Dragon Country, Dragon City

""Respected Master Liu Li Bing, how do you feel about this little guy escaping from your hands?"

A young man in a suit asked calmly.

Liu Li Bing curled his lips and said boredly with his fingers hooking his hair:

"If he wants to run away, then run away. I have cast the Ice Fairy Curse on him. He will die of exhaustion within ten days.

Even his mental attributes and all attributes will be completely dried up...

He will definitely die, sir~"

"Humph! I hope so. If he appears in front of the world again, I will ask you!"

The young man snorted coldly and then left the room. The conversation between the two ended unpleasantly.

In the western part of Blue Star.

There are large tracts of desert with an area of up to 10 million square kilometers, and in the center of these deserts there are 2 million square kilometers of black jungles...

The black forest exudes a terrifying atmosphere. It is said that this was the place where an ancient god fell, and these black forests are his dilapidated bodies...

It can be imagined how desperate the god was when he died here. He just fell here, and his body turned into large tracts of black forests...

Similarly, there is a young man who is experiencing the same thing as him.

Ye Mo staggered in the dark forest.

His body was covered with ice-blue lines, which restricted all his skills and attributes all the time.……


A black tiger suddenly pounced on him, with a lot of bloody breath.

However, Ye Mo didn't even look at the tiger, but just swung his palm and smashed the tiger's head directly!


Blood and flesh splattered everywhere, but Ye Mo didn't even look at the black tiger, just walked forward on his own.……

"Damn it!

I didn't expect that after a professional reaches level 90 or above, there will be a chosen skill!

I really miscalculated this time!"

Ye Mo gritted his teeth and said.

It's not that he hates Liu Li Bing who attacked him, but he hates his own low strength.

Ever since he was attacked by Liu Li Bing, these ice-blue stripes began to appear on his body.

At first it was just a little bit, and then gradually spread all over his body, and even directly blocked all his mental power.

Even all the attributes no longer work, and the effect is exactly the same as when he was in the mountains of swords and the sea of fire!

But this little difficulty can't defeat Ye Mo.

After the tempering of Gang Gu Lu and the mountains of swords and the sea of fire, Ye Mo's physical fitness has now reached an extremely amazing level!

Kill a tiger with bare hands and smash rocks with both fists!

Ye Mo's body has directly transformed from a mortal to a superman!

Now he doesn't need the bonus of attribute points at all! He is basically a human nuclear bomb!

However, his troubles are also the same.

The successive attacks from hundreds of professionals and Liu Libing caused his mental strength to drop directly to zero, and in the end, there was only a little bit left to defend himself in the sea of fire and swords... Take now for example, he is still troubled by Liu Libing's chosen skills...

These blue stripes on his body are constantly blocking his own attribute points, and even his physical strength is being sealed.

If he doesn't find a solution, then he will face many beasts in the dark forest fighting with his mortal body... What makes Ye Mo even more helpless is that his energy has run out...

First, he killed many geniuses outside Shuanglong Mountain, then refined a lot of pills inside it, and finally tempered himself in the sea of fire and swords, plus the successive battles in the past period of time.

His energy has been completely exhausted, and even his eyelids are trembling at this moment.……


Ye Mo let out a long sigh and collapsed on a tree stump.

He was too tired.

"Never mind, if I keep going I'll be exhausted to death!"

Ye Mo tilted his head and fell asleep.……



"Are you awake? This is the pork tripe soup I made for you, drink it quickly."

The girl said with her eyes blinking.

At this moment, Ye Mo struggled to get up, looked around, and found that he was in a dilapidated thatched house...

The room was filled with bottles and jars, as well as items such as kitchen knives.

"Thank you."

Ye Mo drank the pig stomach soup without hesitation.

If someone wanted to kill him, they would have killed him while he was asleep. There was no need to poison him.

After taking a few gulps of the pig stomach soup, Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief and felt a warm current flowing through his body. He instantly felt energetic!

"What's your name? Where is this?"

Ye Mo looked up and asked the girl

"Hehe, my name is Philna, and this is the Shenwu tribe."

"Philna! Who are you talking to? Have you prepared the ingredients?"

A big man's rough voice came from outside the door.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a moment later a bald man rushed in, wearing a coat made of animal skin.

He pushed Philna away and looked at Ye Mo greedily.……

"What a good material with delicate skin and tender meat, and there are so many blue seasonings on the body! Haha!

Let me take care of the ingredients, you leave first!"

The bald man snorted coldly.

Then Filner hurriedly left the room without even looking at Ye Mo.

At this moment, Ye Mo's face instantly turned cold.

So these guys saved him just to use him as food?

He was so grateful just now!

However, before he could open his mouth, he saw the big man grabbing with a kitchen knife in his hand, ready to cut Ye Mo's throat!

"Get out of here!"

Ye Mo kicked the big man in the chest, leaving a bloody wound.

In an instant, the big man rolled out of the door, bleeding heavily from his chest, and died instantly...

This scene attracted the attention of the entire tribe, and everyone's eyes turned to this place!

""Who!? Who killed Hanuman!?"

Someone asked, and then dozens of big men surrounded him, looking at Ye Mo in the room...

At this time, Ye Mo's expression was not good, because he found that his physical fitness seemed to be sealed, and his strength became much weaker.

If it were before, he should be able to completely blow up this big man with one punch, and not even a corpse would be left, but now it only made a bloody hole.……

"We must deal with them quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

Ye Mo was anxious, and then he immediately flew out and fought with these big men!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Ye Mo was like a tiger out of a cage, and he beat up several big men with three punches and two kicks, making them spit blood and fly backwards!

Such a horrifying scene made many people in the tribe look shocked and feel a little unbelievable!

"Hurry up!!"

""Go and ask the elders!"

Someone shouted, and soon a gray-haired old man came to Ye Mo's side, looking at him viciously...

The old man's lips moved slightly, and then he opened his right hand into the shape of a knife and chopped Ye Mo from a distance!


In an instant! A purple blade light burst out from his right hand and shot towards Ye Mo like a bullet!

""So fast!"

Ye Mo exclaimed, and then used his right hand to block


His right hand fell to the ground without any suspense, and blood spurted out in an instant!


Ye Mo had experienced the extreme pain of mountains of swords and seas of fire, and he didn't care about the pain of a broken hand at all. Instead, he found something special!

"What kind of trick is this!? It actually broke Liu Li Bing's destiny skill!!?"

Ye Mo was overjoyed.

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