Time was slowly passing.

But for the people in the sea of fire and swords, one second seemed as long as a year.

The pain that penetrated into the bone marrow stimulated the nerves of the people. After 10 minutes, several people chose to withdraw...

At this moment, there were only a few dozen people moving forward in the sea of fire and swords...

Ye Mo was in the first place, followed by the woman in green.

Then there were some relatives of the victims.

At the end was the grandson of Virus...

At this moment, as the incident fermented, more and more people were sent by the Dragon Country.

Liu Libing, Qianmian Ghost Monk, and the well-known figures of the Dragon Country had come to the underground cave, looking at the people in the sea of fire and swords with expressionless faces...

At the same time, people from other small countries, such as the previous son of the Suzaku Country, or the previous son of the White Tiger Country, had heard the news and came here.

The appearance of these people undoubtedly indicated that Ye Mo could only persist in the sea of fire and swords forever.

Otherwise, once he went out, he would face the anger of many professionals in the Dragon Country!

At this moment, Liu Li Bing, who was far away, had a flash of thought in her mind.

She looked at Ye Mo in the sea of fire and swords without saying a word. Instead, she came to the side of the sea of fire and swords and stepped in.


Intense pain swept through her body. After Liu Li Bing's delicate body trembled, she did not choose to enter, but slowly pulled back.……

""How did they hold on to this kind of intense pain?"

Liu Libing asked secretly in her heart.

At this moment, the other people who had tried on the shore couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Yes, how did they hold on?

However, before they asked this question, several people chose to quit again!

In an instant, there were only five or six people left in the sea of fire and swords.

Ye Mo, the woman in green, and the grandson of Virus...

Currently, the woman in green and the grandson of Virus are in the second echelon, closest to Ye Mo.

The remaining few people all showed a state of fatigue, and their expressions were even more distorted. They were in so much pain!

"No! You killed my wife, I want revenge for her, I can't go out!!"

A middle-aged man shouted, but extreme pain swept through his body, and he was forced to swim to the shore and could not go in again.

Another man had tears of blood in his eyes, and his whole body was twitching with pain, but he still insisted on staying where he was, but he could not walk anymore.……

"My child was killed by you, what's the point of me living alone? I want you to be buried with him!!"

He roared, but was directly swept to the shore by the fire in the sea of fire and retreated...

In an instant, several people returned to the shore and were unable to enter again.

The sense of relief of returning to the shore at this moment made them feel like they were in the rain.

Looking at the sea of fire and swords with fear, they didn't want to enter again in this life, even if the hatred in their hearts was as big as the sky, it wouldn't work!

At this moment, there were only the last three people left in the field!

And at this moment, the sea of fire and swords suddenly underwent a strong and drastic change!

The sea of fire and swords kept surging, and the originally red flames turned pale blue in an instant, and the blades also changed from red to an extremely cold color, like ice blades!


In an instant, the scorching heat disappeared and turned into a strong extreme cold!

This sudden temperature change made everyone on the scene shiver violently, and the three people in the sea of fire and swords were even more so!

Ye Mo's body trembled violently, and he staggered and almost fell down...

The green-clothed woman and Verus' grandson were even worse, and they almost fell directly into the sea of fire and swords and couldn't get up.

""Look! What is that?!"

Someone exclaimed.

At the far end of the sea of fire and swords, a chair made of blades appeared, and on the chair were two things... one was round, and the other was a token.……

"This is the Divine Emperor Chair!!!

It is the famous Divine Emperor Chair from ancient times!!!"

Someone shouted excitedly, and then saw two figures directly enter the sea of fire and swords, trying to get close to the Divine Emperor Chair.

However, as expected, the moment they touched the sea of fire and swords, the two people instantly withdrew their steps and looked at each other with painful faces... because it was too painful...

If you don’t have a strong will and a firm goal, it will be difficult to persist in the sea of fire and swords, let alone walk!

Others also looked at the Divine Emperor Chair and were eager to try, but the moment they touched the sea of fire and swords, they gave up this decision.……

"It turned out to be this thing!"

Kunpengzi's eyes were filled with greed, and he stared at the chair intently.

However, after a little thought, he did not move at all, and had no intention of entering the sea of fire and swords.

At this moment, some people on the shore who had little experience asked the elders around them.

In the end, Liuli Bing slowly said:

"It is said that if someone can sit on this chair and keep sitting on it, he will be recognized by the sword mountain and fire sea and become the master of this secret realm.……"

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes lit up. If you can control this secret realm, what will happen?

Not only can you directly defend against any skills of others without injury, but after blessing yourself, the combat power is simply off the charts. Who can bear this kind of pain?

Looking at the greedy people in their eyes, Liu Libing chuckled and continued:

"It's not as simple as you think.

Moving in the sea of fire and mountains of swords will bring endless torture and pain.

Moreover, this place is at least tens of thousands of meters away from the chair.

You see, these people can only walk more than 10 meters in a minute. When will they reach the chair?"

"Another point is the color change of this chair. Did you see it?

Sometimes it is cold dark blue, and sometimes it is hot red.

Then the person sitting on this chair has to endure the extreme pain brought by this strong temperature difference almost every second.

How many people can hold on?"

After hearing Liu Libing's words, everyone gave up the idea in their hearts.

Some people have already experienced the pain brought by the sea of fire and swords, and at this moment they have no intention of fighting for the Emperor's Chair.

As for the three people in the sea of fire and swords, it is estimated that they will not be able to hold on for long before being washed up by the waves of fire.

Sure enough!

The woman in green was exhausted and her expression was distorted to the extreme.

The next moment, she was washed by the waves of fire and was instantly swept to the shore!

Then, she fainted directly, and her life or death was unknown!

"It's not easy for a woman to persist to this extent.……"

Everyone in the field sighed and looked at Ye Mo and the grandson of Virus in the sea of fire and swords again...

Suddenly, the color of the sea of fire and swords changed again, from dark blue to red in an instant! A very high temperature flame was formed!


The grandson of Virus screamed miserably and was then swept to the shore.

After he got up, he looked at the sea of fire and swords with lingering fear, and even his hatred for Ye Mo seemed to have lessened a little!

"" Tsk tsk tsk, it's really worthy of being called a sea of fire and a mountain of swords.

But why is Ye Mo still persisting?

When the color of the sea of fire and a mountain of swords changed just now, why didn't he even tremble?"

Someone asked curiously.

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