Yes, why didn't Ye Mo even tremble just now?

I saw his figure still walking firmly in the sea of fire and swords, and he didn't even tremble, but just walked forward in silence, his body as firm as a nail...

There is no way.

I can't leave the sea of fire and swords now!

There are countless Dragon Country professionals outside, and the number is still increasing.

There is no one below level 70, and even the famous Dragon Country masters above level 80 have all come...

Among the 50 people I killed, there must be their so-called friends and relatives, and these people will definitely take revenge on me!

If I don't stay in the sea of fire and swords, then I will be the only one to die!

Moreover, it's not just them, the one who has become a zombie, Kunpengzi, is not something I can deal with.

And Liuli Bing can't protect herself. Now I have offended the public. Even if she is the strongest, she will never have the courage to protect herself!

"Desperate situation...what should I do?……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself.

At this moment, intense pain swept through his body and mind. He felt like there were ants gnawing at his bone marrow, and even his nerves seemed to be weakened.……


"I haven't reached my limit yet... I can still hold on!"

At this moment, the underground cave seemed to be somewhat silent.

There was only the sound of everyone's breathing.

Everyone stared at Ye Mo in the sea of fire and swords, waiting for the moment when he was rolled to the shore...

However, ten minutes passed, and Ye Mo was still walking in the sea of fire and swords, with no sign of being rolled out...

20 minutes passed, and he was still walking in it, and it seemed that he would not stop...

At this moment, someone finally couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart and asked:

"Why can he still persist? Why is this happening!?"

However, no one answered his question.

What everyone wanted to ask more was, on what basis did he persist?

On what basis could he persist?

Everyone else had been eliminated, but he was the only one still walking there?

He was still walking, and he could even keep walking!


Almost everyone had this question in their mind... and at this moment, a girl standing on the shore suddenly spoke:

"Look! Why doesn't he have any expression?"

At this moment, everyone looked at him with doubts in their hearts...

Only to see Ye Mo walking calmly, without any expression of pain or doubt on his face, only with indifference and determination!

Before, everyone had gnashed their teeth after entering the sea of fire and swords, and many even cried bitterly, but why could he be expressionless?

After seeing his expression, everyone panicked.

If he could really reach the deepest part of the sea of fire and swords and sit on the throne of the God Emperor, what would they do?

"Ye Mo! Give up resistance, you are already in a desperate situation. If you come out now, we will leave you with an intact body!"

"Haha, what's the point of persisting? You can't resist the pain brought by the Divine Emperor Chair!

Give up! Just roll over here and wait for your death!"

"Ye Mo! You have killed so many people. You will surely die if you do too much evil!

Let me slap you to death with one palm, so as to end this endless pain!"

"Why are you talking so much to this bastard? Just wait for him to be tortured to death by the mountains of swords and the sea of fire!!"

The insults from the crowd gradually increased.

Ye Mo was once regarded as the first genius of Dragon Country and worshipped by everyone, but now he has ended up like this for a fictitious treasure... It is really sad and lamentable!

"Hehe, hehe……"

Ye Mo suddenly sneered, his steps remained firm as he walked forward step by step!

"What good does insult have on me?"

"Curse if you want.

Only narrow-minded people will get angry because of other people's curses.

If he can't even bear this little insult, how can he catch up with Sothoth?"

Thinking like this, Ye Mo walked forward more firmly.

The mocking voices of the crowd became farther and farther away...

Looking at his figure gradually moving away to the front, the crowd followed closely on the shore...

At this time, Liu Libing looked at Ye Mo with a serious look, and a trace of shock emerged in his eyes.……

"Probably... No way……"

""What's wrong? Master Liu Li Bing?" a red-robed attendant asked.

Liu Li Bing touched the ends of his hair with a serious look in his eyes, and the shock in his eyes was completely revealed:

"Did you feel his aura?

His physical fitness was growing rapidly, and the speed of growth was extremely terrifying!"

"Now, he is invincible in this sea of fire and swords.……"

Liu Li Bing swallowed and said.

Of course she was right!

Ye Mo used the steel bone, and as long as his will was impacted, he would constantly improve his physical fitness.

How long has he persisted in the sea of fire and swords?

One minute, ten minutes, twenty minutes, forty minutes, two hours!

Ordinary people would find it difficult to persist in the sea of fire and swords even for a few seconds, but he has been there for two hours!

In these two hours, his will was constantly being impacted like a punishment from the gods!

But he still persisted tenaciously, and improved his physical fitness to an extremely terrifying level!

At this time, everyone looked at him in shock...

Every time Ye Mo took a step, it seemed that the entire underground cave would tremble!

"This kind of power? How is it possible! ?"

Kunpengzi also suddenly realized this when he heard these words. The shock in his eyes had already overflowed.

He had never expected that things would turn out like this!

"We can’t let him get away! Everyone, kill him!!!"

Kunpengzi shouted.

However, no one took action at this moment.

Everyone knew that it was useless to take action now.���, the sea of fire and swords can shield all attacks, and even if it is damaged, it can absorb the power of the underground to quickly restore itself.

This secret realm is far beyond their ability to solve...

But what about Ye Mo?

He still walked and did nothing.

But unexpectedly, the scolding voices disappeared, and they all turned into shocked eyes, looking at his back...

Ten meters, a hundred meters, a thousand meters!

Ye Mo not only walked, he even walked faster!

This scene was simply shocking to everyone, and their eyes were filled with horror!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes!

Ye Mo finally came to the deepest part of the sea of fire and swords! The top!

A divine emperor chair made of blades just stood here quietly, as if waiting for his next owner...

Looking at this chair, Ye Mo's expression still did not change...

He was covered in blood, turned around and looked at the people around him.

His eyes, like a blade, swept across everyone here, and then a cruel sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he sat down!

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