The moment he sat on the throne of the God Emperor, the world was silent!

The next moment, Ye Mo suddenly felt endless pain sweeping over him.

This intense pain was thousands of times more painful than being in a sea of fire and swords!!

""It hurts, it hurts!"

He only felt that all the blades on this chair were constantly cutting his skin, and the blades were sometimes cold and sometimes hot, which was simply torture among tortures!

But now he had no way to retreat! He could only persist, only persist!

Ye Mo sat quietly on this chair, trembling all over...

At the same time, the faces of the people in the underground cave had already become ugly.

"He really sat on the throne.……"

Liu Li Bing muttered to himself.

At the same time, many powerful people looked over.

How painful is it to sit on the Divine Emperor Chair? They couldn't imagine it, but you have to know that Ye Mo could walk through the sea of fire and swords with an expressionless face before, but now his expression has become ferocious, which is enough to show how much pain this Divine Emperor Chair has brought!

"This person must not be kept!"

Kunpengzi said with a ferocious look on his face, but he had no other choice.

Everyone's faces had become extremely ugly.

Now everyone could only watch Ye Mo sit on the throne of the God Emperor and accept the final test, but they were powerless.……

"Master Liu Libing, what should we do now? Are we just going to watch him sit on the Divine Emperor Chair?"

"Yes, sir, we should work together to destroy this sea of fire and swords. We must not let other treasures fall into his hands. We must not do that!!"

"This man is ruthless and merciless. He slaughters his compatriots without mercy. We must not let him continue!"

Everyone advised Liu Libing.

At this moment, Liu Libing had no choice. As the strongest person in Dragon Country, she had to set an example. Otherwise, the impact would be too bad...

But just when she was about to make a move, the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk stopped her.

"Why stop me?"

"There is no reason, I just don't want to see you take action, I don't like you, understand?"

The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk said in a calm tone.

As the second strongest person in Dragon Country, he is naturally qualified to speak like this.

"Oh, it’s up to you."

The two did not speak again, but continued to look at Ye Mo on the Emperor Chair...

After more than 10 minutes, more and more people came here.

Some of them watched quietly on the shore, while others tried to enter the sea of fire and swords, but all of them retreated...

And those who tried fruitlessly, after seeing Ye Mo's figure, could not help but show a trace of admiration in their eyes.

Should I say this Ye Mo, his will is too firm. He was able to persist in the sea of fire and swords for such a long time, and even the Emperor Chair seemed to be unable to stop him!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking at Ye Mo, watching how long this man could persist?

At the same time, Ye Mo's expression was extremely difficult to see.

Because he found that it was not only physical pain, but also mental torture!

At this moment, he could no longer see the scene in the underground cave, but appeared one by one, and it was still a fantasy of the previous life! At the age of 17, he played happily on the playground with his childhood sweetheart...

At the age of 20, his childhood sweetheart left him, saying that he wanted to see far away...

At the age of 24, he accepted the reality and went to and from work in the company from two points, like a cow and a horse...

At the age of 29, years of fatigue made him sick and hospitalized, and even needed to sit in a wheelchair for a period of time...

Over the years, Ye Mo gradually lost his yearning for love and lived alone. He had ambitions in his heart, but nowhere to release them.

Occasionally, he would still think of the scene of running on the playground with his childhood sweetheart when he was 17 years old. It was unforgettable...

At this time, he was sitting in a wheelchair, and a beautiful figure came not far away, wearing a white dress, looking at him with a smile.……

"Brother Ye, can you get up and walk for a while? Let's go together!

Believe me, you can definitely stand up now!"

She smiled like a beautiful lily, standing there gracefully to invite him...

Ye Mo swallowed his saliva, his heart trembled, the hard work and running around in these years had already made him see the reality clearly.

If you want to get ahead in this world, you can't suffer, you can only eat people!!

If he could live his life again, he would never repeat the same mistakes again.……

"Ting'er...I' tired...I'm really……"

Ye Mo said tremblingly

"Brother Ye, if you are tired, take a rest. Ting'er will always love you!

Hold my hand and I will take you back to the playground, okay? Let

's go back to the place where you and I knew each other and start over again, okay?"

The girl in front of me is so beautiful, as holy as a lily.……

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Ye Mo suddenly laughed miserably while sitting in a wheelchair……

"Ting'er... you know I love you, but I won't go back to the playground.

Give me another choice!"

After saying this, Ting'er's body froze, her arms drooped, and she looked at Ye Mo with a lonely look.……

"I understand, Brother Ye,

I believe you will like this place……"

Ting'er's eyes were full of loneliness. She turned and left, but Ye Mo found that she seemed to have a little aura similar to that of a god...

At the same time, he, who was undergoing the test on the Emperor's Chair, suddenly opened his eyes!

What kind of eyes were these?

It bloomed with unparalleled golden light and looked around the sky!

In an instant, the divine power was mighty!

"I once looked forward to it, but gradually I no longer miss it"

"I have tried hard, but gradually I become indifferent to everything"

"I used to cry, but gradually I stopped crying!"

""Now, I have left everything behind. I just want to become strong, the strongest! The strongest! The strongest!"

He said coldly.

At this moment, his eyes were cold. The injuries on his body had completely healed. There was no trace of pain on his face!

He just sat on this God Emperor Chair, as if this was originally his position!

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