"Have you determined the location of the TV station? Hurry up, I need to get out early."

Ye Mo said slowly.

Before leaving, he had already cut off the head of the six-eyed old man and let Lucifer hold it in his hand.

His purpose was to show the head of the six-eyed old man to the whole weird world, which was also a disguised way of conquering the world.

After all, the six-eyed old man was the strongest person in the weird world, except for the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother.

"Master, we are 30 kilometers away from the TV station!"

"Okay, got it."

While Ye Mo was running around, the five professionals had chosen to leave one after another and returned to the Magic Eye Planet where they were.

The other four people looked at each other for a while and then left one after another, but the man with the eyepatch went directly to the palace of the leader of the Magic Eye Country to ask for an audience...

His appearance caused a group of guards to drive him away, but the man with the eyepatch still did not choose to leave, but waited outside the palace.

He understood that this was his chance to change his fate. If he was right, after this incident, he would belong to the people of Apocalypse Star and no longer belong to this vassal state! It is even very likely that he will be appreciated by the legendary Lord Lin Feifan and may be promoted!

Outside the palace, a large number of civilians were accusing the man with the eyepatch

"How dare he, a low-level professional, block the palace? I think I should kill him quickly to avoid soiling the carpet of our leader!"

"Just because he has entered the abyss once, he has lost his position? I think he is really tired of living!"

Faced with the accusations of others, the man with the eye patch remained unmoved. He stood firmly outside the palace and asked to see the leader.

At this moment, the man with the eye patch looked around at these insulters and the high and mighty palace.……


"What good does insult have on me?"

"Go ahead and curse if you want. I, the eyepatch man, will never get angry because of other people’s insults, because only shallow-minded people would have that kind of reaction!"

"Although I don't even have a name, how could these skylarks imagine the ambitions of the eyepatch man?"

"As the saying goes, how can a sparrow understand the ambition of a swan? This is exactly what Lao Tzu is talking about!"

The eye-patch man was full of pride. At this moment, two people walked out of the palace gate.

One of them was the leader of the current Demon Eye Planet, and the other... the other one...

Lin Feifan!!!

He exuded the aura of a king, and his golden hair flew unconsciously!

The moment he appeared, the aura of a king filled the whole place. No one within a hundred meters could match his aura!

At this moment, the leader of the Demon Eye Planet who walked out of the palace gate was stunned when he saw the eye-patch man kneeling in front of the gate!

Today is the day when the superior leader comes to inspect, and this superior leader is the absolute king of the Apocalypse Star, the 180-level peerless strongman Lin Feifan!

This kind of person who can crush him to death with one finger came to inspect his planet. He wanted to leave a very good impression and ask the Apocalypse Star to reduce taxes.

But now this one-eyed dragon with an eye patch kneeling outside the palace, what's the matter? Is he here to ask for salary? Where can his leader put his face!?

"Lord Lin, please listen to my explanation!"

The leader of the Magic Eye Nation was horrified and spoke quickly.

Unexpectedly, the man with the eye patch felt that his chance had come, and he rushed towards the two of them!

"Master Lin Feifan, I have something to say!

Master Lin Feifan, I have something important to report!!!"

After these two sentences came out, the guards who were going to stop him hesitated, and Lin Feifan felt a little strange.

You know, the residents of the Magic Eye Planet are just low-level humans who can't break through the upper limit of level 81. What do these people have to say to him?

But out of curiosity, Lin Feifan still gave the eyepatch man this opportunity.

He waved his hand, signaling the guards to retreat, and then personally came to the eyepatch man and asked:

"Speak now. If your words are useless and waste my time, don't blame me for implicating your entire clan."Lin Feifan said with a smile, but the majestic aura was like a vast ocean blowing in his face!

The man with the eye mask forced himself to calm his inner emotions and said solemnly:

"Lord Lin, I saw that Lord in a Level 4 Divine Abyss!"

After hearing this, Lin Feifan was stunned. Who else could that Lord refer to? It must be Ye Mo, his former savior!

But how could a low-ranking commoner like him determine Lord Ye Mo's appearance?

This was a bit strange.

At this moment, Lin Feifan thought about it, so he took out a photo of Ye Mo, handed it to the eye-patch man and asked:

"Look, is that this gentleman?"

The moment he saw this photo, the man with the eye patch felt like he was riding a rocket, and his scalp was about to explode!

"To reply to Lord Lin, it is him! And his appearance has not changed at all, it is indeed him!"

"He asked for the coordinates of our planet, saying that we were only 74 light years away from him, and he asked a child named Lin Feifan to find him!"

The man with the eye patch said excitedly, but the next second, what greeted him was not Lin Feifan's praise, but a fierce kick!


The masked man was whipped hundreds of meters away by the kick and embedded into a wall. He then vomited blood and fell to the ground!

Lin Feifan walked up to him again and said,

"I believe what you said. There will be a reward for you. Just follow me back to Apocalypse Star this time.

As for why I want to kick you, it

’s because the Savior is the Savior. Don’t call him"him". Do you understand?"

Lin Feifan’s eyes were shining with dazzling golden light, staring at the eyepatch man and said.

The eyepatch man vomited blood, his eyes were full of horror and he lowered his head and said:

"I understand, Lord Lin!"



At the same time, Ye Mo had brought many summoned beasts to the TV station in the strange world.

His summoned beasts first completely occupied the TV station and found a female reporter and forced her to connect to TVs all over the world!

At the same time, the entire strange world began to broadcast Ye Mo's face!

"Good afternoon, residents of the weird world!

You don’t need to know my name, but you can remember my appearance.

I also have something I want to show you!"

Lucifer took out the head of the six-eyed old man from the side and put it on the TV screen, broadcasting it to the whole weird world!

The six eyes of the six-eyed old man were all closed, and even the blood that flowed out had dried up.

The old face was still a little scared before he died, and it looked so miserable...

And the moment this face appeared on all the TVs in the weird world, the weirdness of the whole weird world exploded!

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