"Oh, even my talent describes this guy like this, is he really that strong?"

Ye Mo's eyes showed an interested look, but for the sake of safety, he did not do anything, but stayed quietly in place, ready to enter the Taicang Ancient Temple for enlightenment, after all, it was getting dark now.

And the red cheongsam weird in front did not do anything excessive, just stood there stupidly and seemed to have no intelligence.

However, it can be seen that there are ordinary weirds surrounding her where he is, and she keeps moving, as if many civilians are respectfully treating her as an emperor...

From this point of view, this guy is really not simple, and Ye Mo thought it would be better to cause less trouble. Thinking of this, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the sky gradually becomes gray, and soon it is like a layer of black gauze.

So Ye Mo also turned his head and planned to enter the ancient temple.

However, just as he turned around and prepared to enter, a figure suddenly walked out of the ancient temple!

This is a young man wearing a knight's costume, who looks a little middle school but very handsome, but unfortunately with a sense of sinisterness.

At this moment, the distance between the two is only 10 meters. After seeing Ye Mo, the young man frowned slightly.

But then, after seeing the strange red cheongsam in the distance, her expression suddenly changed, and she exclaimed:

""Fuck!" the young man exclaimed, the sound was not too loud, even Ye Mo's expression suddenly changed, and then he turned his head to look at the strange cheongsam behind him!


The cheongsam suddenly moved strangely. She looked over here curiously and kept walking towards……

"Damn, she’s really coming!!"

The young man roared, his eyes full of fear, and then he rushed into the ancient temple like a rabbit and disappeared...

At this moment, Ye Mo was a little dumbfounded. How could this guy suddenly appear, and then directly escape after provoking this extremely powerful red-clothed weird, leaving him alone to deal with it. It was really disgusting!

Helplessly, Ye Mo didn't want to waste his energy fighting with this red-clothed weird, which would only waste time and energy.

He didn't hesitate at all and went directly into the ancient temple!

The figures of the two flew like rabbits and lantern eagles. They were so fast that they could not see the two figures the moment they entered the ancient temple, and the young man did not even leave a trace.

On the other hand, although Ye Mo was extremely fast, his hiding method was very ordinary.

At this moment, Ye Mo was moving quickly in the ancient temple. He came under a stone statue and found that the ancient temple was extremely empty.

Apart from a few stone statues, there was nothing else, and there was no place to hide.

Moreover, there seemed to be no special place in this ancient temple that could block the weirdness outside, which made Ye Mo feel a little doubtful.

"Damn it, what on earth does this person do? If he did it unintentionally, it's fine. But if he dares to harm me intentionally, I will make you die!"

Ye Mo said viciously.

At this moment, the strange figure in red slowly walked into the mist.

Surprisingly, the temple did not have any means to stop her. It seemed to let her enter without any reaction...

The cheongsam strangely roared, and her eyes looked around the entire ancient temple, and finally stopped on Ye Mo!


With a crazy roar, the red-clothed weirdo rushed directly towards Ye Mo, and looked extremely ferocious.

Ye Mo was dumbfounded at the moment. It was the young man who provoked you, so you could just go find him.

If you can't find him, he actually came to trouble you. It's really a pretext for wanting to accuse you!

There was no way to do it directly. Ye Mo stretched out his hand and three dark Vegetas appeared directly, and then blasted towards the red-clothed weirdo.

The figures of several people collided with each other, and there was no trace of damage on the red-clothed weirdo. Instead, he pinched a dark Vegeta and continued to absorb his energy.

In a flash, the expression of the controlled dark Vegeta immediately became listless, and his figure became thin...

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo's pupils shrank fiercely. He never expected that this so-called weirdo actually had such a powerful power. She didn't even look at the three Vegetas, because the attacks of several Vegetas didn't seem to have any effect on her.

This weirdo didn't seem to be afraid of the physical sense. Attack!

At this moment, even Ye Mo felt a bit tricky. At this moment, he looked around and found that there seemed to be something wrong under the base of a stone statue, but now there was no time to react.

Ye Mo raised his hand and a crazy beam of light appeared in his hand and blasted towards the red-clothed weird!

The magic light-killing cannon!

However, the next moment, the magic light-killing cannon directly penetrated the red-clothed weird body without any damage, but instead caused a big hole in the ground not far away. At this moment, his actions completely angered the cheongsam weird, and the cheongsam weird rushed towards Ye Mo like a ghost!

However, an unexpected scene still appeared.

Ye Mo's expression remained unchanged, and a black token appeared in his hand. Then, endless flames surrounded him to form a set of flame armor, which was directly put on himself.

The scorching breath produced made the temperature of the entire temple much higher!

At the same time, the red-clothed weird had come in front of him and grabbed him with a claw!


""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!"

At this moment, the red-clothed girl's claws were burned black when they touched Ye Mo's body.

She retreated madly with a look of horror, screaming continuously!

At this moment, the young man who was completely hidden under a stone statue became dazed, and even a look of horror appeared in his eyes!

"How is it possible!? He can actually hurt a top-level weirdo!?"

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