"This, this... this, this! How is this possible!?"

"Why was there no trace of expression on his face, and he didn't even seem to feel any pain at all?

Could it be that he had completely adapted to the Divine Emperor Chair? Or...……"

Everyone's expressions were completely numb.

At this moment, Ye Mo just sat on the Emperor's Chair, without any expression on his face, as calm as a deep pool! The next moment,

Ye Mo moved his palm and took out two items from the Emperor's Chair.

One of them was a pill emitting a white light.

The other was a token made of black medicine.

「The resurrection pill can revive the dead at any time. It can also be used on oneself to revive at any time.」

「The Divine Emperor's Order, a must-have for tackling the sea of fire and swords」

"A nice treasure.……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, fiddling with the two treasures in his hands.

At this moment, he no longer felt any pain, and even felt a little relaxed.

Moreover, his body, which had been tempered by the steel bone, became extremely strong, so he almost didn't feel tired at all, and even felt refreshed!

However, everyone who saw this scene changed their expressions...

This scene in front of them all indicated that Ye Mo had completely controlled the mountains of swords and the sea of fire and completely sat on the throne of the Divine Emperor!!

"Why? Why does this murderer have such power! ?"

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, how did he really succeed, why not me? Why!!"

Some of the crowd roared crazily, some had gloomy faces, and it was not right to retreat or not retreat at this moment.

In fact, for everyone, no matter whether Ye Mo obtained the secret realm of sword mountains and seas of fire or inherited the throne of the Divine Emperor, they were not too afraid in their hearts.

After all, the strongest people in Dragon Country and the top pillars of other countries were standing here, and they were not necessarily afraid of Ye Mo. What everyone was amazed at at this moment was Ye Mo's god-like will, which was simply like steel and no one could match it!

Some people had thought that Ye Mo might inherit the throne of the Divine Emperor today, but when this scene really happened, it was still too shocking...

At this moment, Ye Mo slowly put the resurrection pill into the storage space, he picked up the token and whispered:


In an instant, the sea of fire and swords began to shake, and then turned into a stream of flames that flowed directly into the token. Even the Emperor's Chair under Ye Mo also entered the token and disappeared! At this moment, a deep gully was left on the ground, and the burning sensation disappeared. The underground cave turned into a cool color.

At this moment, Ye Mo flew to the top of the cave, but no one had the courage to stop him. No one knew how strong Ye Mo was now after possessing the sea of fire and swords.……

"Stop him!!! We can't let him take so many treasures away!!!"

Kunpengzi shouted loudly, and then he took the brunt and rushed towards Ye Mo!

However, as soon as he came to Ye Mo, he saw that Ye Mo was covered with blades and flames! The burning sensation appeared again, and Kunpengzi's attack did not have any effect on him, but only reduced the flames a little...

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and set off an endless storm.……

"He can actually use the sword and fire like this, who can kill him like this! ?"

Someone exclaimed.

Others looked at each other, some did not dare to step forward.

At this moment, when Ye Mo was about to leave again, Liu Li Bing's figure suddenly appeared and blocked his way.

"Why, you want to stop me too?"

Ye Mo asked

"Take out the resurrection pills, and you can go. In addition, I can give you these experience packs."

Liuli Bing said with a neutral expression, and at the same time took out many experience packs from her hand and placed them in front of Ye Mo.

Looking at these experience packs in front of him, and then thinking about the resurrection pills in his storage space, can they really be compared?

"Sorry, let's end our deal here."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Mo suddenly made a move, and endless flames surged on his body, rushing towards Liu Li Bing, and at the same time his figure flew towards the exit of the underground cave like a flying bird!

At this moment, Liu Li Bing shouted:

""What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and make your move!!"

As soon as these words came out, many professionals reacted. This was the order of the strongest man in Dragon Country, and they had to obey it!

So, everyone surrounded Ye Mo again.

There was no other way, Ye Mo could only keep parrying, but fortunately, he now had the secret realm of sword mountains and seas of fire and the Four-sided Golden Tripod given by Sothoth, so even if he ran away, it would not delay his defense...

So Ye Mo fought and retreated at the same time, and the situation was gradually pulled towards a smoother state by him... It was during these entanglements that Ye Mo nodded heavily to the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk in the distance!

Everyone kept entangled with him, but most of the attacks were blocked by the secret realm of sword mountains and seas of fire, and could not hurt him at all.

Even if there were some special attacks, the Four-sided Golden Tripod could be used to block them. Block, at this moment he is completely invincible.

Such a scene showed in the eyes of everyone a feeling of despair about Ye Mo's defense. He was simply invincible. How could others hurt him?

However, only Ye Mo himself knew that he clearly felt that after each attack, the power of the knife mountain and sea of fire would be reduced by one point.

If he continued like this, the entire secret realm would completely disappear!

I must find a perfect place to retreat!

At this moment, Ye Mo recalled various places near Shuanglong Mountain in his mind, while trying his best to control the knife mountain and sea of fire to block the attacks of others... His mental strength was exhausted to the extreme. Finally, after continuous retreat, Ye Mo thought of a place with vitality.

"The dark jungle in the west seems to be a restricted area. If I go there, they probably won't dare to chase me.……"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, but after making up his mind, he slowly headed west.

Liu Li Bing seemed to understand his idea at this moment, so she followed him directly!

And the attack in her hand became more and more fierce!

In an instant, the sea of fire and swords on Ye Mo disappeared again. If he continued like this, he might not be able to hold on for too long.……

"Hurry, hurry, as long as we reach that dark forest we will be safe!"





10 days later.

A blockbuster news appeared in Longguo, and even countries all over the world reported such a news!

Encirclement and suppression of Ye Mo!

This person not only killed a large number of professionals in Longguo, but also fled to the Western Dark Forest with at least three treasures.

If you meet him outside the Western Dark Forest and capture his head, you can get hundreds of billions of funds!

Another important news is that if you want to capture his head, your level must be above level 80!

Because his strength is already extraordinary, ordinary professionals will only die if they go there!

This person not only escaped the stranglehold of Liu Libing, the strongest person in Longguo, but also hundreds of professionals above level 70 could not do anything to him.

So this notice is just a notice for many people. Who has the courage to kill him?

However, such a blockbuster news still caused an uproar in the world...

At the same time, in Ye Mo's villa.

The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk calmly drank a sip of tea, looked at Ye Mo's mother and said:

"Lord Ye Mo has killed many people, and now the relatives of these people want to seek revenge on him.

As his mother, you will naturally be in great danger.

Come with me, and I will keep you safe!"

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