The young man who was hiding there looked extremely terrified.

In his eyes, the top-level weird was completely invincible, and he could only hide or escape.

However, Ye Mo's move had completely overturned his imagination. Not only did he hurt the top-level weird, but he was also able to do it with ease without suffering any damage, and even made the weird flee!

"Could this person be from the outside world? How could he have such terrifying strength!?"

The young man kept clicking his tongue in his heart.

At the same time, the injured red-clothed weirdo screamed and looked at Ye Mo with hatred, but did not dare to step forward.

After a long while, the red-clothed weirdo seemed to have recovered. She swung her clawed long sword and sent out gray air waves towards Ye Mo! The gray air waves were as huge as the tide.

At this moment, Ye Mo dodged and retreated, but he could only dodge one of them, and was hit by another one. In an instant, he lost hundreds of mental power, and his energy seemed to have dropped a lot!

"Phew... This move is too powerful.……"

Ye Mo let out a long sigh of relief.

He seemed unable to withstand the long-range attack of the Red Clothes Weirdness. He had to find a suitable opportunity to escape or completely resolve it.

At this moment, Ye Mo finally took the time to look intently at the empty space below the stone statue.……

「A human male who has become invisible. He has super ancient strength and power system. His strength is undoubtedly strong. His personality is relatively sinister, but his strength is really strong.」

"Interesting, he is actually the owner of other power systems!"

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Mo's eyes.

After these days of constantly breaking through the Divine Abyss, he felt that there must be some native strongmen of other power systems on Blue Star before, and it was not the path of professionals.

Now this idea has indeed been confirmed, but if compared, the upper limit of professionals is extremely high and cannot be compared with these ordinary strongmen.

At this moment, the red-clothed weird went crazy again, constantly waving gray air waves towards Ye Mo.

However, Ye Mo had already made a decision in his heart at this moment. He saw his figure moving quickly to the bottom of the stone statue, and rushed to the back of the blank spot, allowing the red-clothed weird to attack!

At this moment, five or six gray air waves attacked again, and the young man hiding there couldn't help but screamed, and then immediately showed up!

"Fuck your grandma, you can just hide by yourself, why are you getting involved with me!?"

The young man cursed angrily, and then immediately showed up to avoid it. Ye Mo also took advantage of the situation to avoid the five or six air waves and came to the side of a statue.

The young man who showed up at this moment stared at Ye Mo angrily, and cursed angrily:

"You are such a vicious person!

I am hiding here, how dare you harm me like this, it's disgusting!"

The young man's words made Ye Mo silent.

Who is harming whom? If you didn't shout"Fuck", would this weirdness have chased you to the temple?

Hearing this, Ye Mo sneered disdainfully:

"Stupid! Run for your life quickly, or you will die here!"

Ye Mo moved again, constantly shuttling back and forth and hiding behind the statues.

The young man cursed while dodging the strange attacks.

He was extremely angry, but he was also a little afraid of Ye Mo and did not dare to take action.


The cheongsam weirdo screamed. She even felt a little humiliated at this moment.

The two insects in front of her kept dodging, which made her feel extremely angry and accumulated.

The inability to kill the two weak insects made the weirdo even more angry.

She stood there at this moment, and then began to accumulate power in her hand. A small ball condensed from gray mist appeared, and then slowly rose into the sky, about to explode!

The faces of the two people who saw this black ball turned pale at the same time.

Because they both felt at the same time that if they were hit by this gray ball, they would at least consume most of their energy and become exhausted!

Although the two were anxious at the moment, they had no way out, because the temple was very wide, but it was still some distance away from the temple gate.

Moreover, if they went outside the temple at this moment, they would probably suffer many ordinary weird attacks, and the end would definitely not be much better.……

"What should I do?"

Ye Mo was a little anxious, but he was not too panicked at the moment. Instead, he dodged and hid behind the head of a stone statue...

At the same time, the gray ball expanded in the air, gradually changing from one inch to three inches, four inches, and five inches.

In the end, it became a ball more than seven feet in size, and it was about to explode!

At this moment, there was a sudden silence in the temple!

""Crack, crack, crack!"

In an instant, a huge hand appeared above the gray ball, firmly grasped the ball, and crushed it with a strong squeeze! At this moment, Ye Mo's expression was full of shock, because the hand that crushed the ball was not the hand of anyone else, but the hand of one of the stone statues!

"What's wrong with this stone statue? Why is it moving?"

Even the young man was a little dumbfounded at this moment, because this was something that was impossible in his previous cognition.

The stone statue gods worshipped in the temple were handed down from ancient times, and they had no right to do it themselves, let alone take the initiative to help them now, which was simply unbelievable!

But now he really appeared, and it's not over yet!

At this moment, a stone statue holding a huge axe slowly trembled!

He began to change from the soles of his feet. The originally pale stone statue gradually became bloody, and then a wisp of armor appeared on his body, and he quickly changed into the appearance of a mighty general!

This statue changed into���The general was at least nine feet tall and very strong, and the huge axe in his hand was even more terrifying.

The statue general did not say anything, but slowly walked towards the strange man...

At this moment, the cheongsam strange man was stunned and trembling all over. He looked at the stone general in fear, and even couldn't think of running away!

The stone general raised the huge axe in his hand, his eyes were full of golden light and divinity, and he shouted in a low voice:


Instantly, endless purple light emerged from the giant axe. In an instant, a huge purple sword energy was formed and slashed wildly at Qipao Weiyi.

Looking at this purple sword energy, Ye Mo was completely dumbfounded, because this purple sword energy was the one used by the elder before, but it was completely different from the purple sword energy used by the general, and the power was incomparable!

At this moment, Qipao Weiyi was already stunned in place, and suddenly the purple sword energy penetrated his whole body!

The Qipao Weiyi was stunned in place, three Seconds later, it exploded with a bang, and became a pool of gray liquid flowing on the ground...


At this moment, the world was silent.

This super-strong monster that was not vulnerable to physical attacks was actually chopped into pieces by the stone statue with an axe, and it seemed that it could never be resurrected again. Such terrifying strength made Ye Mo and the young man stand there dumbfounded...

The statue didn't even look at the two of them. He put away the giant axe and slowly walked back to his original position.

Every step he took was full of infinite deterrence, which made any villain feel terrified!

""Taicang Yidao! This is Taicang Yidao!!"

The young man suddenly shouted, his eyes filled with infinite surprise, madness, and even incomparable admiration, looking at the stone statue that returned to its original position... and the next second, he suddenly stared at Ye Mo and sneered:

"Outsider, I'm giving you a chance, leave now, or don't blame me for killing you!"

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