Panic and shock echoed in the heart of the Third Saint Son.

He wanted to ask, why is the god who used to be so high and mighty and ignored people now in such a state?

It seems that he is begging the human in front of him to stay?

He was puzzled and doubtful in his heart, and even spoke again with some uncertainty:

"Lord God, you are talking about me, right?"

However, the great voice did not answer him, but continued to ask Ye Mo:

"Human, please think about it again. I can give you power, but can you really agree to my request?"

"Hehe... Of course, why not?"

Ye Mo turned around and said with a smile.

The god who heard this promise smiled happily and then said:

"I can give you my Tai Cang Sword, but you have to help me kill someone!"

"Tell me, who to kill?"

"Outer God, Yog-Sothoth!"

"In ancient times, my brother and I were the overlords of this planet, but that guy came and not only killed my brother, but also destroyed my body and soul.

Now I only have a trace of consciousness left in the world, and my brother was tortured to death by Sothoth because he was too powerful. His body turned into this dark forest, sheltering this last ancient country.……"

"Okay, okay, I understand. You have a grudge against Sothoth, right?"

"I can help you kill him, but give me what I want first!"

Ye Mo said very confidently, as if he really had the ability to kill Yog-Sothoth.

However, only he knew that he not only accepted Yog-Sothoth's favor, but also had a good relationship with Yog-Sothoth, and that guy also had a certain good impression of him.

If the god in front of him knew about his relationship with Sothoth, he would never entrust it so easily.

But who is Ye Mo? If he lied, he lied. Why can't he lie for the sake of profit?

The god who heard his words was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Are you sure you can kill him? That guy is very strong!"

"Since you don't believe me, forget it. I don't expect your gift!"

Ye Mo said firmly, and then turned around and was about to leave.

The god hurriedly saved the situation:

"Wait a minute! Isn't it enough for me to give you my Taicang Knife? You must complete my entrustment to you!!"

The spirit's voice was anxious. He had no choice but to entrust Ye Mo with his entrustment. Countless people had come to this temple, but only a few of them could catch his eye.

Even these few were only slightly better in qualifications and had no potential to avenge Yog-Sothoth.

Even the Taicang Knife used by the village elder was a castrated version, which did not have even 1% of the power of the Taicang Knife he possessed.……

"Human, I will give you my Taicang Knife, I hope you can keep your promise!"

As soon as the voice fell, a purple light suddenly flew out from the position of the giant axe above the stone statue of the god, and instantly flew towards Ye Mo, directly melting into his brows, turning into the shape of a sword, engraved on his brows, and becoming a purple mark...

The moment this mark appeared on Ye Mo's forehead, his entire aura rose eight degrees, and in an instant he completely mastered the use of the so-called Taicang Knife!

「"I am the way of heaven, so I will kill all living things!"

At this moment, only these eight words echoed in Ye Mo's heart, giving him an incomparable sense of pride.

This was the feeling of holding everything in the world under his feet. I want you to die, and you have to die!

This move controls the source of all life and has the power of life and death!

At this moment, Ye Mo felt something in his heart, and he saw his right hand become a knife and slash forward!


An extremely sharp purple blade light emerged from his left hand, and then flew forward at an extreme speed that exceeded the speed of sound, instantly cutting off a pillar in the temple, and the cut was smooth and neat.

Even the flying purple blade light did not slow down, flying directly into the distance, and it was unknown where it would cut...

At this moment, the temple fell silent.

The third saint of the ancient Xuanyuan country knelt quietly on the spot, but he looked at Ye Mo with a very pale face, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, and his body kept shaking.……

"Why? Why can you get the approval of the gods! ?"

"My people have worked hard to serve the gods for more than a thousand years. Why didn't the gods even look at us?

You just appeared here and even insulted the gods, but why did they acknowledge you!?"

The third saint looked at Ye Mo with red eyes, and envy, jealousy and even anger in his eyes were overflowing.

But what's the use?

He is not Ye Mo's opponent at all. Even if he can kill Ye Mo, can he still get the inheritance of the gods back?

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