, but no one dared to say that he would fight with the old man with six pupils, let alone kill him directly!

"Who is he? How could he do such a thing? Is he still a human?

Sophia trembled. Although she was terrified, her eyes were filled with admiration.

The others were silent and did not dare to move.

"Come down, I'm too lazy to look for you."

Ye Mo said loudly.

When they heard this, they trembled, looked at each other for a few times, and could only walk down the mountain timidly and come to Ye Mo...

Looking at the five professionals in front of him, Ye Mo was very sure that they were definitely not professionals on Blue Star, but from other worlds, because from their clothes, it can be seen that these people's clothes tend to be ancient, which is the clothes that Blue Star people would wear more than 300 years ago.

And among these people, the girl's ears are slightly longer, a bit like an elf. The other men have high foreheads, which are not very similar to Blue Star people.

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the five people who were timid and asked calmly:

"What is the name of your planet? Tell me about it."

Ye Mo said while rubbing his fingers.

However, the eye masked captain who saw this scene was horrified, thinking that Ye Mo was going to fight if he didn't agree with his words, so he stopped in front of everyone and said:

"Senior, we come from the Demon Eye World!"

After saying this, no one spoke on the field, and the atmosphere became frozen.

""Tell me more about it, there are many things in the world."

Ye Mo said speechlessly.

The man with the eye mask trembled when he heard this.

He knew that lying in front of such a strong man would never do any good. It would be better to tell everything. Anyway, it was not a secret and would not affect himself or his country.

"Reporting to the senior, our world is called the Demon Eye World, which is divided into 7 continents. We come from the Thunder Kingdom, and each kingdom has a leader who controls the power of professional elements. We call them elementalists.……"


Ye Mo nodded and asked again:

"Can you tell me the interstellar coordinates of your world?"

After hearing this, the man with the eye patch hesitated for a moment and then spoke again:

"Reporting to the senior, the coordinates of the Demon Eye World are 73:46"

"In addition, the highest-level professional in our Demon Eye world is only level 80, and we are a vassal state of other worlds."

At this moment, Ye Mo's eyes lit up when he heard this and asked:

" Oh, a vassal state?

Then what is your parent world?"

"Reporting to the senior, our parent world is the Apocalypse Star.

The strongest person in the Apocalypse Star has a strength of 180, but they seem to have a Supreme God.

The statue of the Supreme God is enshrined in the Apocalypse Square, but the five of us are not qualified to go to the Apocalypse Star, let alone the Apocalypse Square, so we don’t know who the Supreme God is.……"

After hearing the words of the man with the eye mask, Ye Mo fell into silence for the first time, as if he remembered something.……

"Is it developing so fast? How long has it been? Time has passed so fast.……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, if his guess was correct, then the so-called Apocalypse Star should be the previous pseudo-human world.

He did not expect that the remaining human survivors would strangle all the pseudo-humans so quickly, and even have their own satellite planet, which was really unbelievable!

But unfortunately, the interstellar coordinates of the Demon Eye Planet were too far away.

According to his calculations, the Demon Eye Planet was 74 light-years away from the Blue Star, which meant that the Apocalypse Star was also 74 light-years away from him...

This was 74 light-years. Even if the Outer God Sothoth was allowed to walk, it would probably take some time, not to mention the children on the Apocalypse Star.……

"Forget it, it’s better to rely on yourself than on others."

Ye Mo waved his hand. Just when he was about to let the five people leave, the man with the eye patch hesitated and spoke again:

"Senior, the big guys on Apocalypse Star seem to be developing a new spaceship recently. That spaceship seems to have the ability to jump through space.

And the speed is calculated in light years, but this research has not been successful yet.……"

The man with the eye mask said.

As for why he said this, he himself didn't quite understand it, it was just because he had a hunch, a strong hunch, that if he said this, he would probably receive infinite benefits in the future.

This was a man's intuition!

The other four team members were a little surprised why the man with the eye mask would say such a top-secret thing, but they didn't dare to ask more, after all, the senior was here.

After hearing this, Ye Mo looked at the man with the eye mask meaningfully, probably this kid had guessed something!

Ye Mo smiled, then walked to the side of the man with glasses, patted his shoulder, leaned down to his ear, and said in a voice so subtle that only the two of them could hear:

"Go back and find Lin Feifan of the Apocalypse Star, and tell him to come to Blue Star in a year if possible, because Ye needs him!"

After saying that, Ye Mo turned around and left, walking away with many summoned beasts.

At the same time, the man with the eye mask stood there with a dull look, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

He felt like his head was about to explode, and even his thinking became a little dull!

"The strongest person... isn't that Lin Feifan? Why would a professional from another world know this name?

Could it be!?"

For a moment, the eye mask man's eyes were full of surprise, and he couldn't speak for a long time...

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